26 Jorge 

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We turn to see an open door. Light was shining through and we could see the shape of a girl.

    "Who's that?" Frypan wondered.

She walked towards us, Cranks reaching at her, but she didn't flinch. The creatures snarled and reached, but couldn't get to her.

    "Stay back! Stay back!" Minho warned.
She stopped in front of us.
With a flashlights, I can now see her face, her hair was cut extremely short, she looked young maybe one or two years older than us couldn't be more.

     "You guys look like shit." She smiled. "Come on. Follow me." She looked at us. "Unless you want to stay here with them."

We didn't really have much choice, but to follow her.


She led us inside. It was large lights lit up the building there were people, actual people.

    "Come on, keep up. Jorge wants to meet you." The girl said, leading us through.

There were beds and camps set up where people were sleeping. We followed her some stairs.

   "Who's Jorge?" Thomas asked.

    "You'll see." She answered It was hard, not to notice that everyone stared at us as we passed. "No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious. And me, too."

I looked behind me, quite close people were following us.
A man smiled, he was missing many teeth. I didn't like him at all.

    "Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Newt wondered.

     "Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Thomas told us.

We followed the girl at more stairs till we reach the top, no one else was in this room, except for a man sitting at a desk in front of a window.

    "Jorge, they're here." The girl said.

The man was busy, listening to radio chatter, it wasn't clear but it was mainly static. The man turned the radio off exhaling sharply.

We stick together as men who followed us watched closely. The man who must be Jorge stood up, turning to face us.

    "Do you ever get the feeling the whole world's against you?" Jorge asked. We all looked at each other, sharing the same thought, this man has no idea. "Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit? Don't all answer at once."

    "We're headed for the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm." When Thomas said that the men standing around us laughed.

    "You're looking for ghosts, you mean." Jorge smiled, taking a sip from a glass he just poured. "Question number two." Jorge walked closer. "Where did you come from?"

     "That's our business." Minho answered.

Jorge just gave a certain look and the men grabbed us roughly, keeping us back.

   "Get the hell off me, man!" Thomas grunted being forced to his knees.

    "Shut up, you big baby." The girl said, holding Thomases head down and scanning the back of his neck. "You were right."
The girl handed the thing that she used to scan Thomas with over to Jorge.

    "Right about what? What is she talking about?" Thomas asked as Jorge smiled.

    "I'm sorry, hermano. Looks like you're tagged. You came from WICKED. Which means you're very valuable." Jorge said, and the men closed in on us slowly.


    "Good plan, Thomas. 'Just hear what the man has to say.' Really working out for us." Minho told Thomas.

    "Oh, shut up, Minho." Thomas groaned.

We were hanging by our feet below us was a long for a drop to most likely would be deadly rocks. The room was dark having no lights.

    "Maybe I can reach the rope." Thomas grunted, trying to reach up, but failed.

    "Enjoying the view?" Jorge asked as he walked in.

    "What the hell do you want?" Thomas asked.

    "That is the question. My men want to sell you back to WICKED. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not either." Jorge said.

    "Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho wondered.

     "Pobably both." I tell him.

    "Tell me what you know about the Right Arm." Jorge ignored Minho and I.

   "I thought you said they were ghosts." Newt reminded him.

    "I happen to believe in ghosts. Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves." Jorge walked over to the lever for our ropes. "You tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal."

    "We don't know much." Thomas claimed.

Jorge did not like that answer, he pushed the lever forward and we dropped quickly a couple inches coming to a sudden stop.

    "Okay! Okay, all right. They're hiding in the mountains. And they attacked WICKED. They got out a bunch of kids. That's it that's all we know." Thomas told him.

Jorge walked forward, opening his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

    "Yo, Jorge." The man that smiled before walked in. "What's going on?"

    "Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted. We're done now." Jorge started to leave.

    "Hey, wait. You're not gonna help us?" Thomas asked.

    "Don't worry, hermano. We'll get you back to where you belong." Jorge smiles. "Hang tight." Jorge left


    "Minho, Ready?" Thomas asked.

     "Yeah. Gotcha, one, two, three." Minho pushed Teresa over towards the lever.

    "Oh, shit." Minho cursed as she just barely missed.

    "Getting closer." I say as she swung back over.
We tried again, and she missed.

    "Come on, Minho. Push her harder!" Newt said.

I spun around, feeling the blood rushing to my head more.

    "This is it. One... two... three!" Minho pushes Teresa forward. "Yes!"
Teresa grabbed onto the bar.

    "Yes!" Newt smiled."
Teresa twisted her self over.

    "Teresa hurry!" Thomas yelled.
She grabbed the bar and we dropped down till only our feet were above the floor that Teresa was on.

She untied her self before helping us.

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