Andy Webb- Cheater

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Waking upto my alarm I groaned an turned it off Today I would be surprising my boyfriend Andy in America I was actually moving their I had already bought a house an I was moving to be closer with Andy an I was a model an alot of the brand's were f...

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Waking upto my alarm I groaned an turned it off Today I would be surprising my boyfriend Andy in America I was actually moving their I had already bought a house an I was moving to be closer with Andy an I was a model an alot of the brand's were from America so they thought it was helpful.

Waking upto my alarm I groaned an turned it off Today I would be surprising my boyfriend Andy in America I was actually moving their I had already bought a house an I was moving to be closer with Andy an I was a model an alot of the brand's were f...

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Getting out of bed I got changed an grabbed my 2 suitcase's an back pack. Walking down the stair's to my parent's "Aw I'm gonna miss you sweetheart" -Mum said It's ok mum I'll be back visiting -I said "Please do your the last kid to move out" -She said An I'm not even the youngest -I said "But that mean's you love home" -She said Well that's true I'm gonna miss the dog's -I said.

Me an my dad loaded the car an hopped in It's gonna be emotional without you home -Dad said driving Well that's what happen's when you have 5 kid's -I said True -He said as we arrived at the Airport.

Getting out of the car Alright dad I'll see you next time I visit -I said Alright honey have fun an say hi to Chelsey an Andy alright -He said Ok -I said hugging him.

Touching down in Los Angeles I got off the plane an rang Chelsey "Hello" -She said Hey Chels I'm here -I said "Oh my god I am so sorry honey I haven't left yet I've been at Jc's do you want Andy to pick you up but I wont tell him who" -She said Yeh -I said.

Sitting outside on a seat it was now 6pm an I was bored waiting for my boyfriend to arrive who didn't know. Seeing a car pull up I see Andy get out with another chick who looked like Ella I laughed to myself as they kissed.

Grabbing my luggage I grabbed my water bottle an walked toward's them opening my water Andy looked up an I dumped the water over him an Ella You cheating bastard 7 year's for what down the drain an you I've heard of you your a bitch Fuck you Andy delete my number -I said crying.

Baby please I'm sorry -Andy said running after me an grabbing my arm Fuck off Andy I fly over here to surprise you oh sorry wait no move over here you dickhead to be closer to you an your cheating all along so did you think moving here you could forget about me -I said No baby -He said.

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