Chapter 6

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Octavia had decided to spend the following few days at my place until I went to the meeting with Stolas, we were currently at there place and it was exactly how it always was "Octavia could you give Y/n and I some privacy?" He asked, she begrudgingly got up and left us alone but knowing her she was only right around the corner still listening in on us "Thank you for looking after Octavia these past few days" he says "Cut the shit and just say what you want me to hear already" I say "Y/n I never wanted or meant for things to go the way they did, my plan had always been to properly adopt you so the king could make your soul into a Goetian soul so you'd look like one of us. Then I could show you all the places you wanted to see, but year after year he denied it even until you passed on to this life. I always wanted to show you more then the walls of this place but if you had been seen by anyone outside of this home you'd have been killed either by the king or his guard. He is why I couldn't take you any wheres" he says "So all these years you wanted to grant the one wish I had but couldn't to spare my life!?" I snapped "Yes!" He says "And it never crossed your mind to maybe tell me the entire story instead of it's too dangerous!?" I asked "I realize I made the mistake of keeping you in the dark, but I feared if I told you and you met him you'd be rude or say the wrong thing to him and he'd kill you for it. I only ever wanted to protect you" he says and as much as I didn't want to admit it his reasons were good, I had a temper for people I disliked it was no secret and probably would have said something to the king. I sighed "Octavia you can come out from around the corner" I say "Y/n she's" he begins to say before she walked back into the room "How did you know?" She asked "Because you want to know what's going on with me at all times now" I say as she sat down next to me "So does the truth mean you'll let him back in your life?" She asked making me ponder for a few moments before my phone rang "Excuse me for a moment" I say getting up and heading around the corner "Hello?" I asked "Uhh hey Y/n.... Is there any chance I could swing by for a bit?" Vortex asked "Uhhh I'm not at home right now, but yeah I'll be there in an hour or so if you want to come by" I say "Thanks, things have been tough..." he says "I know, and I'm sorry I couldn't do more" I say but I got silence back before he hung up. I walked back around the corner "I have to go, a friend needs me. Octavia has my phone number and my address so we can meet up at a later date" I say "How about tomorrow?" He asked "Can't I'm visiting with the Duchess" I say smiling at the idea "You never heard?" He asked "Heard what?" I asked "The night after the party, there was a break in at there house, someone had called an assassin on them and her parents are dead and there is no sigh of her or her younger brother" he says "Oh...." I say as I was looking forward to it, Lily was nice "I thought you would have heard given who you are around" he says "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked "Just that your around higher class demons who would have been talking about it" he says "Ah yeah that makes sense, look I have to get going I guess we can meet tomorrow" I say "Alright, I'm thankful your giving me another chance" he says "Don't make me regret it" I say "Y/n wait" Octavia says walking over "Yes?" I asked, she gave me a hug which I returned "See you tomorrow" I say "Yeah see you tomorrow" she says as I left.

I got back to my apartment and it wasn't long before Vortex got there and he didn't look good "Hey man, I know what happened" I say letting him inside "You do? How?" He asked "I worked the bar the night the meeting took place, I heard the aftermath of the meeting" I say "Oh, yeah me and Bee were forced to split" he says "Yeah, I haven't check on her yet but I will here soon" I say "What did you mean when you said could have done more?" He asked "That night Asmodeus and Bee were at the bar after the meeting. I had managed to convince Lucifer to let Asmodeus off the hook and keep his relationship, but I didn't have any valid arguments for why you and Bee should have been aloud to continue on" I say "Oh.... Us being happy wasn't enough?" He asked "Not to him it wasn't, it took me insulting Asmodeus and saying he'd fail to meet the standards anyways for Lucifer to let him go, but I didn't have anything for Bee" I say "Well at least you wouldn't insult her or me" he says "Look less of that and more on you, how have you been?" I asked "Bad, lost my job after I left to spend the day with Bee, and my old boss paid my bills so I lost my place as well" he says "Shit, you can stay here I got a spare bed" I say "Thanks, I'll pay you back I swear" he says "Don't worry about it, all I ask is you look for a job and once you do split the bills till you move out on your own" I say "Alright, do you know anyplace I could start looking?" He asked "Mmm say you still friends with Loona?" I asked "Yeah? Why are they looking for someone?" He asked "Last I check yeah, it's located here in Pride you'd be working with a friend and you get to see a new world" I say "Yeah, maybe it is worth looking into" he says "So have you been keeping tabs on Bee?" I asked "No, I haven't spoken to her since we split. I think it's for the best we continue on without contact. I don't want to tempt her into something that would get her hurt" he says "Oh, that's probably for the best but is there anything you want her to know? I'll visit her tomorrow" I say "Aside that I'll always love her? No I said all I wanted to and more" he says, I didn't really know what to say to him "Do you want something to eat?" I asked "What?" He asked "I don't know man, this is the first time I've been in this position and have no clue what to say" I say, a smile crept across his face as he lightly chuckled which confused me "You haven't, but I'd never have know if you didn't say that" he says "Really? I thought it'd have been obvious" I say "No, but yeah I can go for some food" he says. I made us some dinner and let him relax before my phone went off again "Who's that?" He asked "No idea, all the people in my contacts have custom tones" I say checking to see it was Stolas "Jeez I was just there an hour ago" I say answering it "Hello Y/n, I know you were just here but, I wanted to get a time frame for our meeting tomorrow, it'll have to be in the afternoon. I have a meeting with my father in the morning" he says "Yeah that works out great, I have to meet with someone tomorrow morning anyways" I say "Oh wonderful so, how about we meet for lunch at the royal palace?" He asked "Sure sounds great, just make sure the guards are aware of me so I'm not stopped" I say "Yes I will inform them" he says "Alright see you then" I say "Enjoy your evening" he says hanging up "Who was that?" He asked "Stolas, we are having dinner at the royal palace tomorrow, we had a sit down today and he told me the whole story, I've... forgiven him and Octavia" I say "Well good to hear" he says "Yeah, say do you still have Bee's number? I'll give her a call and let her know I'll be around tomorrow" I asked "Yeah...." He says sliding his phone over with her number, I took it and copied the number into my phone before I left the room and headed to my bed room closing the door. I called Bee but she didn't answer and it went message "Hey Bee, it's Y/n I'm just giving you a call to let you know I'll be around tomorrow morning. Hope your doing well see you then" I say before hanging up. I left my room "Any luck?" He asked "No straight to message" I say "Then she's locked away in her room" he says "Maybe I should go now" I say "Yeah, go check on her she needs it" he says "Okay, I'll be back at some point" I say grabbing my jacket "I'll be here, and thanks again for helping us Y/n" he says "Anytime" I say before I left.

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