Savagge- Try not to Laugh

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Rolling over I groaned an sat up Savagge must've already been up I got out of bed an grabbed some clothes an walked out of the bedroom.

Rolling over I groaned an sat up Savagge must've already been up I got out of bed an grabbed some clothes an walked out of the bedroom

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Walking into the bathroom I took a shower an got out. After changing an doing my hair I walked out of the bathroom an Bentley came to me Morning buddy -I said bending down an picking him up he licked my face Hey -I said laughing.

Oh hi Jc -I said seeing him sitting at the kitchen counter Hello Y/n how have you been -He said hugging me Great thank's you -I asked Pretty good -He said What ya doing -I said putting Bentley down.

Well me an the boy's are doing a try not to laugh an chat make us laugh then we go play basketball -He said Ok well I have a funny story so could I be the last one -I said Of course -He said.

The boy's walked in an Savagge came to me Morning baby -He said kissing me Morning Sav -I said hugging him an then walking him backward's He laughed an I pushed him down on the lounge as I layed on him.

He brushed my hair out of my face Chat you ever seen Savagge so in love -Jc said "Yeh every day" -Devonte said I laughed an got of Sav Babe have you seen my laptop -I said Over their on the kitchen counter -He said standing up an tapping my ass.

I walked over an grabbed my laptop an sat at the counter I did a bit of work while the boy's prepared but I moved to the lounge. Opening the sliding door Wyl -I said "Yeh" -He said turning around Can I have Bentley -I said "Of course" -He said Bentley baby come here -I said he ran over an I picked him up an shut the door as I sat on the lounge with him an got back to work with Bentley attacking me.

Hearing that it was the last joke I stood up an opened the door I walked around the boys an sat on the outdoor counter Alright chat ready for my joke -I said to the camera as the boys except Jc looked confused they said Yes.

So boy's I got the privilege to say the final joke are we ready -I said They nodded. Ok so me an Sav went on our 3 year anniversary trip it was like 12am we were at a Airbnb an we were wanting to do the dirty so I headed inside the bedroom an you know got unchanged an got in bed now the Airbnb was small but Sav could fit well he walked in it was pitch black an was saying all this sexy shit next minute he smashes his head on the roof cause they have wood beam's an all I hear is a groan an him falling -I said as Jc spat his water out onto me.

Jc Caylen -I yelled as I gasped everyone spat on me Fucking hell guy's -I said standing up I liked this outfit -I said Ay but was that story funny or did I just get soaking wet for nothing -I said "No that was hella funny Savagge's head just knock" -Jc said I laughed Thank's babe -Sav said No problem -I said as I walked inside.

Sitting on the lounge Savagge walked to me Alright babe were gonna get changed then head out -He said Ok -I said as he tilted my head an kissed me.

The End.

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