(SMUT)Andy Webb- Ice Bath Challenge

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Waking upto my alarm I slid out of bed an made my bed I opened the blind's an grabbed my phone going into the closet I grabbed some clothes.

Waking upto my alarm I slid out of bed an made my bed I opened the blind's an grabbed my phone going into the closet I grabbed some clothes

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After changing I grabbed my wallet an phone an left my apartment I walked into the elevator an went down to the garage. Walking out I put my card to my car door an hopped in.

Getting a notification that Jc was live I put it on my screen an drove out of the garage to Jc's house

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Getting a notification that Jc was live I put it on my screen an drove out of the garage to Jc's house. Pulling up I pulled into the driveway their was alot of Tesla's here.

Locking my car I walked up the stair's an knocked on the door it soon opened to Brian Hey Y/n -He said hugging me Hey Brian -I said hugging back Come on through -He said as we walked to Jc's bedroom.

I see Andy leaning against the door so I walk up an lean my head against his shoulder he look's down an smile's Hey darling -He said Hi -I said as he leaned down an kissed me.

"Sister are you here" -Jc said I'm here brother -I said walking in "You doing it" -He said I want to do one by myself, with you an then with Andy -I said "Woah" -He said as Devonte went in Dev stop screaming -I said sitting on Andy's lap.

Devonte got out an next was Jc I sat with the question's When's my birthday Jc -I said "4th of July" -He said Yes -I said as he got out.

"Andy an Rec go in together then Y/n an Andy" -Jc said Ok -Andy said "Y/n you want to go in" -Jc said Yeh -I said walking to it I put my hand in an squealed.

I took my shirt off an passed it to Andy Babe untangle it so I can jump in it please -I said Of course love -He said "Ready sis" -Jc said Yep -I said taking my van's off an passing them to Brian.

"Go" -Jc said I put my toes in an sunk down I breathed Jc I'ma ask the nicest way possible Ask the fucking question's -I said closing my eye's an throwing my head back "When did you an Andy get together" -He said Oh 23th of September 2016 -I said "Good job sister" -He said I climbed out an went to the shower an Andy sprayed my feet.

I put a towel around me an Andy cuddled me an rubbed his arm's up an down my back "Andy an Rec your turn" -Jc said. Standing next to Ryan, Rec grabbed his phone an played music in his ear while Andy stood on the side.

Hey Andy -I said He looked at me Just remember your hot -I said winking He laughed Rec slid in an tried to hold Andy's hand's Andy shaked his head I laughed He's taken Rec -I said the boy's soon got out.

I moved out of the way an stood in the corner "Sis me an you" -Jc said I nodded an took my towel off *Go* -Ryan said me an Jc stepped in an Jc freaked out Fucking relax Jc -I said looking at him Breathe -I said.

*How many colour's in the rainbow* -Ryan said 7 -I said getting out *Yep* -He said Oh my god -I said shaking as Jc hogged the shower Fuck you Jc -I said as I bolted to Andy an he hugged me.

Sad to say for Jc he had to go again but with Devonte, Andy started swaying us so I turned around an wrapped my arm's around him These short's are my favourite on you Andy -I said Thank you baby we match -He said Yes -I said.

"Chat it's now the couple's turn" -Jc said I stood facing backward's Ready Andy -I said Yep bub -He said I put my toes in Sit down babe -He said I sat down knee's to my chest Andy got in an put his leg's beside me.

You couldn't of taken your shirt off Andy -I said He laughed *Ok who was the first president of USA* -Ryan said I wasn't born then -I yelled I'm not from here -Andy said Oh wait George Washington duh -I said *Yes* -Ryan said Holy fuck -I said breathing out as I stepped out.

I grabbed the shower head an sprayed me an Andy's feet Oh my god never again -I said leaning against the wall.

Going into Andy's room Babe -I said Yeh -He said Can I borrow a pair of your short's -I said Yeh am I staying at your's -He said Yep -I said putting some short's on I took my bikini top off an put my shirt back on.

Alright bye brother -I said "Bye sis" -Jc said hugging me, Andy an I walked outside to my car You driving -I said Yeh -He said hopping into the driver seat.

We arrived back at my apartment an got out of the car, walking inside the apartment I locked the door an walked into the bedroom Andy was laying down with his laptop an no shirt on.

I crawled on top of him he looked at me Yes baby -He said I took the laptop an set it on the floor I moved more toward's him he sat up Oh are you horny -He said I nodded.

He flipped us in a heartbeat an took my shirt an short's off he kissed me hard then moved down to my boobs he sucked on one Andy -I moaned out arching my back.

Andy came back up an took his short's an boxer's off he climbed back on an entered in me Oh my god Andy -I said he went faster an leaned down kissing me I kissed back an put my hand's in his hair.

Finishing up we flopped on the bed That was good Andy -I said Mhm -He said bringing me closer an kissing my head.

The End.

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