Kian Lawley- Human Fooseball

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Getting out of bed I didn't just wake up I had been at meeting's all day an Kian was over at Sam an Colby's house while they were away. The Camboy's were playing Human fooseball.

I decided I wanted to go over to the house as I was Colby's sister, walking to the closet I got changed into a better outfit an grabbed my car key's

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I decided I wanted to go over to the house as I was Colby's sister, walking to the closet I got changed into a better outfit an grabbed my car key's.

I decided I wanted to go over to the house as I was Colby's sister, walking to the closet I got changed into a better outfit an grabbed my car key's

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Opening the front door I locked it an walked out unlocking my car I hopped in an turned it on grabbing my phone I texted Colby.

Lil Sis🌺
Hey Colb's as you know the boy's are at your house could I pop over an I know you have a carton of water can I give it to them an buy you another pack.

Big Bro Colby
Hey sis of course you can you don't have to pay me back their's 2 more pack's in the storage room the 1st pack is in the fridge so their nice an cold.

Lil Sis🌺
Ok thank's bro have a safe trip

Putting my phone down I drove to Sam an Colby's house an pulled into the driveway behind Kian's car I got out an unlocked the front door as I have a key.

Walking in I shut the door an locked it going into the kitchen I opened the door to the fridge an grabbed the packet of water's an the ice maker I opened each lid off the water bottle's an put ice ball's in the water bottle an put them back in the packet.

I opened the door an shut it Hey guy's -I said everyone looked to me an cheered You want some water's -I said "Omg your a life saver" -Wyl said I laughed as everyone ran over They have ice in them so their Icy -I said "Even better" -Devonte said.

Kian walked over to me an smiled he wrapped his arm's around me an kissed me Hi baby -He said Hello Ki -I said You look cute -He said playing with my hair Thank's -I said laughing.

Alright let's start -Jc said I pecked Kian's lip's he smiled an walked over I went to Taylor an sat down You want a water Tay -I said ^Of course^ -She said as I grabbed 2 for me an her.

I left Taylor an went to the game Kian -I said Yes baby -He said looking at me Can I have your hat -I said smiling He laughed Of course -He said walking over an setting the hat on my head he tilted my head an kissed me.

Kian scored an I cheered Yes baby that's my man -I said He laughed an blew me a kiss Kian scored again God you get hotter everytime Kian -I said Everyone laughed as I passed Kian his hat an kissed him.

Suddenly the ball went over so I ran over an jumped on the wall of the Fooseball an bounced to get onto the wall I climbed over an stood up Baby you ok -Kian said Perfect -I said as I chucked the ball over Ow I hear I gasped Kian did I just hit you -I said Mhm -He said Sorry -I said laughing.

Climbing onto a tree I see all the boy's waiting with open arm's Don't trust me boy's huh -I said as I swung my leg's over the wall an sat "How the fuck did you do that" -Kevin said I laughed Did you forget I used to do Trapeze -I said "Oh right" -He said Kian walked to me an put his arm's up I fell into his arm's an he caught me.

Standing while watching the game Y/n you want to ref -Kevin said Yeh -I said jumping over the wall Alright boy's let's do this -I said grabbing the ball an rolling it soon the ball came flying to my face an hit me Ouch -I said falling backward's.

Babe are you ok -Kian said laughing Yep all good -I said standing up an kissing kian "I'm so sorry y/n" -Scotty said Hey it's ok accident's happen your gonna get hit in this game -I said patting his shoulder.

The game finished an I was in the kitchen I left $40 on the counter an a note "For the water's" I put another packet in the fridge an Kian came in Ready babe -He said I nodded Really babe you left money -He said I already told Colby well he said not to but who care's -I said Kian smiled an kissed me hard Alright Kian let's not fuck in my brother's house yeh -I said He laughed well we better get home quick -He said lifting me up an running me out the door.

The End.

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