Kian Lawley- Gone Wrong

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Warning: Seizures

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Warning: Seizures

Grabbing my phone to see a text from Kian it was 9am an I had just come back from a run.

Hey baby as you know today were filming Among Us IRL at the Mansion do you want to come help us behind scene's I'll come home an pick you up

Of course bub I'll get ready

Thank you baby wear Pink to support your smexy boyfriend

I laughed an put my phone down I walked into our bedroom an looked through the closet Kian want's me to wear pink I'll  wear pink.

I laughed an put my phone down I walked into our bedroom an looked through the closet Kian want's me to wear pink I'll  wear pink

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After changing I smiled into the mirror Nice -I said Today was a chilly day in California so I was going warm. The front door opened an I walked out into the living room.

Damn baby you took the job to heart -Kian said laughing Well duh got to alway's support the boyfriend -I said hugging him He laughed.

Me an Kian got in his Tesla an we drove to the mansion that they had rented out. Arriving I got out of the car an grabbed Kian's hand It's 4 level's baby -He said as I laughed.

We walked inside an Jc saw me Hello Y/n thank you for helping us set everything up -He said No problem Jc happy to help -I said Alright could you go set the Roman Numeral's up -He said Of course -I said grabbing the Ipad an the tape.

Walking into the room I turned the light on an looked at the roman numeral's I had to do an taped them on the wall. I went back onto the main floor an sat at the table.

It was now afternoon after helping around for awhile the boy's started the video an everyone else arrived I went to Kian he smiled an wrapped his arm's around me Hi baby -He said Hello -I said I love you -He said I love you to -I said smiling at him he leaned down an pecked my lip's.

The game started an I walked downstairs to the wire's task as everyone was in the meeting an the flashing light's caught my attention I have bad epilepsy so I looked around an soon dropped Love you kian -I said closing my eye's an soon I was gone into a seizure.

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