Crawford Collins- Among Us IRL

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Sitting in bed just scrolling through social media I was bored it was 11am Crawford had just left the room to get our breakfast

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Sitting in bed just scrolling through social media I was bored it was 11am Crawford had just left the room to get our breakfast.

He walked back in You excited for tonight babe -He said Yes were gonna have so much fun an get drunk -I said as he passed me my food an climbed in next to me.

Have you got your outfit -He said yep what colour are you -I said Dark green -He said Were matching I'm light green -I said Well were leaving at 2pm so we can start early as KnJ want's to -He said Ok -I said.

It was time to leave I put my outfit on...

Walking out of the bedroom I saw all the boy's that were playing we were meeting here as we were gonna follow Jc an Kian

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Walking out of the bedroom I saw all the boy's that were playing we were meeting here as we were gonna follow Jc an Kian.

Ok who's driving -Jc said I can -I said Ok so Y/n, Myself an Colby -Jc said we all agreed I'll take Crawf, Andy an Cristian -I said so we left the house an loaded in our car's.

Arriving at the house I got out of my car as the boy's followed an we entered the house.

While The KNJ team set up we all cracked open a few drink's an drank while chatting I sat down on Crawf's lap his arm's going around me an we got to chatting.

Ladie's an gentlemen the game has started -Jc said coming in the room Ok so Thomas has texted everyone the task's an now he has just sent you if ur imposter or not so game is now in session so everyone shush -He said.

I walked to the side an looked at my phone Imposter Nice I thought walking down the stairs into the Tablet room I saw Wyl walk past so I left the room looked to my left an slit his throat he gasped.

Me an Kian were the Imposter's Kian walked to me I've got Dyl, Andy an Sam -He said I got Wyl where's Crawf -I said Upstairs -He said so I bolted upstairs an walked around.

Babe what are you doing -He said I'm trying to find my next task -I said Don't you have a map -He said No Thomas forgot to text me one -I said glaring at Thomas He put his hand's up Sorry I'll text you know -He said Thank's -I said walking to Crawf an slitting his throat You sligh little lady -He said Ay I'm taller then you bitch -I said leaning down an kissing him.

Walking around I saw Jc an went behind him an slit his throat Ay bitch -He said Shut up -I said next minute the horn went off Walking to the living room I sat down "Talking goes now" -Danny said.

I think it was Cristian -I said as the dead bodie's joined us an Crawf glared at me I winked How was it me -He said Uhm maybe because you chased after me then went to kian an put your hand up sus as fuck if you ask me -I said everyone laughed.

"Ok voting is now Y/n come here" -Danny said Don't talk to your mother like that -I said standing up "Oh shut up" -He said Wait until your father hear's about this -I said glaring at Crawf Yeh don't talk to your mum that way or ur grounded -He said as Danny dragged me outside.

I'm voting Colby just to mess everything up Hah -I said walking in "Ok we have 1 vote Colby" -Danny said Bitch -Colby said I smirked "1 vote Y/n" -Danny said Asshole -I said "3 votes for Christian" -Danny said Wow -Christian said "1 vote Devonte" -Danny said Huh -Dev said I laughed it wasn't me -I said putting my hand's up.

Back to the game I decided to do a quick kill going into the back yard I saw Colby running to him I slit his throat Bitch -He said An I voted you out Hah -I said He glared at me as I ran back inside.

Meeting with Savagee Hello skinny -I said What's up Y/n -He said I grabbed a chair an stood on it an slit his throat Wow -He said I'm a ghost -He said going on the ground.

The final horn went off to say the game finished we met up with everyone That was a great game guy's it's already 11pm we got enough footage so let's go back to our house an we can party -Jc said Let's go -I said going outside to my car.

Arriving home we got out an went inside I sat on the lounge drinking a whiteclaw the music was flowing I soon fell asleep on the lounge.

Waking upto someone's arm's picking me up Go back to sleep bub -Crawf said as he put me in bed I took my shirt an pant's off an just closed my eye's as Crawf kissed my forehead.

The End.

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