Chapter 12

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We sat around in Eli's room for awhile as he had a lot of questions about the Angel most of which I could answer but a few I couldn't, he was playing with his toys while I watched over him that was until there was a knocking on the door, I got up and went to see who it was "Ahh hi Loona what are you doing here?" I asked "Can I come in?" She asked "Yeah sure" I say "What's up?" I asked closing the door behind her "Dad and Stolas are at the office, and if history repeats itself fucking" she says "Loona!" We hear Eli say running out and hugging her leg "Uhhh hi?" She says unsure of what to do "Alright Eli let her go" I say picking him up he smiled at her which in turn made her smile a little "So what brings you my way? Your clearly not drinking so" I say "What can't come by and say hi?" She asked "Your not the kinda person to do that and we both know it" I say teasing her "Yeah yeah whatever look it's about my dad" she says "Alright what's up?" I asked "He's having some issues he won't admit to, and I don't know how to convince him to talk about them. I know I'm not one to be talking given my problems as well but ever since our conversation I've been feeling better, I want him to feel better as well" she says "Well have you brought up your issues to him?" I asked "No? I want to hear his not the other way around" she says "If you open up about yours to him he might open up about his to try and relate and you can talk more from there" I say "I don't know... I'm not exactly one to open up out of the blue" she says "It's tough and I get that, I have my own issues that I keep quiet about but I've been looking to find people to chat about it with. Hell I talked to your dad about being a father when I took Eli in" I say "It's just not that simple for me" she says "Loona opening up about issues is the best way to get help, and your father is the best place to start. He cares about you more then anything he'll listen and try to help" I say "I know he will but" she says "But nothing the first step is opening up even if it's just a little, you don't have to spill your heart out all at once. A little bit here and there to clue him into there being something bothering you" I say "And what about him? He's not going to share bits of anything" she says "He will if he feels he can confide in you, it'll take time to build that, but sharing your problems with him may help. Maybe take him out somewheres to a bar or out for lunch or something. Spend some father daughter time together" I say "Always have something don't you?" She asked "It's what I'd want and I may not be the same as him but it's the best advice I can give" I say "Thanks, I think I'm going to head out and see what Octavia's up to" she says "Alright you enjoy yourself, and if you plan on getting drunk remember my door is always open" I say "Yeah, thanks. See you later" she says "Bye bye!" Eli says waving to her as she left. Once she was gone I set Eli down but he immediately turned to me "What's been bothering you?" He asked "Nothing to worry about bud, I have my own friends I'm talking to" I say "But I wanna help!" He says "And you do Eli, even if you don't know it" I say kneeling down but he got an angry look "Dad I wanna help!" He says again I picked him back up and walked over to the couch sitting him down next to me "Eli you do help, I have some dangerous things I do and a lot of scary things happen in my days when your with Candy lady or grandpa and aunty. But when it's all done and I come back to you it makes me smile seeing you happy" I say ruffling his hair "I should smile more!" He says making me chuckle "Yes, smile more it'll help" I say.

As the night went on I had put Eli to bed and was sitting on the couch watching the news and it was no surprise to find the former exterminators had either been ripped apart or enslaved by overlords, I sighed as even I had some compassion in me for them despite them having been more then happy to rip me apart at a moments notice. I got up and decided to check in our new house mate I crept over to the door and carefully opened it only to find her leaning on the window sill looking out the window "Get back in bed" I say making my present known to her "I'm fine" she says but clearly wasn't "You don't have to try and impress me or have some kind of image. I'm not like most who are down here" I say "Yeah born into royalty and didn't have to work for anything" she says "Your right about not having to work for anything but I wasn't born down here." I say "What?" She says confused, I got over to her "Get back in bed and I'll explain, you need to rest and let your body heal" I say "I'm fine" she says more sternly "Fine, I'm ordering you back into bed" I say. She grumbled but listened given I was now ordering her to "My name is Y/n, when I was four my human parents made a deal with my now father the Prince, they came up short and paid with there lives. The prince took me in given his kind nature towards kids, he wanted to adopt me but the king wouldn't let him, so I was locked away in his house and never got to see this outside world till I was seventeen" I say "You were human? So why do you look like this?" She asked "I died one night while locked away, I woke up in Lucifer's office where he explain I was trapped in Hell, my crime? Simple being in hell already. I never did anything wrong in my human life but I had been down here and that was enough to condemn me. He gave me freedom given I wasn't a sinner and wasn't deserving of punishment, from there I traveled the rings and saw everything I wanted to for so many years" I say "But that doesn't answer the question" she says "I'm getting there" I say smiling lightly "I had made friends along the way and learned some harsh lessons about trusting people, eventually I had a job working as a bartender for Lilith Lucifer's wife and became quite popular so I was asked to work a meeting between the sins. Lucifer had made a bad decision that negatively effect two of the sins and I convinced him to go back on it. He realized my potential and made me his advisor, now having a voice directly with Lucifer and being more powerful the king finally aloud me to be adopted which is why I look this way now" I say "And your ex wife or girlfriend?" She asked "Never truly had one, dated a girl for a little bit but she robbed me, haven't had one since" I say "So who's the kid?" She asked "My adopted son, me and his sister shared a fondness for one another one night and decided to meet up and see if it went anywheres but the two got kidnapped and parents killed. We found him not to long after, I looked after him till we found his sister but she was vastly different from our first interaction and would have preferred him dead then look after him. So I adopted him as my own and have looked after him since and have blocked all contact with her" I say. "Mmm" she says "I'm no saint not anymore, but I'm not as bad as most down here" I say "I know, I can still read your soul, you've done some horrible things" she says "The wrong thing for the right reasons" I say which made her give me an odd look "I had to people murdered today, my fathers ex wife and her brother. We'll be moving to there place in the coming days" I say "Murder is never justified" she says "I never said it was. She had ordered the attempted murder of my father and would have had her brother not told her to wait so she could get more out of it, her and I got into an argument and she sent a worrying look at my son and it told me all I needed to know. So I paid some friends to get rid of the pair for everyone's safety" I say "It still wasn't right" she says "I know, this is a dangerous place and if things were different I would have handled it differently but there royals the already weak laws down here make them completely untouchable so the only option was to get rid of them" I say, she only grumbled some "Look I'm sure you'll come to see why I did what I did. It's no way justified or right but you'll understand in a way" I say "So am I actually going to be a house maid? Or just some slave to vent anger and desires" she asked "You'll be an actual maid, the place we're moving to is a mansion so it'll be hard for me to keep it clean during the day as I tend to be busy even with me not really having a job" I say "Very well, why was my magic given to your son and not you?" She asked "For his safety, I'm skeptical of people after my previous relationships and given I care more for his safety then mine I gave it to him" I say "Your a good intentioned father" she says "Thanks? I think" I say unsure if that was a compliment "So what's your name?" I asked "Laila" she says "Well Laila, I sure your unsure about your future here, but I have no intentions of making it unpleasant for you" I say "Despite your dark soul, I can still see the light in it. I'm inclined to believe you, you've helped me thus far" she says "I just wish the others were less hatful of us, I'd have taken more in" I say "Wrath is the most common corruption in the angelic ranks, especially among exterminators" she says "What did you do?" I asked "Id rather not say" she says "Then don't" I say before I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over her "Now get some sleep, I'll have breakfast for you in the morning" I say giving her a smile "Is that an order?" She asked "If it has to be" I say, she chuckled ever so lightly before gritting her teeth in pain. I got up and went to see if I had anything to dull the pain, I went to my cabinet and found a bottle of painkiller but given this was hell they had thing in them at shouldn't be. I grabbed them and got a glass of water incase she was willing to take the pills I went back into the room and got over to the side of the bed "Now I'll give you the choice, these will dull the pain for the night, only problem they contain things that would be considered a sin to you" I say "I won't get any sleep without them, but I want to redeem myself" she says "I don't want to sound negative but heavens rigged, if I can be condemned for just being down here and never having done wrong. Then you having sinned in heaven won't be forgiven, especially now that your down here" I say. She closed her eyes for a moment as reality hit her like a brick and tears formed, she knew she wasn't getting out of hell and this was her new home now I set the them down on a bed stand and grabbed her hand "I'm sorry Laila, but it's a false hope and I want you to know the truth" I say "Now that doesn't mean you can't still live as honest a life as you can, only do want you need to to survive. It's Hell and it's just as rigged as heaven is just differently, it's almost impossible to not sin down here regardless of how much you try" I say, she sniffled a little "Give me the pills" she says so I poured two out into her hand and gave her the glass of water. She downed them before downing the rest of the glass setting it on the table next to her "Get some rest I have a feeling my son is going to be asking you questions tomorrow" I say but didn't get a response so I got up and left closing the door only for there to be a pounding at my door so I quickly made my way over and opened it and Loona standing there with her make up a complete mess. I didn't even tell her to come in and just pulled her over to the couch as it was clear she had been crying, I sat down but she immediately jumped on me laying against my chest as she began to sob again. I wasn't even going to ask what happened till she felt ready to tell me as we laid there and I held her in a hug "I fucked up" she says sniffling "It's probably not that bad, your over thinking it" I say "Dad kicked me out" she says "Oh.... Ah you can stay here for a few days. I'll be moving soon so you can have this place" I say, I felt her nod a little as we laid there in silence "Aren't you going to ask what happened?" She asked "I was going to wait till you were ready to share, I know your not one to share if you don't want to" I say "Dad and I got into an argument which escalated more then it should have, he kicked me out out the office. I still have a job but I'm not allowed to live there anymore" she explains "Well I'm sorry to hear that but as I said you can stay here" I say "Thanks" she says. We laid there in complete silence for a while till I heard somebody up and moving in one of the rooms then a door open "Dad, who are you talking to?" Eli asked "It's just Loona bud go back to sleep" I say, we heard the soft pitter patter of him running over and finding Loona laying on me "Why are you upset?" He asked seeing Loona "Eli go to sleep, we can talk in the morning for now. Loona needs some quiet time" I say "But" he begins to protest "Eli go" I say a bit more sternly, he got an upset look "But dad" he says "Now!" I snapped making him jump a little, he walked off to his room sniffling and I sighed "Fuck..." I say "I'll grab some pillows and blankets on the way back, go wash up before it dry's like that" I say getting up. Loona silently went to the washroom while I went to Eli's room.

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