Jc Caylen- Sleepover In Vegas

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Knocking on the door as I hear Jc an Rec speaking to their stream's, the door opened Hey baby -Jc said Hi -I said walking in an putting my bag down.

Walking into the bathroom I got changed into my pajama's an walked out of the room into the bedroom Bub can I put this on the ground -I said Yeh babe -He said I lifted his suitcase an put it on the ground.

Climbing into the bed Babe can you sleep on that side -Jc said pointing to the side closest to the window Sure -I said moving to the other side Chat Is Jc drunk -I said Jc looked offended I laughed You are to -He said Shut up -I said grabbing my phone an propping myself up.

Playing my phone Jc stood up Babe sit down -I said Whyyy -He said coming over an sitting on my lap Ouch -I said pushing him down while going on top of him an tickling him Hey hey -He said laughing This is a family channel guy's come on -Rec said.

"Hey guy's you should go see if they have matching pj's in the gift shop" A message said My head went up That's a good idea -Jc said moving me off him an sitting on the chair Guy's you made Rec happy -Jc said I laughed.

Jc reacted to a clip of him swallowing a shot off Rec's dick an in the background everyone yelled he's a spitter I slipped out of bed an looked at the camera an nodded Baby -Jc yelled laughing while tackling me I laughed.

Chat I don't have dirty feet why do you think I'm not in bed with my baby cause I feel dirty -He said Jc walked over an sniffed Rec's armpit Justin Castillo -I yelled laughing Eww -I said he looked at me an smirked No no -I said sliding out of bed an jumping over the chair he ran an tackled me smashing us into the wall.

We laughed an Rec came an recorded us Nah these 2 are drunk off their asses -Rec said I was rolling around laughing. Laying back in bed Jc called Devonte an they spoke.

The boy's stood up Where yall going -I said To the gift short to get pjamas I'll get you some -Jc said passing the camera to Rec as he left Jc crawled onto the bed an kissed me I kissed back I love you -He said I love you to cutie -I said Stop it your getting me flustered -He said I laughed an pushed him as he ran out.

I closed my eye's an slid down so I was under the cover's. Hearing someone enter an then answer their phone Bro why don't you come drink -Wyl said Y/n is asleep an me an Rec are tired -Jc said I understand -Wyl said.

Groaning I sat up an opened my eye's Hello baby nice nap -Jc said I nodded Here's your pajama top -Jc said walking to me I groaned Rec go in the bathroom -Jc said Rec left an Jc took my shirt off an slipped the Las Vegas shirt on I smiled.

Can I go back to sleep -I said Of course baby -He said leaning down an pecking my lip's Love you -He mumbled I love you to -I said squeezing his cheek's.

I closed my eye's an rolled over facing Rec I looked at Jc Damn baby your arm's looking strong in that shirt -I said Jc laughed Please do not fuck while I am in this room -Rec said We would never -I said.

Jc left the room to get something an Rec was talking to the camera I closed my eye's an fell asleep hearing footstep's run I looked over an rec was gone What the fuck -I said mhm I groaned closing my eye's.

I grabbed a laptop an looked at the comment's Rec you hungry -I said What -He said Your rubbing your belly -I said Oh yeh -He said.

Jc came back Oh your awake babe -He said Can't sleep -I said Oop -He said sitting at the end of the bed I slid the laptop back an closed my eye's Where's my teddy bear -I said You didn't have one babe -Jc said Yes I did -I said Where -He said You -I said He laughed I'll be there soon babe close your eye's an our voice's should snooze you away -He said I laughed.

The light's were out an Jc crawled into bed next to me Goodnight -He said Night -I said putting a arm an leg over his waist his arm's went around me Night -Rec said I closed my eye's an we all snoozed away.

The End.

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