October 21st

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The sun was already setting over the tree tops.

If you didn't hurry it would be dark soon.

You wouldn't be able to find your way home in the dark!

This was horrible!

Your stomach was growling in hunger and you were scared, lost and all alone.

You couldn't even stop crying you were so overwhelmed.

Your parents told you to be home before the street lights come on but you're lost in the middle of the woods thanks to your so called friends who ditched you - and there aren't any street lights in the woods.

You should have never believed them when they said Billie Eilish lives out here!

You're just too goddamn gullible!

That's why they pranked you!

Ofcourse Billie Eilish - your favorite singer in the whole entire world- wouldn't be living in these creepy woods!

She was filthy rich!

She lived in a mansion somewhere!

Yet you still followed your friends into the woods and stupidly climbed the tallest tree they said Billie lived in.

You got all the way to the top branch of the twenty foot tall tree and still didn't see Billie sleeping on any of the branches.

You had been made an absolute fool of!

You couldn't believe you fell for it!

You were so embarrassed!

Your friends were long gone by the time you climbed all the way back down.

You had no idea where you were because your phone died.

Then.....it was dark.

You knew you couldn't find your way out of the woods now.

You couldn't even see two inches in front of you!

The moonlight couldn't cut through the thick tree tops, so you were left alone in the pitch blackness of the cold unfamiliar forest.

You should have never skipped school!

You had perfect attendance but were stupid enough to ruin it all by letting peer pressure get to you!

You were so desperate to fit in that you got yourself caught up in a trap!

You wanted to run and scream and panic - anything to get the hell out of these isolated woods!

You couldn't though because you can't see!

What if you ran right into a wild bear in the dark or fell in an old abandoned well, broke your neck and died?

You were nervous trying to find your way out - but you were even more nervous at the aspect of staying in the woods until sun up.

By now your parents were probably already at the police station reporting you missing!

You just had to wait it out.

Wait until you hear the dogs barking and the search party volunteers screaming your name.

Your 13th birthday party was coming up next weekend.

You had your "friends" names on your guest list but after the stunt they pulled on you today - you were crossing all of their names off of it!

You should have stuck to hanging out with your old friends instead of trying to fit in with the popular crowd at middle school.

Things were so much simpler back in elementary school!

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