October 2nd

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You fell asleep cuddling your girlfriend Billie Eilish in her tour bunk, that chilly Monday night.

Your arms wrapped tightly around her from behind.

Your fingers intertwined.

Your lips having just left gentle kisses on the back of her neck as you breathed in her fruity shampoo....

You were in heaven.

You felt the rumbling of the tourbus beneath you in your dream about sky diving....

You heard the squealing of the bus tires, and the thunderous boom as the mudslide collided with the side of the bus desperately trying to out race the falling rocks and mud.

The bus wasn't fast enough though and you were caught right in the middle of it.

You woke up - being tossed out of the upside down bunk- as the bus started tumbling down the side of a mountain.

You were completely airborne - but you didn't let Billie's hand go for a second!

You could hear her screaming, but you were too petrified to cry out.

You were holding your breath as the bus tossed you around like a rag doll.

You knew you were going to die.

Everyone in the bus was going to die.

You were preparing for the pain of the final crash at the bottom of the mountain.

Then - with an earth shattering explosion of sharp shattered glass and burning twisted metal - the airborne bus finally came to a stop - upside down at the bottom of the mountain - buried beneath the mudslide boulders.

You didn't know how deep you were buried - but all of the windows had shattered and the bus filled with mud, dirt, rocks and leaves.

An alarm was going off some where toward the front of the smoke filled bus.

You were pinned face down on the floor next to the crushed bathroom - the very back of the tourbus.

Claudia had been taking a shower right before you climbed into bed with Billie.....

You had fallen asleep so you don't recall if she ever came out....but if she was still in there she was certainly dead now.

You groaned, as your body begun to ache in a sharp pain.

You could feel your brittle bones....

Your back....there was something horribly wrong with your back!

You couldn't get up!

You could hear moans, coughs and groans of pain all around you in the darkness.

You tried to sit up but something was pinning you down- it felt like a giant rock on your back.

It was much too heavy to push off - you could only wiggle from side to side and the wiggling just made the crackling pain in your back worse.

You decided to lay as still as possible to alleviate the pressure.

Thankfully, you were still holding Billie's hand.

You couldn't see her in the darkness of the crashed tourbus, but you squeezed her hand beneath the rubble anyway.

"- Billie? Are you ok?!" You wheezed.

She just responded with a long moan of agony.

"- It's ok Billie! You're gonna be ok! I'm sure they'll dig us out any minute!" You tried to reassure her with another firm squeeze, but she didn't squeeze your hand back - instead she just begun to wail in pain.

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