Chapter 1

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I sat in my prison cell that Stolas call my room, my former parents had made a deal with the bird but came up short on there end, so they paid with there souls but he didn't realize I was there and once he found little four year old me, realizing that I'd die if he left me he unofficially adopted me. King Paimon outright refused to allow me to be part of the family but it never stopped Stolas from looking after me, but as I got older and the teen years rolled around I grow more and more resentful towards Stolas and the family as a whole. Octavia never wanted anything to do with me thinking Stolas was "replacing" her with me and Stella was well Stella, total bitch and if not ignoring me then verbally abusing me, Stolas tried to make me feel like family but wouldn't let me leave the house as it was "too dangerous" for me and now that I was seventeen and I knew the whole story about my life and realized Stolas screwed me over. There was a knock on my door "Go away" I say before it opened "Hi Y/n, how are you doing?" Stolas asked "Why do you ask? It never changes" I say "You know, I've been think" he says "Mmm" I hummed "We should have a family game night" he says "Oh you all have fun then, I'll still be here in my prison cell" I say "Excuse me?" He says confused "You screwed me out of a normal life" I say "Wh what?" He says "If you had left me to die all those years ago, I'd be in heaven right now with friends and able to see more then the same four walls I've had to live in the past near decade. You dragged down here locked me in this room, refused to let me see the world I came from and never asked what I wanted! But no! I'm stuck down here trapped in this house with no friends or any chance to live a normal life!" I shout "I saved you!" He says "And cursed me to a life of loneliness and solitude! I will never get to see anything beside these walls! I will never get to feel the love of a relationship! You screwed me out of a normal life!" I shout "I.... I just" he stammers "You! Always you! Never me! You never ask me!" I shout "Y/n.." he says "Just get out! Leave me to the fate you cursed me with!" I shout shoving him out into the hallway. I slammed the door closed and locked it, I walked over to my desk and sat down I grabbed a few tools I had and worked on a small robot I made, I glanced out the magic window I had my desk next to. It was a real window but from the outside looked like just part of the wall, I sighed knowing I could only look out of it given the magic prevented me from leaving through it. As I messed with the little robot there was another knock on the door "Go away Octavia, spoiled brat" I say the last part under my breath "Open the door Y/n" she says "Your only here because Stolas asked you to, you don't want anything to do with me and you'll just sit here for an hour or so before leaving without a word said between us. So just go" I say when I didn't hear another sound I knew she left. I went back to work on the little robot late into the night when I heard gunshots going off, it was nothing new to me and it was probably just some drunk who would be dealt with by the Goetia, I leaned forwards looking at a small wire in the robot before everything went black.

I woke up sometime later "Ugh my head" I say blinking a few times before I realized I wasn't in my room anymore "A sick twisted fate" I hear a voice say "Wha?" I say before my eyes focused in on a chair and once it spun around I realized where I was "Lucifer? What am I doing here?" I asked "You died a month ago" he says "What?" I asked "Not important, but you are here now, as a resident of Hell now" he says "What? Why? I never did anything immoral" I say "Your right you didn't, you lived a completely honest life. But your life down here corrupted your soul over the years, so while you are technically innocent you are stuck down here" he says "So why am I here then? In your office?" I asked "Because your an odd case and rather unfortunate one" he says before getting up and walking over to the window "You never did anything wrong to earn your place down here, no earned punishment or torment for you. Your not a sinner yet are at the same time, you are the first of your kind" he says "So what does that me for me?" I asked "I'm not entirely sure either, I never had any inclination that this would happen" he says "So, I know you don't know either but, what does this all mean for me? Im no Sinner yet I'm trapped" I say "Yes you are, but I've seen your life before this and given your innocence I'm inclined to help you some" he says "What? Your the ruler of hell yet your going to help me?" I asked "Yes, I punish the deserving, you are not it's why I'm going to assist" I say "How?" I asked "Simple really, you have freedom" he says snapping his fingers "Meaning?" I asked "Your aren't bound to this ring as all sinners are, you can travel all of hell. And given your innocence no one can harm or even touch you if you don't want them to. But I have nothing to do with that" he says "Uhh.... T thanks" I say a little shocked "Well, I'm assuming you have a lot you want to see" he says "Yes but, is there any chance I could get a different look? The less I stand out the better and I don't want Stolas finding out I'm still around" I say "Already done, look in the mirror. But you may not like what you see" he says before some magic appeared in front of me and when I looked in and saw what I looked like he was right I didn't like what I saw. "Something I'm not" I say as I looked like a Goetian but with robotics "A sick twist of fate" he says "Yeah.... I guess I'll be on my way then. Thank you for this Lucifer" I say getting up "Allow me" he says snapping his fingers and suddenly I was out on the streets, I smiled looking around "Finally, freedom" I say.

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