Danny Garcia- 👩‍👧Rescuing Sister👩‍👧

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Mentions: Abuse, Abusive Family

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Mentions: Abuse, Abusive Family

Hearing the front door open I see it's Danny Hey baby I'm home -He said putting his bag down I can see -I said laughing he came an sat next to me How was your day -He said.

Good uploaded 2 short's, a video, edited one of your vod's for you, an streamed -I said Damn baby you did alot an thank you -He said No problem have you had dinner -I asked Not yet no -He said Well I cooked some their's a plate in the oven for you -I said Thank you bub -He said kissing my cheek.

He came back with his food an started eating while I ate a bag of chip's an we watched one of Jc's old stream's. That was amazing baby but now I'm tired -He said Same -I said yawning Alright missy you need to go to sleep -He said helping me up.

I walked into the bedroom as he washed his dishes an turned everything off I got into my pajamas an got into bed I turned the night light on.

Danny came back in an took his shirt off while sliding into bed I pressed my back up against him an his arm's wrapped around my waist Night baby -He said kissing my cheek Night -I said turning my head an pecking his lip's.

Waking upto my phone ringing I groaned an rolled over grabbing it I see it's 1am an it's my little sister Scarlett who's 10 I answered.

Sis why you ringing me at this time -I whispered Y/n mum an dad are abusing me again can you come get me please -she said whispering while sobbing What I'm on my way be quiet pack all your thing's -I said Thank you -She said I love you Scar -I said I love you to Big sis -She said ending the call.

Babe what's wrong why you yelling -Danny said We need to go now Scarlett's getting abused again she's living with us -I said That's ok Let's go -He said getting out of bed.

I got changed into a warmer outfit as Los Angeles was cold at night.

After changing I ran out of the bedroom with Danny an we left the apartment We'll take my car it's bigger -I said Yep -He said as we left the elevator

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After changing I ran out of the bedroom with Danny an we left the apartment We'll take my car it's bigger -I said Yep -He said as we left the elevator.

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