Chapter 7

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As I made my way back to my place to get Vortex I called Bee up and this time she picked up "Yeah?" She says "Bee get cleaned up, I'm being your boy toy back" I say "Y/n!? You! You actually convinced him!?" She asked "Yeah, and got a promotion out of it" I say, I heard her start to cry thought the phone "Bee get cleaned up, we'll be there in a hour or so" I say "Thanks" she says before hanging up. I got back to my place and found Vortex laying on the couch "Hey Y/n, how's Bee?" He asked sitting up "Great, now get up" I say "Man I don't want to go out" he says "Really? Cause you and Bee are back together" I say "Says who?" He asked "Lucifer's new advisor, now get up we're getting you to her place" I say "This joke ain't funny" he says "I just got out of a meeting with him where I convinced him again to go back on his decision, given that I've done it twice now he realized that I was useful to him and his decision making so he made me his first advisor. I attended meetings with him and the Sins and King Goetia and give my opinions on his decision incase theres a detail he skimmed over" I say "Your serious?" He asked "Yes! Now get the fuck up! She waiting for you!" I say yanking him up off the couch and out the door. Once we arrived at Bee's place we found her sitting on the steps waiting for him and once we came into view she ran up and tackled him in a hug, I smiled seeing the two of them happily back together again they got up off the ground and kissed. I decided that I'd let them enjoy their time together again and turned leaving and making my way back home, but once I got there I was met with something I didn't expect as a larger demon was standing there "You Y/n?" He asked seeing me and I noticed Lucifer's symbol on his eye "Yeah that's me, find something already?" I asked "Yeah this little guy" he says pulling Eli out from behind his leg "Oh, have you found anything else?" I asked "No but he said they were holding them in Lust so that's where I'm headed next" he says as I walked over "Alright I'll take him from here" I say, the man nodded and left leave me and Eli in the hallway. I knelt down to Eli's level given he was rightfully terrified "It's alright Eli, do you remember me?" I asked as he shook his head no "I was the juice man at the party a few nights ago" I say which made him relax a little "I'll be looking after you for awhile till we get your sister" I say, he nodded but was still cautious I opened my door letting him inside and closed it behind us "Are you hungry?" I asked "Yes" he says afraid "Alright I'll make you something to eat, you can watch cartoons" I say turning the tv on for him, he must have still been more scared then I thought as he stood there instead of sitting down on the couch. I walked over and knelt down beside him again which made him nervous. I picked him up in a hug "It's alright bud, your safe here I'm not going to hurt you" I say, I set him down on the couch and sat down next to him "We'll get your sister, and then you and her can both stay here for awhile" I say "But I want to go home" he says "Fuck how to I tell him his home is gone" I thought "I know you do buddy, but it's not safe right now that's why your here with me" I say putting my arm around him "But where's mom and dad?" He asked "I can't make the same mistake Stolas did!" I thought "There... dead, they won't be here anymore" I say "What's that mean?" He asked "It means there gone, they've disappeared as well" I say "We'll find them right?" He asked "No Eli, we won't there in a place they can't come back from" I say, his eyes welled up with tears so I hugged him as he cried.

It took hours before he was able to calm down but he was still sad about the whole thing which I couldn't blame him, I kept ahold of him while I made his food and sat with him while he ate and watched cartoons till it was late into the night and he fell asleep on the couch next to me, I carefully picked him up and took him to the spare room and got him tucked in. I went to my room and climbed into bed drifting off at some point, but was woken up when I felt something shifting me. I sat up and realized it was Eli "Hey bud, need something?" I asked "I had a bad dream, can I stay with you for the night?" he asked "Yeah you can stay here tonight" I say, he climbed under the blanket next to me and soon was back to sleep "Poor kid" I thought looking at him I was also back to sleep soon after as well. I woke up earlier then I normally would but decided to use this time to make breakfast for Eli and I making something I normally wouldn't but it might help him takes his mind off things, as I cooked breakfast there was a knock on my door "It's open!" I say, when the door opened I saw it was Bee and Vortex "Oh hello, I didn't expect you two to be here" I say "Well after your sudden disappearance yesterday, I wanted to come by and give you something" she says walking over "You don't have to do that, I'm just happy to see you back together again" I say "Yeah I figured you'd say that so back up plan is it's your birthday present" she says "Clever" I say but what she gave me surprised me as a glow came off of her and made its way over to me "There enjoy your new powers" she says "Umm what!?" I say confused "You saved my relationship with him, and saved the ring as a whole I didn't give you much but enjoy anyways" she says "Uhh thanks, not what I'd expect to get but okay" I say surprised "Uhh who's the kid?" Vortex asked, I looked over and say Eli peaking around the corner from my room "Morning bud, sleep well?" I asked walking over "Yeah" he says remaining hidden, I picked him up and carried him out "Eli these are my friends Vortex and Bee" I say "Aren't you cute!" Bee says looking at him but he hide away from her "He's recovering Bee" I say "What happened?" She asked "Let's not remind him of it right now" I say "Yeah for another time" Tex says "Eli Bee is the head of the Gluttony ring, do you like sweets?" I asked "Yeah!" He says "Her ring makes most of the candy and soda you have" I say "Candy lady!" He says making her laugh "Yeah I'm the candy lady" she says "Do you have any?" He asked "I think I have some" she says "Ahem, after breakfast" I say "But I want candy" he says "You don't even know what I've made for breakfast" I say "But candy" he says "I made chocolate chip pancakes" I say making him smile "Yay!" He says as I set down in a chair at the table, I got him his plate and set it in front of him Bee sat down across from him while Vortex was in the kitchen with me "So what happened with him?" He asked "Someone put a hit on his family, parents are dead and him and his sister got kidnapped, they found him last night and brought him here as the Goetians aren't going to help him or his sister get back on there feet" I say "Oh shit, I get why he's cautious about us, where is his sister?" He asked "Some where's in Lust but we don't really know" I say "Get ahold of Asmodeus, he can track souls in his ring and if she's Goetian it'll stand out" he says "Yeah and he owes me a favor anyways, got his number?" I asked "Bee does, I'll get it for you" he says, I waited around for a minute or so before he came back "It's his personal number, don't use it for random crap or he'll have her head for it" he says "Oh trust me I won't" I say calling the number as he left the room, it rang twice before someone picked up who wasn't Asmodeus "Hello you've reached Asmodeus please don't call back" he says "Listen this is his personal number so whoever I'm talking to is his significant other, I'm the guy who made sure you two could stay together so put Asmodeus on the phone he owes me a favor" I say "Uhh one moment!" He says before I heard some back and forth "Hello?" Asmodeus says answer "Hey, it's Y/n the guy who saved your relationship" I say "Oh Y/n how ya been darling?" he asked "Better, look I'm looking for a Goetian Duchess who is in your ring, her and her brother got kidnapped but he's here now and said they were keeping her there. I need you to help find her and get her back here safely" I say "Oh, yeah I can help with that" he says "Thanks, I know her brother will be happy to have her back" I say "I'll let you know when we have her, so you can get her safely" he says "Thanks" I say "Also real quick how did you get my number?" He asked "Bee gave it to me, don't worry I'm not going to use it for nonsense, I'm Lucifer's new advisor anyways so I'd need the numbers of all the sins" I say "Oh! That's... good to hear" he says "Yes well I'll leave you to the search, get her home safe Asmodeus" I say "I will" he says before hanging up.

As we got into the afternoon and close to my meeting with Stolas, we sat around as Eli played games on my phone while I chatted with Bee and Vortex "So who's going to look after Eli while your out?" Bee asked "I... oh right I haven't thought about that" I say "I'd offer to but we have to get back to Gluttony, very soon actually" she says "Hmm I have an idea. Eli I need my phone for a moment, you can have it back in a second I need to send a message" I say "Okay..." he says upset "Who you messaging?" Tex asked "Stolas, I'll ask Octavia to look after him for the afternoon" I say, I called Stolas and he picked up before it even finished the first ring "Yes Y/n?" He asked "Hey Stolas ah odd request but we found the Duchesses brother and I'm looking after him, but given our meeting today and some things I have to take care of this week I need someone to look after him" I say "Oh, bring him to lunch today, I'm sure he'll like being somewheres familiar to him, and I can look after him the rest of the week" he says "Oh ahh alright I was going to see if you'd ask Octavia for me but I guess that works as well" I say "Well I certainly wouldn't count on her to look after a child given her reckless behavior lately" he says "That was so she could see me, I'd expect her to be more responsible with a child" I say "Mmm perhaps some other time, I'll look after him for now" he says "Alright, thank you. I appreciate it" I say "Anytime" he says as we hung up, I gave my phone back to Eli so he could play games "Well Y/n we'd best be on our way, see you at the party this weekend?" Bee asked "Mmm probably not given I have someone to look after now" I say "It won't take Asmodeus that long to find his sister" Tex says "Then I have two people to look after, I'm doubtful she'll want to be alone after this is all said and done" I say "I guess your right, see you later" they say leaving "Now you and me have to get ready buddy, we are having lunch with the Prince" I say "Okay!" He says "Also you'll be staying with him and his daughter tomorrow, I have somethings to take care of" I say "Your leaving me?" He asked "I'll be back, I'm just meeting with someone for a few hours then I'll be back. He's nice and will look after you" I say "Okay" he says uneasy so I picked him up "I wouldn't leaving you with him if I didn't trust him to take care of you" I say as we got ready to leave.

I carried Eli on my shoulders until we reached the palace at which point I set him down, I hadn't worn my glove to cover my mark since I knew what these birds were like and didn't want any confrontation no matter how small. We got to the gate and immediately was stopped by a guard "Name?" He asked "Y/n, here for lunch with the Prince" I say "We were told" he says letting us in, we made our way inside and were led to a table where Stolas was wait along with Octavia who gave me an odd look seeing me with a child, we sat down at Octavia was the first to speak up "So Y/n, what's with him?" She asked "This is Eli, the Duchesses brother he was brought to me last night after they found him. His sister should be found soon" I say "Why are you looking after him?" Stolas asked "Because I know the rest of the Goetians won't do anything to help them get back on there feet, there house has already been sold and there wealth taken. They don't have anything" I say "A sad reality, at least your willing to help them" he says "Yes and I really do appreciate you volunteering to look after him tomorrow while I meet with Andrealphus" I say which spooked the two "Why are you meeting with him?" He asked "He tried to kill him you not making friends with him" she says "Im more then aware of his miss deeds, he and I spoke quite a bit at your birthday party and we decided to meet up again and continue to chat, it's nothing to worry about" I say "Mmm I don't like it" she says "It'll be fine Octavia, if anything I might be able to find out if he's planning anything else" I say "Be careful Y/n, he's crafty" he says "I'll be fine, I have Lucifer's protection now that I'm his new advisor" I say "What!?" He says surprised "Yes after some talking about a decision he made and it's unintended effects I convinced him to go back on them, he realized that I was a capable person and offered me the position" I say "You do realize that puts you as the forth most powerful demon in hell correct?" He asked "How so?" I asked "You have not just an audience with Lucifer but he clearly values your opinion as well, that's something very few demons have" he says "Hmm I never thought about it like that" I say as some food arrived at the table.

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