October 3rd

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You were lost, hungry, scared and alone.

You hadn't seen anyone in so long, you feared the park was closed.

That you had gotten locked in and everyone went home.

Your parents wouldnt have left without you though....

They knew you were missing.

You wiped away the hot tears that had escaped from your eyes.

Your vision had to be clear - not blurry!

You had to find your way out of these underground tunnels!

You had no one to blame for your stupidity but yourself!

You got separated in the scare maze.

As soon as that man with the chainsaw started chasing you - you ran to the left, while your parents ran to the right.

You were just trying to make it out of the maze....so when you saw a cracked open door - you ran into it, slamming the door shut behind you.

You didn't realize you had run straight into a maintainaince room....and you didn't realize the door had automatically locked behind you.

You banged on the door for what felt like hours - but over the loud rollercoasters overhead and blaring Halloween music mixing with the chainsaw sounds and screams of joyful horror from the park guests - no one could hear you.

You would have called for help, had you not dropped your phone somewhere while you were running for your life.

You explored the maintenance room for something to use to get the door open, but it was just a bunch of old broken horror animatronics.

There was a trap door in the floor though....that led to the dark tunnels beneath the park.

You didn't really want to go down there....but you were getting desperate.

You had already used the tiny room trashcan to poop in, and the smell was starting to make you naseous.

You dropped the trash bag down into the tunnel - but the smell still wafted up into the small maintenance room.....

No one came to let you out, so eventually you just swallowed your fear, and climbed down the sturdy metal
ladder into the tunnels...

You shouldn't have....

You promptly got lost.

You found plenty of other ladders but all the trap doors they led up to - presumingly to other mazes- were locked tight and no one was answering your bangs and calls for help.

You were on your own....wandering around in the dark.

It was so hot in the tunnels, that you eventually stripped naked and just....passed out from pure heat exhaustion.

You don't know how long you were out....but when you woke up you were covered in sweat, vomit, pee....and something hot and sticky between your spread open legs.

You also had the worst stomach cramps of your life.

Your whole body felt sore.... especially your vagina.

Your first thought was that you had been raped.

Especially when you noticed the bite marks on your bare breasts and the blood between your thighs.

Someone had found you....and instead of helping you - just raped your unconscious body.

Devastated, you made it to your feet, and broke down in sobs when you felt slimy fluid run out of your sore vagina and down your bloody inner thighs.

You limped around the tunnels looking for the monster who raped you down here.... but you were all alone.

All the trap doors - including the one to the maintenance room- were now locked tight.

You couldn't even find your discarded clothes from earlier!

Whoever snuck down here and attacked you must have taken it with them as some sort of sick souvenir!

You ended up curling up into a ball and sobbing yourself to sleep from the worsening stomach pain....

This time you were woken up by the sound of a trap door opening....

You quickly sat up when you saw a bright flashlight shining down into the tunnel.

"- You said you heard something down there?" You heard a man's voice say from above.

"Not something - some ONE! I heard crying!" A concerned woman responded.

"Probably just sewer rats." The man sighed.

"No! It sounded human! Like a girl! Maybe it's her!" The woman gasped.

"-Who?!" The guy asked.

"That girl everyone's been looking for -Billie!"

You climbed to your feet and hurried over to the ladder.

It was two security guards.

"- Oh, thank god!" You cried in relief.

"Hey! Park's closed ma'am! You can't be DOWN there! You're gonna have to leave before I call the cops!" The male guard growled angrily as he put a hand on the gun on his hip.

"- Please help me! I got trapped down here! I was attacked! I - I've been raped I need help!" You sobbed.

"-I'm sorry to hear that MA'AM but the park is CLOSED! A girl's gone missing! You're gonna have to LEAVE!" The man screamed.

"- IT'S ME I'M THE MISSING GIRL! I'M BILLIE!" You cried, before telling them you got separated from your parents running from the chainsaw man.

"-Move outta my way! Are you alright sweetie? Can you climb up the ladder? What's your last name darling?" The compassionate female guard said, bumping the male guard out of the way with her hip.

"- O'CONNELL! My name's Billie O'Connell!" You sobbed, as you grabbed onto the ladder and started to climb up it.

"- O'Connell? Damn! It's not her!" The heavyset woman  snapped to the other guard before looking down at you.
"- Sorry, sweetie! We can't help you! We're looking for a missing girl named Billie Eilish!" Then she slammed the trap door shut in your face - leaving you trapped in the darkness below.

Your heart sank when you heard her lock it.

"- WAIT!" You cried in a panic. "- I AM BILlIE EILISH!"

"- Nice try, honey bunch, but you already told us your name is Billie O'Connell!"

"- EILISH IS MY MIDDLE NAME!" You screamed, confused on why the guards locked you back in.

".....Even if that's true - I saw the webs in your hair. Congratulations! You've already been claimed, sweetheart! I can't just let you go now!" The woman said.

"- What?!" You sobbed in confusion.

Neither guard offered you an explanation.

They just started talking about the new Crumbl cookie flavors of the week, as they left the room. 

There was a horrid pain in your stomach then - making you double over.

You accidentally knocked your head into the cement wall of the tunnel as you fell off the ladder - landing flat on your back 5 feet below.

The blow to your head momentarily knocked you unconscious, but you were soon awoken by the agony of a large tarantula clawing it's way out of your birth canal, leaving behind its fertilized eggs that would soon bite their way through your very womb to crawl out of your vagina.

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