October 31st

108 4 6

The ceremic ghost shaped bowl left out on the dark porch chair next to the rotten pumpkin had a bloodstained note laying in the bottom of it.

"Happy Halloween! Please take 1!"

There wasn't anything left in the bowl, though.

You were too late.

Other kids had already taken it all.

You didn't want your mommy to know they were out of treats for the trick or treaters.

She wouldn't like it....

Everything had to be perfect for you, or there would be hell to pay.

So you just pretended to grab a piece from the empty bowl.

You quickly dropped "it" in your bucket, and then hurried back up to your Mommy who was waiting at the end of the porch.

She was dressed as a garbage bag for Halloween.

"What did you get?" She asked you, as you joined her.

You shrugged.

Your heart sunk when she told you, "Wait here a minute..." and went back toward the empty bowl.

You were nervous, as you watched her.

You didn't want her to do what she did at that last house....

Banging on their front door and demanding that they wake up and give you treats.

They never came to the door, so your Mommy just threw a lit firecracker in their door mailbox slot.

She hurried you away from the house before it caught on fire.

One house didn't have anything at all, so your Mom pulled her gun on him and said he better give you his gold tooth to make up for ruining your Halloween.

He screamed in pain as he pulled it out with a kitchen fork before finally dropping the bloody tooth in your bucket, but that didn't make you feel any better.

If anything it made you feel worse.

You hoped your mommy wasn't planning on doing anything horrible to the house that ran out of treats.

You watched her read the note in the empty bowl.

She took a long time reading it, before she picked the bowl up and threw it right through their front window shattering the glass!

You jumped and looked around, but the whole street was dark.

You didn't see any other Trick or Treaters.

"- CHEAP FUCKS!" Your Mom screamed at their house.

Your heart was pounding in worry as she picked up a piece of glass from the shattered window and shoved it into her shorts pocket.

Then she ran down the porch and back up to you, before she was acting normal again....

Grabbing the wagon handle and placing a kiss on top of your head at the same time.

Then she was wheeling you down the street looking for more sweet treats.

A porch light to the left turned on.

Then a door popped open.

"- Hey there! Come on over!" An old woman cried, holding up a bowl full of treats!

Your Mom smiled and hurried up to the house with you.

You held up your bucket, "Trick or Treat!" You smiled.

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