Chapter 4

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It had been months since I moved to Pride and I had found a job at a high end restaurant that Lucifer's wife owned but at the time I got hired I didn't know that, I originally was just the dishwasher but I had gotten moved over to the bar as one of the old bartenders had gotten killed by some people he owed money. At first I was nervous as people were picky about there drinks but as it turned out my robotics helped make the drinks exactly as they liked so I quickly became a favorite among customers, I began to notice people recognized me outside of the restaurant and given my friendly attitude towards everyone I served most people were kind in there own right to me. Tonight tho was going to be a rather difficult night as the Goetians had booked the entire restaurant for some event and I was the one who had to work the bar, but I was determined to keep my friendly front even if I had to serve Stolas and his family, I was preparing glasses to be served with most of our popular and expensive drinks given the Goetian tastes when I was approached by a familiar smiling demon "Y/n, pleased to see you've found yourself a comfy spot" he says "Yes, I'm enjoying myself working here. Loads of people to meet and it keeps me busy after seeing all that I wanted to" I say "Say how long have you been working here?" He asked "Two months, was originally the dishwasher but quickly became a favorite with the folks at the bar" I say "My wife has told me as much, say I've also seen you have some... interactions with Stolas and his family" he says "Yeah, not exactly proud of them but it got the weight off my chest. And no I don't plan on letting my emotions get the better of me tonight" I say "Good to hear, this event is for his daughter's birthday" he says "Ah was wondering what the event was for" I say before something clicked "Oh my birthdays already past then, Hmm oh well" I say "You forgot your own birthday?" He asked "Well after years of disappointment on it I simply stopped caring and it just became another day for me" I say "Well I'm sorry to hear that, say as a late present take next week off, I'll run it by Lilith and you'll still be paid for the week" he says "Well thank you sir, that'd be lovely" I say "You've had it tough enough to where most would be bitter towards everyone yet your friendly to just about everyone. It's impressive that your still not like most down here" he says "I'm resilient, I've accepted my fate and decided to make what little I could of it all" I say "Well that's certainly good to hear" he says "Ah I believe our guests are here" I say seeing the line up at the door "Yes, well I'll be on my way then, enjoy your night the best you can" he says before leaving.

It didn't take long before people came over looking for drinks and putting on a smile I began serving drinks but it didn't take long before a familiar came around "You!" She says "Hello, what can I get you tonight?" I asked "You fucking little!" She began to say when someone I didn't know came over "Sister please, don't waste your words on this worthless scum. Don't forget we are here for your daughters birthday, best not ruin it for her" he says "I'll have words for you later!" She says before walking away "Thank you for that, is there anything I can get you?" I asked "Mmm not from the likes of you, where is Loui?" He asked "Unfortunately he passed awhile back, owed the wrong people some money" I explained "Ugh very well, I'll have a martini stirred. Simple enough for you?" He says "Very well" I say as I made his drink "So your Stella's brother, she never mentioned you" I say "Mmm probably not, to busy with that sad excuse of a husband" he says making make chuckle "Yes, rather horrible father figure as well" I say "You have a dislike for him as well?" He asked "Yes, rather the whole family" I say "Oh? I only ever heard snippets about you" he says "Well it's not really a conversation for now given the crowd and me working, but he robbed me of my place in heaven twice and denied me seeing the world. I'm none to pleased with him" I say "Hmm well the details can be spared for another time, farewell" he says taking his drink and leaving. I waited around cleaning glasses for someone else to come up when a child ran over and climbed up to the counter "Hello!" They say smiling "Hello, what can I get you?" I asked smiling back "A drink!" They say "And what kind of drink would you like?" I asked "Juice!" They say "Alright, I have apple juice, orange juice, cranberry juice. What would you like?" I asked "Apple!" They say, I poured them a small cup of it and set it front of them, they took it and jumped down before running off. I returned to my cleaning till I heard another noise and looked over to see Stolas at the counter I mentally sighed but kept my smile and friendly tone "What can I get you your majesty?" I asked making him look up and his eyes widened seeing me "Don't make a scene!" I whispered "Y/n what are you doing here?" He asked "My job? I work here, now is there anything I can get you?" I asked "Look I understand your anger with me you've made it clear I've done unforgivable things. But please in your heart understand I never meant for it to go like this" he says "Now is not the time or place for this conversation, I'm working and it's her birthday or are you going to screw up another birthday" I say "Can we talk after?" He asked "I'm working late tonight and have to close so no" I say trying to get out of it politely "Well if we can't talk tonight then.... Tomorrow? The day after? At some point?" He basically pleaded "If I say yes, after the talk will you finally stay out of my life?" I asked wiping down the counter "Yes!" He says rather loudly getting some eyes on us, I turned to make a drink so it just seemed like an order was placed "Keep your voice down, don't draw any attention to us" I say "Sorry.... How have you been since our last talk?" He asked "Your lucky I like my job" I thought to myself "Been doing good recently, got robbed by a girl I thought I was dating a few months ago" I say "Are you alright? Do you need anything?" He asked "No, she only stole miscellaneous things that had no value to me. Aside from that I had been going to Bee's parties and made friends with her and her boyfriend" I say "Bee?" He asked confused "Beelzebub? Gluttony ring leader? Sin?" I say "Oh! I didn't know she went by anything else" he says "Yeah, that day I blew up at you. She came to talk with me when I got back home to make sure I was okay" I say "Well good to know you've made some friends on your own" he says "And made an enemy out of that imp and his daughter you know" I say "Blitzy? What have you done to draw his ire?" He asked as I set the drink in front of him "Well it happened the same day I got robbed so I wasn't exactly in the best of moods, but his daughter saw me and knowing my relations with you and Octavia, told her where I was and moved to. Octavia came to talk to me and I fished out how she found out where I lived. I snooped around her sinstagram page and figured out where she worked and threatened her to stop telling Octavia where I was, and threatened Blitzo that I'd hurt Loona to keep quiet about it to you, I'm not exactly proud but what's done is done" I say "Oh.... Yes perhaps I could speak with him and explain the situation, he may not forgive you but he may understand why what happened happened" he says "IF you do, make it clear you don't want Loona spying on me" I say "I can do that" he says taking a sip of the drink but seemed surprised when he liked it "Your good that making drinks, this is delightful" he says "Mmm glad you like it, now walk away to not raise any suspicions, come back once it's empty and we'll talk about meeting" I say, he smiled and got up walking away and I hated to admit it but I more enjoyed the conversation then hated it.

The night went on for awhile and I poured more drinks before I had a guest I expected to have visited me earlier then this "Y/n!" Octavia says leaning on the bar "Yes?" I say "You work here!?" She asked "Yes, I do and I'm enjoying it" I say. She sniffled a little "Good to see your doing well" she says "Well, happy 18th. Want a shot to celebrate?" I asked "Dad won't let me drink" she says "He's not here and..." I say looking around to see if anyone was listening "I never heard you couldn't" I say she smiled and nodded. I poured her a shot quickly and she took it and quietly coughed and scrunched her face up not liking the taste "Disgusting" she says as I took the glass and set it behind the counter "Your tone has changed, what happened?" She asked "Oh don't confuse me wanting to keep this job for not being mad at you or him. Under any other circumstances I'd be far less polite then this" I say "Oh... Well I... I'm glad your here. Even if it's not by choice" she says "Mmm this night is probably the best night to make good tips, and I'm quite popular among the regulars so I was asked" I say "So you did choose to work this night?" She asked "Before I knew who it was for yes" I say "Oh... I know I said I'd leave you alone but I want to make thing right, I know I messed up and I'm sorry. Can we meet up after the party and truly talk this out?" She asked "I'm working late and won't be out of here till midnight, but Stolas and I are meeting at some point apparently he wants the same still and I know he won't stop till I at least hear him out so I agreed to meet with, we can have our talk then as well I suppose" I say, she smiled and leaned over the bar to hug me but stop "Right I can't touch you" she says "Yes, no one who I don't want to can touch me" I say "What?" She asked "The only people who can touch me are those I want to, if I don't want you too you can't, if I do then you can" I explain "Oh..... I thought it was just something that happened to you" she says slightly upset now that she knew the truth "But I can still touch you even if you can't me" I say making her look up at me with a small glimmer of hope that I might hug her, there was a sudden grunt as someone sat down a little bit farther down the bar "Excuse me your highness" I say to which she nodded, I walked down the bar and was met with hostility from this boy close to my age but a bit older "Stop talking to the princess" he says "Excuse me?" I say "You heard me, you have no chance with her" he says "Umm I think your misreading my intentions. I'm only making small talk as part of my job, keeping tabs incase she feels uncomfortable or if someone is giving her issues" I say "Stay the fuck away from her" he barks drawing some attention "Young man, I'd suggest a change of tone" I say pulling my glove off. He looked down at the symbol then back up at me "As I said I'm just making sure she's okay" I say leaning in closer "It's my job" I tag on before putting the glove back on and turning to the drink "Now what can I get you?" I asked "Ahh just a water" he says so I poured him a glass and set it in front of him, he shakily took it and left so I returned to Octavia who now had some other girl our age next to her along with the kid from before "Oh come on Octavia you should give him a chance, he won't stop talking about you" the girl says "No, I've said it a million times I'm not interested" Octavia says "Excuse me Princess is she causing issues?" I asked "Ugh no just annoying" she says "Alright, is there anything I can get you?" I asked "Juice!" The kid says setting the cup on the counter "Eli! Say please we aren't plebeians" the girl says "I'm sorry about him" she says "Oh no worry's it's just kids being kids, I know they lack manners my step sister wasn't very polite to me growing up" I say "Oh that sounds terrible" she says "Mmm story for another time, pick your poison?" I asked making her giggle lightly "Wonderful choice of words, half and half with a soda. Surprise me I'm not picky" she says smiling at me. I picked the drinks blindly and saw I actually had my personal favorite mix so I made it up rather quickly before handing it to her "Thank you, I'm Lily by the way Duchess" she says "My apologies Duchess, I'm not in the loop on what family's are here" I say "Oh no worries, your charm more then makes up for it" she says "You flatter me, a friendly face stands out down here" I say "Yes and a polite person belongs in a better station then this" she says "Oh please I enjoy my work here, plenty of people to meet and stories to hear" I say "Well I think I can spare a few" she says I smiled but quickly remembered I had to work "Mmm perhaps another time? I still have a job to do" I say "I think I can find some free time" she says "Im free all next week, if that works Duchess" I say "Of course, I'll be in touch~" she says before leaving "You can't seriously be considering her" Octavia says "Oh and why not?" I asked "She's so self centered!" She says "And? I have plenty of experience with people who only care about themselves" I say staring her down "Alright I get the message. Enjoy your night and be careful with her, she's trickier then you think" she says "Enjoy your night princess" I say.

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