October 10th

176 6 3

Billie wanted to pet the squirrel that came scampering into your garage, as you were carrying your luggage into the house.

You and your wife had just gotten back from your two week honeymoon in Greece, and you told her to go inside your brand new Hidden Hills mansion and relax.

That you would bring the bags in and unpack everything.

You just wanted to make your new wife the happiest woman in the galaxy!

You were still in awe that such a beautiful, sweet, caring woman like Billie had actually agreed to date you - let alone marry you!

You met on the set of a horror movie.

You actually had a pretty graphic oral sex scene together.

You actually got to suck Billie Eilish's real live throbbing clit inside of your mouth on camera.

You were supposed to be sucking a prosthetic, but it never arrived on set on time.

You were already 2 days behind schedule and didn't have another week to wait for the prosthetic - so Billie said she didn't mind using her real clit...as long as she got a pay raise.

So you got to suck Billie's clit, while she humped your face with her smooth wet pussy.

You filmed the scene - over thirty times- from different angles.

Nosily sucking her clit firmly between your pursed lips, as you held her dripping vaginal folds open with your fingers.

It was incredibly pornographic - especially when Billie grabbed you by your hair and shoved your face deep into her pussy as she cried in pleasure while squirting her hot pussy juice all over your face....which definitely wasn't in the script.

Lots of people who saw the movie claimed the "prosthetic" you guys used was incredibly realistic.

Billie even won an Oscar for her squirting orgasm scene.

The two of you went on your very first date together a week later.

Billie said you were different than all the other losers she had dated in the past.

That you actually cared about her soul....not just her body.

In fact she claimed you were the only one who had never tried to kiss her on the first date.

You were surprised to hear that.

You even apologized on those other jerks behalfs, which just made Billie laugh and call you cute.

The two of you were married six months later.

In fact Billie was the one who proposed to you!

You were the one tearing up in joy as you nodded your head yes and let her put the ring on your finger!

You didn't have any children yet, but you planned on changing that soon.

Billie said she couldn't wait to raise a beautiful family with you.

Your life was wonderful beyond compare....until that goddamn rabid squirrel showed up.

It attacked your wife.

Climbing up her pant leg and across her shirt to bite down on her throat!

You panicked - grabbing the squirrel by the tail and flinging him out of your garage!

It rolled down your driveway.

Billie was bleeding profusely - her hands covering her wound as she begun to gurgle.

You threw your wife back in the car - and raced to the hospital- making sure to run over the rabid squirrel in the process.

As soon as you got to the hospital - Billie was rushed into emergency surgery.

The hospital staff called the police on you because they didn't believe your story about a rabid squirrel...and unfortunately your wife was in the middle of surgery and couldn't defend you.

You ended up being arrested for domestic violence and the attempted murder of your new wife.

The surgeon said you had stabbed your wife in the throat with a "jagged edged weapon"

You insisted it was squirrel teeth marks but no one believed you.

You were being escorted out of the hospital waiting room in handcuffs - when some lady covered in blood came running inside holding a kid bleeding from the throat.

She was screaming hysterically about a squirrel attacking them....

You weren't let go.

You were still shoved in the back of a police car.

The cop went back inside to talk to the hospital staff  and you had the perfect view, as more and more people pulled up to the hospital bleeding from their necks...

You were watching a blood covered old lady thrashing around on a gurney being taken out the back of an ambulance - when your view was blocked by a bloody squirrel, missing half of its face, jumping up on the windshield of the police car you were in.

It's sharp bloody teeth chattering as it begun to bash it's head against the windshield trying to get to your throat.

The cop who locked you in the car - came running out and shot the undead zombie squirrel in the back of its head.

Squirrel brains splattered all over the windshield, turning it bright red.

He let you go- with an apology after that - saying reports of rabid squirrel attacks were coming in from all over the country now.

He said you were lucky, your wife was the first victim in town.

That her surgery was already complete and she was going to be ok, but the others were bleeding out quick because there weren't enough surgeons to help save all of them now.

You ran inside to be with your wife, as the cop stayed in the parking lot shooting the squirrels jumping down from the tree tops!

The staff were too busy trying to help all the people dying in the ER, so you just jumped on a computer at the reception desk and typed in your wife's name to find her recovery room number.

The hallway was a bloody mess - with dead bodies all over the ground - but you just stepped over them until you found your wife's room.

You slipped inside and locked the door behind you - when you heard a panicked voice on the overhead hospital speakers telling all staff to shelter in place, as the hospital was over run and they were now locking the building down.

Your wife was still unconscious in her bed, but her heart beat was fine.

You checked the stitches beneath the guaze wrapped around her throat and it looked fine as well.

So you kissed Billie on the lips, and made sure the windowless hospital room was properly barricaded.

Then you stood guard at your wife's bedside with a table lamp in your hands.

Ready to smash any crazed squirrels that dare try to come for her, now.

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