October 23rd

96 6 1

The front door was already open when you got there.

The putrid smell leaking out in to your face made you cover your nose with your free hand as you gagged violently.

The delivery instructions on your phone said to hand the food directly to the customer.

You held the bag of Taco Bell tighter as you stuck your head in the open doorway, "- Hello! DoorDash! I got your food!" You called inside the dark house over the sound of the loud buzzing flies.

One of the flies flew directly in your mouth!

While you were choking and coughing you heard a loud thud from somewhere upstairs in the house.

It was followed by horrible screams - another thud - and then silence.

You coughed up the fly who went right back into the house.

You should have just left the food at the door and drove away......but you needed a 5 star review!

You wanted a good tip too!

So you turned your phone flashlight on and walked into the filthy house.

There was blood and guts everywhere.....

The floor - the ceiling - the walls - the furniture.....

It had to be fake.

Gory Halloween decor.

Especially the dismembered body parts.

The flies buzzing around them were real though.....

You didn't know why they were attracted to the props...

"- DoorDash! I got your Taco Bell!" You called again.

There was no answer.....but you could see a light on upstairs where the screams had come from.

You were nervous.....but you had a job to do.

So you put your phone back in your pocket, grabbed a firm hold of the bloody bannister and walked up the creaky steps one at a time - being sure to step over the hacked up leg with the bone sticking out of it.

The light was coming from a side bedroom with an open door....

There was a blood spurting headless corpse laying in the doorway.

A mighty realistic prop.....

When you turned the corner into the room you noticed the body was missing both of its legs and all of the skin from its back.

One of the bloody legs was in the hands of Billie Eilish.

She was naked - but she was covered in so much blood that you almost didn't even notice.

She was standing in the corner - beating some dying girl over her busted open head with the severed leg.

She didn't notice you.

You could have dropped the food on the floor and ran.....but you had to deliver the food to the customer.

So you held the bag out and cleared your throat.

Billie quickly turned around to face you - a look of fire in her eyes.

"DoorDash! I got your Taco Bell right here ma'am! Hot and fresh!" You smiled.

Billie's face softened when she saw the bag of food.

Then she looked down at the girl with her brains leaking out and looked back up at you - waiting for you to acknowledge her murderous rampage.

You just shook the bag of food, keeping your eyes on Billie and the smile on your face.

"- I strive for five star deliveries!" You informed her.

Billie approached you cautiously....the chopped off leg still in her hand like a baseball bat.

You didn't want her to whack you over the head with it - so you said, "I hope you enjoy your meal!"

Billie snatched the bag out of your hand, dropped the leg on the ground and hurried over to her bed to sit down on it.

She was grinning as she pulled open the bag and took out a burrito.

She took a large bite out of it before she smiled and slid down onto the floor next to the girl who had already bled out and died.

Then Billie started dipping the end of her burrito into the girl's open skull.....soaking it in her mushy brains before taking another blood filled bite.

This time she closed her eyes and hummed in joy as she ate her dinner.

You slowly backed away into the hallway with your heart pounding.

For some reason.....you didn't think that was a Halloween prop.

You turned and hurried down the stairs - out the house- and into the safety of your own car.

That was insane!

You didn't know if Billie was pranking you or what - but you thought you handled it pretty well.

Your phone chimed as you were backing out of her driveway.

Billie had given you another 5 star rating - and increased your tip to $20,000!

That was DOUBLE what she gave you last time!

You were so happy you decided to actually become a real DoorDash driver instead of a pretend one!

So you parked the car, ran around to the trunk, and took out the dead body of the DoorDash driver you had stabbed to death earlier that morning.

Then you threw his dead body into Billie's living room for the flies, before you jumped back into your car and went to pick up your next delivery.

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