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Requested By: @hihihihihihihi12346

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Requested By: @hihihihihihihi12346

Waking upto sunlight in my eye's I groaned an sat up looking at the city view, grabbing my phone I called Sav which he instantly answered.

Hey Baby -He said Croaky Babe what's wrong -I said I'm sick -He said I'll be right over -I said Nooooo I don't want to get you sick -He said Yesssss I don't care then u can look after me -I said Laughing.

After the phone call I got straight out of bed an into the shower then I got out an changed into some comfy clothes as I know Savagge is a clingy guy when he's sick which I love.

After the phone call I got straight out of bed an into the shower then I got out an changed into some comfy clothes as I know Savagge is a clingy guy when he's sick which I love

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I finished changing an grabbed my green converse then tied them up, grabbing my bag an my car key's I walked out of my apartment, into the elevator to take me to the garage.

Getting in my car I drove to the boy's house, pulling up I parked behind Savagge's car an got out, Locking the car I walked to the front door an walked in Babas walked passed

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Getting in my car I drove to the boy's house, pulling up I parked behind Savagge's car an got out, Locking the car I walked to the front door an walked in Babas walked passed.

Hey Y/n here to see sick boy -He said giving me a hug Sure am, oh shit I forgot to get stuff don't tell him I came hold on I'll be back -I said Ok -He said.

Running to my car I got in an drove to the store to get some soup from chick Fil A then some of his favourite snack's an a Teddy bear that's say "I Love You".

Arriving back at the house I got out of my car an bolted back inside no boy's were in the living room so I took my shoe's off. Walking into Savagge's room he was knocked out with the Tv on.

So I pulled the teddy bear out an grabbed one of Sav's arm's an made him cuddle it he stirred an I stepped back. Setting the soup on the bedside table an a gatorade.

I took my jumper off an climbed over Savagge to get to the other side an I got under the Duvet, Savagge instantly clung onto me I laughed.

Hello baby -I said running my hand through his hair Mhm -He said kissing my neck he looked at me I'm gonna get you sick -He said pulling back I kissed him an pulled back Oop's you can repay the favor it's fine -I said He laughed an then started slowly dying in a fit of cough's.

Alright drink some water -I said passing him the bottle Thank you -He said taking it an sitting up You got me soup -He asked Of course you have to get better somehow -I said.

Are you hungry or tired -I said I'll eat the soup first -He said Very well -I said also I got you a teddy bear -I said showing it to me Aww thank you baby I love you to -He said.

He finished his soup an put it in his bin You want to take a shower -I said Yeh -He said. We got out of bed an went into the bathroom.

Savagge stripped an got in the shower I grabbed a loufer an put soap on his back then washed his back for him then his front an washed his hair.

We got out of the bathroom an went back into the bedroom an climbed into bed I snuggled upto Savagge Thank you for today baby your a great carer -He said Just doing my job gotta make sure my baby is ok -I said pecking his lip's.

The End.

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