Babas- Birthday

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Everyone had been ignoring me all day or if they spoke to me they wouldn't wish me a happy Birthday, I had my birthday lunch with my work at least they cared an the fact that my boyfriend took the ignoring root so mad.

Everyone had been ignoring me all day or if they spoke to me they wouldn't wish me a happy Birthday, I had my birthday lunch with my work at least they cared an the fact that my boyfriend took the ignoring root so mad

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I just got changed an now I was walking out of me an Babas's room where all the boy's were sat on the lounge I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine.

After grabbing my water bottle I took my phone out an fake called a boy Hey babe yeh I'm on way -I said Getting an offended look from Babas all the boy's staring at me. Yeh no I told him I was going to a work birthday lunch we meeting at the park near the beach -I said walking into the hallway.

Hearing footstep's I turned my head to see Babas Babe -He said Oh so now you want to talk to me -I said Who was that -He said No one -I said Show me your phone -He said I passed it to him Oh you deleted it maybe -He said Nope it was all a joke you and the rest of the boy's have ignored me on my birthday when I thought we would celebrate but no I was hurt -I said It was a joke baby because I have a surprise later -He said Ok pretend I said nothing -I said.

So where are you going -He said To my birthday lunch -I said Oh so it was all a joke -He said Yep because you all ignored me -I said Sorry -Wyl yelled Ok I love you see you at probably 2 or 3 -I said Ok have fun -He said kissing me I kissed back.

I walked out of the house an walked to my car.

Arriving at the restaurant I got out of my car an locked it, walking into the restaurant I saw my work friend's an I sat down next to Lili

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Arriving at the restaurant I got out of my car an locked it, walking into the restaurant I saw my work friend's an I sat down next to Lili.

We had just finished Thank's for the lunch date girl's I'll see ya in 2 week's -I said We will miss you -they all said after I gave them all hug's.

Walking out of the restaurant I hopped into my car an drove back home. Pulling into the driveway next to Savagge's Mercede's. Getting out of the car I see Devonte Hey Dev -I said Hey Y/n here you go -He said passing me a envelope Oh god -I said.

I opened the envelope an saw a letter it read, Hello babe go get dressed nicely I'll see you at Saddle Ranch Love you I closed up the envelope Dev were going to Saddle -I yelled Yes we are -He laughed.

I opened the envelope an saw a letter it read, Hello babe go get dressed nicely I'll see you at Saddle Ranch Love you I closed up the envelope Dev were going to Saddle -I yelled Yes we are -He laughed

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Running inside me an Devonte got changed. After changing I walked out of the bedroom an saw Devonte You look amazing Y/n -He said Thanks Dev -I said.

We hopped into my car an I got to driving to Saddle Ranch, Arriving I parked my car next to Babas's Dodge. Walking inside with Dev I saw everyone I was shocked they all came out as well as Kian an Ayla.

Everyone started singing Happy Birthday I hid my face in my hand's once they ended I said thank you, sitting down next to Babas Hey babe you look amazing -He said Thank you babe you don't look bad yourself -I said leaning in he finished it up with a kiss.

After getting our food we got to eating while having miniature convo's I was chatting with Ayla about little Coast who was also here.

We decided to stay a bit longer just to catch up even more I had Coast in my arm's I knew Babas was eyeing me I looked beside me Yes -I said You'd be a great mum to our children -He said Don't get any idea's yet buddy -I said Just a thought -He said.

After chatting for 2 hour's more an dessert we all decided to head to our house's. Walking outside hand in hand with Babas Hey Devonte -I said Yeh -He said turning around I chucked him my car key's What's this -He said What do you think -I said Your letting me drive your car -He said Yeh of course I'ma ride with Babas if that's ok with you babe -I said now looking at him Of course -He said Your the best Y/n I won't crash it -He said Well I hope you won't -I said.

Hopping into Babas's car he was saying bye to Jc an Crawford an the other's while I just played my phone, The driver door opened an Babas hopped in.

I looked at him Thank's for tonight Babe -I said No problem glad you liked it -He said I did -I said he leaned over an kissed me I kissed back.

We pulled apart Let's go see if Dev has crashed my car -I said Babas just laughed an kept driving.

The End.

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