Dyl Statham- 💔Love is not their💔

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Pulling into my driveway I got out of the car an locked it walking to my front door I unlocked it an walked in putting my bag down on the console table in the hallway I slipped my heel's off

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Pulling into my driveway I got out of the car an locked it walking to my front door I unlocked it an walked in putting my bag down on the console table in the hallway I slipped my heel's off.

I slumped onto my lounge an laid their my phone started ringing I answered What -I said Damn sorry -Dyl said Nah I'm just tired from work -I said Aw sorry well their's a dinner at Saddle tonight with the crew Jc was mean't to send you a message for your approval -He said Oh let me check yeh he did sorry I've been busy -I said That's ok send him an ok now -He said Ok -I said.

Hey Jc yeh I'll be their tonight

That's all good I know you've been busy

Yeh work's been so tight

All good see ya tonight 7pm

See ya

Texted -I said Ok see ya tonight -Dyl said Yep bye -I said Bye -He said It was already 5pm so I stood up. A knock came from my door Oh my god -I groaned as I walked to it.

Opening it to see my mailman Hey -I said "Hi you have 7 package's" -He said Damn -I said As he pushed the boxes in Thank you -I said.

I signed the paper an he left Ooh what do I have here -I said seeing a Tixxo box I sat on the floor an opened it Hey Y/n here's the newest drop for when you need to snuggle up an be comfy after a long's day of work Love Jc an Tixxo -I read.

Looking at my phone oh shit 30 minute's left -I said after opening all my packagexs which was Tixxo, Prime, Amazon packages, Kian's New merch.

Walking into my bedroom I grabbed a outfit an had a quick shower. Quickly getting changed I did my makeup an my hair which was natural an in a ponytail.

I ordered a uber an left my house seeing the uber pull up I hopped in an told the driver where to go

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I ordered a uber an left my house seeing the uber pull up I hopped in an told the driver where to go.

Pulling up I saw the friend group at a table I smiled an exited the vehicle "Damn girl you look hot" -Chelsey yelled I laughed an soon saw Sam an Colby Oh my god your here -I said pointing to them they laughed Yeh -They yelled.

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