David Alvarez- Stealing friends stuff for clout

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Waking up to the sunlight in my eye's I groaned an rubbed my eye's sitting up I breathed in Life was amazing at the moment the only thing I needed was my boyfriend in my bed.

Me an David have been dating for 7 year's now both 32 yes we don't live together but that's in the process I had just bought what I would say is my dream house 4 bed 3 bath pool an gym plus office so amazing but David had to get thing's done with his apartment an we have lived together before but then I moved to France for work for 3 year's an then came back to my apartment moved into this house an yeh.

Me an David have been dating for 7 year's now both 32 yes we don't live together but that's in the process I had just bought what I would say is my dream house 4 bed 3 bath pool an gym plus office so amazing but David had to get thing's done with ...

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After getting changed I made my way downstair's to my kitchen I was a fashion designer/model/youtuber so I was very busy but I worked on my own schedule except modelling my manager organize's everything.

Finishing up my breakfast I washed the dish an put it in the dishwasher, Grabbing my laptop I went into my office an started going through my email's.

I decided to head out to get some snack's I had food I just wanted snack's grabbing my car key's I went outside to my car.

I decided to head out to get some snack's I had food I just wanted snack's grabbing my car key's I went outside to my car

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Hopping in an turning the car on I reversed out an drove to Ralph's. Arriving I pulled into a parking spot an got out, Walking through the door's I grab a shopping cart an strolled through the aisle's.

Loading the bag's into my car I took the shopping cart to it's area an walked back to my car hopping in I drove out to the main road.

My phone started ringing so I connected it to my bluetooth an answered it to see it was David Hello -I said putting my blinker on Hi babe do you mind if me an Kevin stop by in like an hour -He said Of course but I'm not home at the moment -I said Where are you -He said Well I'm driving home but I was at Ralph's getting more Snack's -I said.

Ok well get back to driving an I love you an I'll see you in 30 min's to an hour -He said Love you to bye -I said Bye -He said. Pulling into my driveway I parked outside an got out of the car.

Unlocking my front door I opened it an opened my trunk grabbing bag's I walked in an put them on the kitchen counter walking back out I grabbed the boxes of drink's an carried them inside.

Closing my trunk I locked my car an headed inside shutting the door I breathed out an went back into my office to do more work.

A knock came from my door I stood up an walked to it opening it I saw Kevin an David with Rec as the camera guy Hey guy's come on in why we recording -I said.

David is being my assistant for the day so I told him to bring me to his rich girlfriend's house -Kevin said as we walked to the living room Oh right but how am I rich when I drive a Nissan Altima Kevin -I said.

Oh Y/n we know you have 3 car's on Order -He said Hey -I said laughing So y/n what is something that mean's the most to you -Kevin said Uh David -I said Thank you baby -David said.

Darling come here -David said I walked through to the living room from my office Yes -I said Sit down -Kevin said Oh is this where I find out David's been cheating on me with you Kevin -I said Hahah no -Kevin said as he pushed me on the lounge.

So me an David here are about to hit our subscriber goal but we need you to tell them otherwise you lose all these -Kevin said pulling out my charger an a small frame What the fuck -I said Say it baby come on give us our clout an I'll stay the night -David said.

I faced the camera Go subscribe to David Alvareeezy an Kevin Langue go like the latest video, comment you came from my section an go cop some merch even though mine's better an go follow them on all Social media platform's -I said.

Kevin an David look at eachother That was perfect -Kevin said Yeh except the merch -David said Excuse me you said mine's better an comfier then Kevin's so shut up -I said to David Oh you really said that huh -Kevin said I laughed.

Kevin an Rec left while David sat next to me You really through me under the bus -He said I laughed Ay but did you not say that -I said Well yes -He said Then case closed -I said Oh were doing this today yeh -He said picking me up an throwing me over his shoulder.

You have a fat ass -I said smacking it He smacked my ass Ay -I squealed as he throwed me on the bed Now sleep -He said Baby it's 4pm -I said So with me in bed your gonna knock out -He said Damn right -I said as he climbed in bed an I dragged my nail's against his chest that tickles baby -He said laughing.

The End.

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