(REQUESTED)- Crawford Collins

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Requested By: jjlovesfruit

Requested By: jjlovesfruit

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Past Lifetime Y/n's POV

Today was the premiere for Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw I was a regular cast member right now I was getting my hair an makeup done as I am already dressed.

Today was the premiere for Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw I was a regular cast member right now I was getting my hair an makeup done as I am already dressed

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C4 house POV
Jc grabbed the mail from the letterbox an walked inside Boy's Mail's here -Jc yelled as everyone came through. Ooh for Crawford Collins -Oscar said.

Hi Crawford I would like to inform that You, Jc Caylen, Kian Lawley, Brian Terada, Dylan Statham, Ryan Abe have all been invited to the premiere for Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw you will be in Y/n Holland's Section.

Event happen's on 13 of July, please email this Fast&Furious@ gmail.com an we will send you ur ticket's via email hope you enjoy.

Regard's Fast an Furious

Crawford finished reading holy shit were going to be in Y/n's section Crawf will see his crush -Brian said Uh guy's that's in a week -Dyl said Holy shit if you don't have suit's get one if u do wear it -Crawf said.

Y/ns POV

Arriving at the venue I got out of the van an walked inside seeing Dwayne Johnson I hugged him You look gorgeous -He said Thank you, u don't look bad yourself -I said.

We all got a group photo an single photo's, walking inside I saw my area an said Hi to most people making my way to a group of boys Hi I'm Y/n hope you boy's love the movie -I said Seeing a boy with blonde hair stand up I'm Crawford your stunning -He said Your not bad looking yourself -I said winking.

After the movie I stood up an made my way to Crawford Hi sorry again -I said No no -He said Uhm I just wanted to give you my number as I think your really good looking -I said He started blushing Thank you ur hot yourself -He said I laughed an we swapped number's.

Real Time POV

An kid's that's how I met your mother -Crawf said to our 5 year old an 3 year old I started laughing. After I had gave my number to crawford we had a few date's he asked me to be his girlfriend a month after then that night we did the deed an welcomed our 5 year old girl Cecilia to the world.

Then 2 year's later we welcomed our baby boy Corey to the world an now were married an expecting our 3rd child our 2nd baby girl.

The End.

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