(SLIGHT SMUT)Dyl- Halloween Bar

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Getting changed into my Halloween outfit Today all of us well the Camboy's an me as I was Jc's little sister an dating Dylan also being a filmer for Jc as I loved videography.

Getting changed into my Halloween outfit Today all of us well the Camboy's an me as I was Jc's little sister an dating Dylan also being a filmer for Jc as I loved videography

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After getting changed the bedroom door opened No way -Dyl said laughing I went over the edge when I saw he was Fiona we were laughing our asses off.

We walked out of the room into the living room Oh my god Babas that is massive -I said, After getting all our thing's me, Babas and Dyl got into Babas car You want me to drive -I said Yeh can you -Babas said Sure pass the key's -I said which he handed them to me.

First we had to get Babas into the car with struggle Dyl got in the backseat, I got in the driver seat an turned the car on an drove to Jc's house.

Parking on the side of the road behind Crawford's Tesla, turning off the car me an Dyl got out of the car an we got Babas out. Walking into Jc's house Jc came out streaming Ay we got the Fiona the Gingerbread an the Grandma Y/n is that a mask -He asked No It's makeup -I said Wow how long that take -He said 2hr's -I said.

Who's driving -Jc said as we all were outside I will I'm not drinking -I said Ok who's car -Dyl said Take mine -Crawford said Ok go get your card -I said.

Crawf passed me the Tesla card an we all hopped in the car Crawf in the passenger the car was on Babas you good -I said turning to him yeh -He said Ok -I said.

I drove off an the music was on an we were all chatting All of a sudden Jc unzip me I'm gonna die -Babas screamed laughing Jc was already drunk so he kept laughing I pulled over an got out of the car an opened the back door laughing.

Unzipping the back of Babas suit Thank you -He said No problem everyone else is drunk so gotta save you -I said, Walking around the car I drove off the side of the Highway an drove to the place.

Arriving at the place I parked in the parking spot an got out of the car, after everyone was out of the car we all stood around waiting for Brian, Christian, Rec an Dev.

Baby -I said going upto Dyl Yes love -He said Kiss -I said He smiled an leaned down and kissed me Ay I didn't know Fiona was lesbian -Jc yelled Rec came running upto us.

Fiona what are you doing kissing a grandma -He said I needed one more kiss before party time -Dyl said Oh so your lesbian -Rec said Their's nothing wrong with being a lesbian she might just enter in the race to win me -He said An I think I'm winning -I said Kissing Dyl.

Jc we've got some competition -Rec said Really who -Jc said Grandma -Rec said Gosh the Grandma win's everyone over -He said I laughed.

We entered into the Karaoke place an got to our room I sat down as we were given instruction's.

Once the person left an we gave them our food order's an drink order's we got to singing. I was behind the camera helping with recording Babas walked out the door.

Babygirl come up here -Dyl said to me I looked at him an saw he was speaking to Jc Hey Y/n is jealous -Jc whispered. Dyl came off the seat Don't be jealous -He said I'm not -I huffed Your jealous of a boy -He whispered I'm not Jealous I just want you to actually acknowledge me like kiss or hug me like I love seeing you have fun that's all I want for you but me -I said frowning.

Come with me -He said Ok -I said we left the room Dyl kinda stumbling we entered the bathroom an a stall Dyl put his lip's to mine I kissed back an wrapped my arm's around his neck he entered his tongue.

Dyl sat me down on the toilet I'm gonna make you happy obviously we can't fuck cause I don't wanna fuck you looking like fiona but I will make you happy -He said.

The toilet seat lid was closed an I slid down while Dyl got on his knee's he flicked his tongue over my vagina I moaned Baby be quiet -He said he continued to eat me out Holy shit -I whispered he kept eating me out until I cummed I bit down on my hand until my orgasm was over.

Dyl sat up an grabbed some toilet paper an wiped up the mess Dyl I don't think I can stand up -I said laughing he laughed an helped me up I never thought I would see the day were I was getting eat out by Fiona from Shrek -I said cracking up which sent Dyl over the edge.

Are you happy now -He said Yeh -I said he kissed me one last time an opened the stall door an we walked out. Making it to our Karaoke room we entered an everyone stared at us Where did you go -Brian asked Oh we just went an had a talk -I said Oh yeh so why were you limping -Devonte said None of your business -Dyl said going back onto the lounge.

After singing for 2 more hour's an eating an drinking we were finished, Walking out of the place Crawf key -I said He got his wallet out an passed it to me Here you go -He said Thank's -I said getting in the car.

I watched everyone muck around an act crazy Crawford got chased by Babas all the boy's confessed their love for Dyl I laughed the entire time an pulled Jc's stream up on The Tesla screen.

Dyl got in the car next to me an the boy's all crowded in the backseat an I pulled out of the parking lot an drove to Jc's house. Arriving we got out an I passed Crawf his key an got him an Jc in the house as they were most likely black out drunk.

After they were settled I got Babas key's off of him an hopped in the driver seat with Babas next to me an drove home.

The End.

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