Mando- 🎧🍀Silent Party🎧🍀

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Waking upto my phone blowing up I grabbed my phone and groaned to see multiple message's.

Crawford Collins: We need you

Mando: Help Baby

Jc: Hey Y/n may you wake up I know you need your beauty sleep but we need help setting this silent party up your our tech girl

Laughing to my self I sat up I sent Jc a message I'm awake but am I invited He responded Of course you are your helping but wear green He replied.

I got out of bed and looked for clothes finding an outfit I got changed sprayed some perfume and grabbed my phone and wallet walking out of my bedroom I grabbed my key's off the key hook

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I got out of bed and looked for clothes finding an outfit I got changed sprayed some perfume and grabbed my phone and wallet walking out of my bedroom I grabbed my key's off the key hook.

I am a Dj like Crawf but more professional I was well known but any parties for Jc I will alway's allow Crawf to do as he just does playlist amazing playlist by the way but I do remix's I also sing.

Going outside to my car I unlocked it and drove to Jc's house I pulled in to his driveway and parked the car getting out of the car I locked it and headed inside.

I'm here -I yelled "Y/n sorry to wake you up great outfit but we need you" -Jc said Ok what's up -I said "Go to Crawford that's your job his area" -He said Ok can I say hi to my boyfriend -I said "Of course out the back" -He said Thank you -I said.

Walking out the back door Hey baby what ya doin -Mando said Hi I'm here to help -I said leaning in and kissing him Thank you love the outfit I'll see you around -He said Ok love you -I said Love you to -He said.

Going into Crawf's room The hero is Here -I said Thank god how r u -He said hugging me Good good you -I said Nervous but great -He said Ok what's up -I said I need song suggestion's -He said Ok you want any remix's -I said Yeh your's are great let's also add a song of your's to -He said Ok fine -I said.

We completed the playlist and now we were outside setting up I was hanging Irish streamer's up and 4 leaf clover's.

Finishing doing my job I helped Crawford get his area done Thank's Y/n -He said No problem Crawf if you need help with the djing I'm your person Ok -I said Of course -He said.

People were starting to arrive I stood to the side while Jc did his stream, Mando controlled camera's, Crawford djed and I said hello.

Feeling an arm wrap around my neck I looked up Hey baby you good -He said Yep -I said Can you stay with me tonight bub -I said Yeh drink we can stay here I already asked Jc he said we are more then welcome to sleep in Brian's room cause he's going to Renaldo's -He said Oh ok sick I'll go get a drink -I said Ok I love you -He said Love you to -I said.

After getting a drink Jc handed me some headphone's "I gave you a tip for helping" -He said You didn't have to Jc your letting me stay here tonight cause I am drinking -I said "Your welcome to stay anyday" -He said Thank you -I said "No problem" -He said.

Let's just say I was drunk but everyone was heading home I was currently pulling Savagge away from the front door us 2 drunk off our ass's him trying to drive me being a nice friend and saving him.

Get your little skinny ass inside you bitch you ain't driving you gonna kill yourself I need you to stay Savagge -I yelled Y/n I'm getting a hoodie -He said Oh -I said letting go and him flying into the door Oh shit -I said Sorry -I said.

Oww -He said all the boy's were laughing Mando were going to bed -I said grabbing his arm Alright goodnight boy's -He yelled "Night" -They yelled back.

Taking off our clothes and getting into bed I snuggled into the cover's ahh this is nice -I said Yes it it -Mando said Night babe -I said Night love you -He said love you to -I said kissing him He kissed back after pulling away we soon napped away.

The End.

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