October 30th

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It was your own fault the concert went so horribly wrong that night....

You were just too damn cheap!

Ofcourse your negligence caused Billie Eilish to get possessed by a demonic spirit from the cemetery at her own concert!

You heard rumors of the native curse placed upon these sacred grounds, but you thought by removing the headstones everything would be fine!

You were dead wrong though.

Fatally wrong.

You noticed something had gone horribly wrong the moment Billie stopped singing.

Then her eyes filled up with blood and begun to bleed down her cheeks.

Her ears and nostrils were next before her mouth hung open in front of the microphone and begun to gush blood.

The last words of her lyrics fading into the screams of excitement from her gullible fans who assumed the bloody display was special effects for her late night show.

You don't know why the spirit chose Billie's body to inhabit....perhaps because she had the most eyes on her.

Everyone was already staring at her..... so all it took was a blood dripping smile, before the bodies of her fans begun to drop around you, just like the teeth falling out of Billie's mouth.

At first you thought the girls in the crowd were fainting from simply being in Billie's presence, until one girl dropped dead right next to you.

You saw the blood gushing from her eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

She seized violently on the ground as her own blood and teeth bubbled up out of her mouth.

She must have choked to death or had a brain aneurysm because once she stopped moving the whites of her eyes just filled with blood...and she took her last gurgled breath.

Just like all the others, dropping dead around you.

It was a nightmare!

The screams of joy, turning to screams of horror and confusion.

Everyone started to run - assuming the bloody death plague was airborne.

They were all trampling over each other desperate to make it out of the haunted cemetery after Billie got possessed.

Billie begun to walk through the piles of dead fans, spitting her teeth out through her grin, as her eyes locked on you.

The homeless people you hired to be your security guards all took off running.

You knew, by the screams of horror, you were going to get blamed for this shit show!

So you turned away from a possessed Billie Eilish and pushed dozens of her sobbing fans out of your way as you ran through the cemetery toward your car!

The graves you were passing had begun to sink into the ground - turning the grass beneath your feet into sticky mud.

You lost both of your shoes, but managed to free your ankles from the bubbling mud before you got sucked under with the rest of the dead fans.

You were apologizing to the dead and dying bodies as you stepped over them in the mud.

You had to get the fuck out of here!

You could feel an ungodly force pulling on you.... trying to get you to stop running.

It felt like burning fingers on your shoulders, trying to force you to turn around so you can stare into Billie's bleeding eyes and catch whatever visual death she had in order for you.

You knew the story of Medusa and the stone.

You weren't turning around for jack shit!

Unfortunately, Billie's possessed demon body was just waiting for you in the backseat of your car.

You could see her, with her face pressed up against the back shield.

All of her teeth were gone now - her mouth a flooding river of bloody gums as she pressed them together in a smile at you.

She even used her new demon powers to unlock your car doors for you.

The trunk popped open, and she was suddenly crawling through the back of it - to get to you!

Her back got caught on the metal trunk latch - ripping open the flesh along her spine - but it just made her laugh.

You turned to run the other way, but you saw her again, a few feet in front of you in the cemetery parking lot.

Her bleeding eyes only focused on you as she held her hand out in your direction.

She said something but you couldn't understand her with a mouth full of blood.

You had to get off the cemetery grounds!

Surely the possessed spirit couldn't follow you away from the cemetery!

So you ran as fast as you could toward the main road!

Billie - unfortunately - just levitated slightly behind you - her feet dragging along the ground as she chased after you.

She quickly lost both of her shoes and her feet got turned around backwards as the bones of her ankle twisted in compound fractures.

She used the sharp splintered bone sticking out of her backwards ankles to slice open the back of your own ankles!

You fell to the ground - inches away- from the main gate of the cemetery.

Blood was gushing from your ankles, as she grabbed ahold of them.

Then Demonic Billie dragged you backwards by your sliced open ankles, across the parking lot.

She nearly ripped them both off!

You were screaming in agony!

She was taking you to the mud.

Probably to bury you alive.

You were screaming for mercy, when a speeding car of terrified fans trying to escape the parking lot - accidentally hit you.

Your body went flying up into the air and over the cemetery parking lot gate!

You landed in the middle of the busy main road were you were ran over by two more cars.

One of the car tires popped your head open like a busted can of tomato soup.

You bled out of your cracked skull and died instantly in the road.

You didn't move on to the other side.

Your spirit was stuck on the road outside the cemetery where you died.

You got a free front row seat to all the action going on in the cemetery though.

Your theory about demon Billie was right.

She couldn't leave the cemetery grounds.

So she just stood at the edge of the parking lot staring at your splattered body in the road, until arriving police officers showed up and gunned her down for no appearent reason.

The evil spirit that had possessed her, left her body to find another.

Billie's spirit was then left to roam the cemetery parking lot giving you dirty looks for the rest of eternity as she complained about the money you still owed her for doing the concert.

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