Final chapter

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The night of the meeting was at hand and I got ready for the inevitable confrontation with Bee that was coming, I put on my suit that Lucifer had requested I wear at these meetings to look more professional. I was waiting at the bar I use to work at as the new bartender cleaned a glass "You should have asked me if I wanted something by now" I say "Excuse me sir?" He says "I use to work this bar, even these meetings once upon a time" I say "Oh... ah any pointers?" He asked "Yeah, keep your eyes on the guests any decide to give someone a hard time get them removed. The friendlier you are with the patrons the better your tips will be" I say as he nodded "Do you want anything?" He asked "Yes, a mixed punch" I say "Been to Gluttony have you?" He asked as this was Bee's signature drink that Vortex had made "I was friends with Beezlebub and her now deceased boyfriend. Things went south recently" I say. There was an awkward silence as he set the drink down, I took it as one of the sins walked in and sat down next to me "Y/n" Asmodeus says "Hey Oz" I say taking a sip of my drink "How ya been?" He asked "I had to give a kill order" I say "Oh! Your first kill good for you!" He says "No not good for me, It wasn't how you think it was, I had to pick between my girlfriend or Bee's boyfriend in turn ruining my friendship with her" I say "Oh... the same one you fought to keep her with?" He asked "Yeah" I say rather distant. We didn't talk as more sins showed up and soon they were all here and Lucifer called us over to the table we got over and sat down with me in my usual spot next to Lucifer and I could feel Bees eyes locked on me but I ignored it as he went on with some things and numbers that were either up or down and with a little help from me I managed to get Bee a few weeks of leeway in her numbers given her issue right now "Now with that concluded does anyone have any thing they'd like to share?" Lucifer asked "Yes I do actually" I say "Ohhh a surprise" he says as I didn't tell him about this, I stood up and snapped my finger, Laila dropped down behind me fluffing her wings a little before walking up beside me "This is Laila, my assistant some of you are more familiar with her then others. From now on she will be checking in at random on all of you to make sure all is in order, she has access to your numbers and if she finds anything out of order, things will get less then pleasant for you or your loved ones" I say as a few of them sunk into there seats being in the presents of an Angel "Well if that's all then your all dismissed" Lucifer says as they got up and left except one "Your a son of bitch" Bee says, I was about to answer when Lucifer stopped me "I'd suggest you remember, I'm in charge and he is my second in command. Do not insult him" he says "Lucifer, I can handle myself. Im your second so if I can't handle this then what kind of second am I?" I say "Bee do you really not see the truth? Or are you choosing to not acknowledge it?" I asked "You and that bitch killed Vortex!" She says "Really? Alright let's remove me from the decision entirely. Lucifer if I hadn't appeared in your office that day, what would have happened?" I asked "Hmmm, tortured, suffering, before being forced to watch him suffer and die slowly" he says "And with me, he was dead before he even knew what had happened. Either way he ended up dead because of your actions, I just made it quick and painless" I say, she glared at me and Lucifer before she closed her eyes and got up from the table leaving. I turned to Lucifer to face the music given I didn't run this plan by him about Laila having her own position within his ranks "So you promoted her, without my permission" he says "Not entirely, she's just doing what you get us to do, and given the check in's will be at random, there less likely to make changes without running it by you or at all. Avoiding another incident like Bee where the numbers will be down for awhile. Saving you the headache of dealing with them, and us having a better look at the numbers in real time saving time before these meetings" I say watching his smile grow as the frustrated look disappears into a more joyful one "This is why I keep you around" he says, I nodded before turning to Laila "Let's get home" I say.

As her and I arrived at home and got inside I went to check on Eli, we decided to leave him home alone given our new address put him in a very safe place or at least I thought it did. I got to his room peeking in and only to bash it the rest of the way open when I saw Bee in his room. I grabbed her pulling her away from his bed where he had been, the commotion had got Laila's attention as she came in the room and saw me on top of Bee holding her down so she ran over and checked on Eli taking him out of the room "That's too far! Going after a child!" I shout as I wrapped my hands around her neck choking her "Not... hurting.... Him" she says "He has angelic protection, you can't hurt him" I say as I let her neck go and hit her "I didn't come here to hurt him!" She says, I picked her up by her collar and tossed her against the wall "Bullshit!" I shout "I'm just lonely" she says between gasps of air. I grabbed her again this time dragging her out of the room and out the front door before tossing her on to the street "Enjoy your last night alive, Lucifer will be hearing about this" I say "Y/n please! Id never go after him! I just wanted to not feel along anymore" she says but I just turned and went inside closing the door and locking it. Once I had it closed I let out a deep breath as I went to Laila's room where her and Eli were and once I got there I saw Laila looking Eli over "He's not hurt" she says having heard me walk in "I know, what was she doing here?" I asked looking at him "Why were you mad at Candy lady?" he asked upset "She's mad at me, and I thought she was trying to hurt you. She wasn't supposed to be here tonight" I say rubbing his cheek "But she wasn't hurting me, she gave me some candy and talked" he says "What did she talk about?" I asked "She said she was lonely and wanted a friend" he says "Hmm" I say before contemplating on calling Lucifer or just letting her sit with the anxiety of it for awhile, my phone suddenly began to ring and I answered it assuming Laila had told Stolas what had happened "Y/n please for the love of god forgive me!" Bee says "Why should I? You've done nothing but blame me for your actions then you break into my house and go after my son, why the fucking hell should I forgive you!?" I shout into the phone getting worked up. I noticed Eli getting scared at me yelling so I stood up and left the room as Bee talked trying to convince me not to go to Lucifer about this. I listened as she rambled and rambled with apologies and excuses for why she did what she did "I'm hearing nothing but excuses to try and save your own skin" I say there was a pause for a moment before she spoke up again "Alright I killed Vortex not you! I broke into your house to see Eli but I'd never hurt him! I'm sorry!" She says, I debated back and forth as she finally said what I wanted her to admitting she was the reason he was dead and not blaming me "You want me to brush this under the rug? Then your giving up some of your power again, and I will be telling Lucifer to waver your leeway seeing as you chose to act this way after I gave it to you, you had best get to work" I say "Fine come and take your power! I'm still out front just don't tell him!" She begs. I hung up the phone and called for Laila, she came in worried walking over "Yes?" She asked "Come with me your getting more power" I say grabbing her hand and leading her outside where we found Bee waiting "Your giving it to her, hurry up you have work to do!" I snapped, the same glow from before returned and went to Laila for awhile longer then before "That's enough" I say. The last of the power landed on Laila "Now leave" I say turning and basically pulling Laila back into the house closing the door again for the last time "There now your untouchable to sins, the only people who can still harm you is Lucifer and his family" I say heading back to her room where I found Eli hiding under the blankets seemingly scared, I walked over and slowly lifted the blanket up off of him "Dad are you angry?" He asked "Not at you buddy, I've got it all out" I say smiling to him, he smiled a little before Laila walking in behind me "Can I stay with you tonight?" He asked looking at her "Uhh sure thing Eli" she says "Yay! Thanks mom!" He says making her blink a few times before looking at me "I had nothing to do with that, when he called you that before I had the same reaction but just assumed you let him call you that" I say "I never told him he could" she says "Look we can talk more when we get up it's already two in the morning we need to sleep" I say "Fine" she says. I went to leave the room "Dad aren't you staying with us?" He asked "Oh, I suppose I can" I say walking back over. I removed my suit and got into bed on the opposite side as Laila with Eli in the middle of us.

We were woken up the next morning by Eli who was shaking us awake "Come on! Wake up!" He says "Hmmm yeah what is it bud?" I asked "My birthday day!" He says making me wake up real quick "Yeah your birthday!" I say as I had completely forgot to ask him this stuff given what had been going on, he jumped out of the bed running off to his room leaving me there feeling horrible having completely forgotten to even ask when his birthday was or even how old he was, Laila groggy as could be sat up "What's going on?" She sales rubbing her eyes "Eli's birthday is today, and I didn't even know it was coming up and have nothing planned" I say getting out of bed "Well you had better make sure we aren't called to work otherwise he'll be upset" she says "Right!" I say getting out of bed and grabbing my phone, I left the room as my phone rang to Lucifer but given it was early it went to voicemail, so I left a message telling him I wouldn't be available today since I was spending the day with Eli. I got to my room and quickly got freshened up before heading to the living room to see if I could find Eli but he wasn't there so I went to the kitchen and he also wasn't there "Hmm odd" I say before going to check his room where I found him playing with a few of his things, I walked over to him and knelt down beside him "So bud it's your big day, what do you want to do?" I asked "I get to pick!?" He says excited "Yeah, of course you do!" I say "Loo Loo World!" He says making me chuckle "Alright we'll go to Loo Loo world later on, but we still have to morning to get through. So what would you like for breakfast?" I asked "Waffles!" He says "Okay, I'll get them ready" I say. I got up and went to the kitchen to start cooking when Laila walked in "So what are we doing for his birthday?" She asked "He wants to head to Loo Loo World, it's an amusement park Lucifer owns" I say "Of course he owns it!" She says "It's Hell technically he owns everything" I says "Don't remind me, so what's for breakfast?" She asked "Eli wanted waffles" I say "Any idea how old he is?" She asked "Not yet but since you also don't know, why don't you go ask him and report back?" I say "Hmm smart" she says before disappearing again. After a few minutes she came back out "He's ten today" she says "Good, now I know" I say as he came running out, his bright smile on "How long till we go to Loo Loo World?" He asked "Patience bud, we'll be there before lunch, but we have to eat and then go visit grandpa. He wants to see you" I say "Is he come with us?" He asked "I'll have to check, I'm sure he'd love too" I say. He ran off to watch TV while I asked Laila to take over the cooking so I could call Stolas and let him know what was going on. Once I had told him what was going on he decided to bring the whole family with us to celebrate and soon it was time to leave. We all arrived at Loo Loo World and got inside I was surprised to see Loona had come along with us. Eli was walking hand in hand with his two aunts while the rest of us followed along with them as he went from ride to ride, Stolas was surprised that I wasn't going on ride with them considering I had never been here before but I was more than happy to sit around with Laila and chat with her and enjoy our time together. As the day went along and it got later and later Eli slowed down getting tired and eventually we left as he had fallen asleep, Stolas decided to look after him for the night and let Laila and I have a night to ourselves much to her and I's delight. Our night together wasn't spent doing to much but Laila had gotten more then comfy as she had snuggled up with me on the couch as we watched a movie, I put my arm around her holding her close enjoying it because I knew these times would be few and far between, but I was okay with that I had my happily ever after with my family.

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