Chapter 9

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Stolas had told me most of the more important thing on looking after a child like sneaking there medicine in with foods, but me, Eli and him were now off to dinner with Blitzo as Octavia had gone to a friends place for the night so I was kinda out of options on babysitters for this occasion. We sat down at the restaurant where Blitzo had been waiting for us "Oh, it's you" he says seeing me "Yes it is, I apologize for my actions a few months ago, it was a poor and regrettable action. I hope going forward we can have a more positive relationship given you and my fathers relationship" I say "What the fuck changed between you two that your went from hating his guts to calling him dad?" He asked "I was told the whole story that it was the Kings fault I was kept away from everyone" I say "Huh and the kid?" He asked "Is mine, this is Eli I adopted him today" I say "Hello" Eli says giving him a little wave "Your a father now? Guess that's why you here isn't it? To learn how to be a dad" he says "Yes, I want to be a good father to him" I say "Well do you have a good job? It costs a lot to raise a kid" he asked "Uh I'm a bartender for Lilith" I say "Who?" He asked "Lucifer's wife?" I say "OH! Well shit kid you must be rolling in cash!" He says "Mmm money isn't the issue or anything physical for that matter. It's more of the other things to learn" I say "Other things?" He asked "I don't know because I don't know, I don't know what I should know how to do" I say "Y/n, it's not as simple as being taught these things, when I was forced to raise Via I was completely unprepared and clueless, but I knew one thing I wanted the best for her and I'd do anything for her to have it" Stolas says "Yeah, when I adopted Loona I knew it was going to be difficult. It's no secret she has some temper issues but even with that I still try as hard as I can to make her smile" Blitzo says "These are lessons you'll have to learn as you go" he says "Can we go visit Candy lady?" Eli asked "Candy lady?" Blitzo asked "Beelzebub, she's a friend of mine has been for awhile. She was at the apartment visiting, to help get him out of his shy shell given what had happened I had explained to him that she was responsible for all the sweets in hell. Hence the name Candy lady" I say "And no Eli we can't, it'll be late when we get out of here and close to bedtime for you, but maybe in the morning we can give her a little visit" I say "Your friends with her too? How?" He asked "After I entered the after life I got to explore the different rings, me being a "sinner" caught her attention at one of her party's and we just got to know each other from there, Vortex showed me around some places" I say "Actually yeah how can you travel rings being a sinner?" He asked "Well I had lived a life that should have put me in heaven even Lucifer said as much, but due to my time down here my soul was corrupted and I was denied entry, Lucifer only punished those deserving to be in hell so I was an anomaly. He gave me this symbol and the freedom to travel rings and do the one thing I had been denied for so many years" I explain he blinked a few times "Huh, well fuck me" he says "Blitzo" I say "What?" He asked "Language please, I'd rather not have him swearing before his teen years" I say "Oh... sorry" he says "Just try not to while he's present please" I say "So.... How's Loona been? Last I heard you and her had an argument" Stolas asked "She still hasn't spoken to me, I'm just, I try but she doesn't care" he says "I'm sure she does, she just has her own way of expressing it" Stolas says trying to comfort him.

Dinner had finished up I thanked Blitzo for the little advise he had given me and gave Stolas a hug before I took Eli home, once we arrived I sat down on the couch while he went to his room. After a few minutes he came out in some pajamas "Where did you get those?" I asked "They were on the bed!" He says "Was there anything else?" I asked, he nodded "Alright, I'll put on a movie but once it's done bed time" I say "Okay!" He says walking over and climbing up on the couch, I put some movie on he wanted and went to check his room as I hadn't gotten anything for him yet having planned on getting them tomorrow. I found his room redone entirely and a note on his dresser "Enjoy your family, your being laid off since we know you won't quit L.M" it read, I grabbed my phone having Lilith number due to her being the owner of the restaurant it took a few rings before she picked up "Hello Y/n, I'm guessing you found the note?" She asked "Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for all this stuff. Uhh if you could, get Lucifer to give me a call" I asked "Yes your still his advisor, and your more then welcome for the things. It's never easy being a new parent especially when you've lived a life as you have" she says "Well that answers the one question I had ahh thanks again, I'm sure he'll love this" I say "As the note said enjoy your family" she says "I will" I say before she hung up "For the rulers of hell they are really friendly" I thought leaving the room, I went over to the kitchen and put some popcorn in the microwave before I leaned on the counter watching the movie Eli was watching until the popping slowed down. I took it out and poured it into a bowl, I went into the living room and sat down next to him setting the bowl between us "I made a snack" I say "Yay!" He says taking a handful of it, I smiled watching him eat with a grin on his face "Your my favorite dad!" He says "Dad?" I say "Yeah! Aunty told me your my new dad!" He says "Did she know? I wanted to surprise you with it" I say "Ohhhh don't get mad at her!" He says, I laughed lightly "Alright I won't get mad at her, did she tell you anything else?" I asked "Yeah... she said Sissy didn't want to see me" he says "Fuck! What do I do!?" I thought "Dad, she wants to see me right?" He asked "Sissy's just really busy right now, with everything that's happened she has a lot of work to do before she can come visit" I say "Oh okay..." he says upset "I'm sorry buddy, but grandpa likes having you around" I say "Grandpa?" He says confused "Yeah my dad, he's your grand father" I say "I have two dad?" He asked "Not quite two dads, but yes" I say "Two dads" he says making me laugh "Just remember he's grandpa I'm dad" I say "Do I have a new mom?" He asked "No, I don't have a wife" I say "Wife?" He asked "Yes, the women that would be your mom would be my wife" I say. My phone suddenly rang and I pulled it out of my pocket seeing it was Octavia "Hello Octavia?" I say "Y/n can you come pick us up? I'm not comfortable here and Loona is drunk" she asked "I can't pick you up Octavia, Eli is going to bed soon and I can't leave him home alone. Call a cab" I say "No! I don't trust them. Please we are in Pride, no more then half an hour away" she says "Look either I'll be down or a friend of mine will be" I say "Okay" she says hanging up, I texted Vortex to see if there was any chance he could pick them up, but before I could send the message Octavia messaged me "We have to come to your place" she says "What have you done this time?" I thought "Hey Tex uhh are you in Pride by any chance?" I asked "Yeah I'm at a bar right now, why do you ask?" He replied "Look I need a favor, Octavia and Loona are out somewheres and need to get picked up. Loona's drunk and Octavia is uncomfortable wherever they are" I say "I can if you tell me where they are" he says "One second" I say, "Where are you two?" I asked "A bar called the two headed crow" she says "Great thanks! Btw my friend is a big hell hound his name is Vortex, he's friends with Loona" I say "Thank you, I'm really uneasy here" she says I messaged Vortex where they were and he gave me a thumbs up "So I'll pick them up but why cant you?" He asked before another message popped up "Right the kid and Duchess" he says "Just the kid, Duchess is a cunt and is back at her home on her own" I say "Oh?" He asked "Yeah, was ungrateful for about everything, was more happy that her parents were dead and had zero interest in looking after him. She'd rather him dead then look after him" I say "Oh shit, so your keeping him?" He asked "I've adopted him, I'm a dad now" I say "Huh guess your party days are over then" he says "Yeah, but I chose this. And if I really wanted to Stolas is more then happy to look after him for a night or two. I can still go out every so often" I say "Oh yeah, how'd things go with him?" He asked "I'm his son now finally adopted by him" I say "Really well then, good to know" he says "Yeah even had a dinner with him and Loona's dad to help teach me a few things" I say "Good, learning to look after the little guy" he says "Yeah, he wants to visit with Bee again." I say "She spoiled him with candy" he says "I'm more then aware, is it cool if we come by tomorrow?" I asked "You know your always welcome" he says "I just don't want to drop by unannounced" I say "It's all good" he says "Alright I think I see them" he says "Alright, drop them off here and I'll look after them" I say "Okay" he says.

It took longer then it should have but there was a knock on the door I opened it and immediately had to catch Loona who had been resting on the door, "Something ain't right with her, she ain't drunk" he says "Yeah" I say staring down Octavia "Thank for getting both here safe Vortex" I say "Yeah anytime, I'd rather run across rings then let something happen to them" he says "Yeah you and me both, if you weren't able to then I'd have done it" I say "And the little guy?" He asked "Bring him with me, I'll do what I have to to help these two" I say, getting Loona over to the couch which slightly startled Eli given her being a stranger "Well I'll be off, you take care of her" he says "Yeah thanks again Tex" I say "Have a good night" he says closing the door "Eli bed time" I say not wanting him to see this as it was clear Loona was on drugs whether she willingly took them or not "But the movie isn't done" he says "I know buddy, aunty will read you a bed time story, go brush your teeth now and she might read you two" I say "Okay" he says hoping off the couch and heading to the washroom, I laid Loona down and turned to Octavia "What the fuck were you doing!?" I say angry but kept my voice down "It was just a bar! I didn't know this was happening there!" She says "If I ever find out your doing drug, you'll be in rehab and won't see the light of day till your clean!" I snapped "I didn't do anything I swear!" she says "You'd better not have!" I say "Please don't tell dad or Blitzo please!" She says "I'll keep quiet this time, it had better not happen again" I say "It won't" she says as Eli came out of the washroom and headed to his room, Octavia followed in behind him to read him a story while I stayed with Loona. I leaned over her to see if she was actually awake or completely unconscious luckily her eyes were open and moving around "Loona, you hear me?" I asked, she groaned some before laughing at nothing "Hey focus" I say snapping my finger hoping to get her back to reality "Waa" she says "What happened? Can you tell me?" I asked "Dad and I got in a fight" she says "And what do you do to get over it?" I asked "Went to a party and...." She says trailing off "He's going to replace me" she says "What?" I say confused "He's going to get rid of me" she says I realized she was just rambling about some issues "Loona he won't get rid of you" I say "Yes he will, I'm a horrible daughter" she says as a tear rolled down her cheek "Loona, he loves you with all his heart. He's just frustrated" I say "How do you know?" She asked "Because I've only had my son for a day but I love him with all my heart, I don't know how long he's been your dad but he's kept you around for all these years and is still trying. All he wants is to see you smile" I say, she groaned some so I walked over a got her some water and helped her drink in. I rolled her on her side so if she puked she wouldn't choke on it and went to get a blanket and pillow for her when I heard something I never thought I would "Is she singing him a lullaby?" I thought hearing Octavia's voice. I peaked into the room and sure enough she was singing him to sleep, I smiled and left gathering Loona's things. I got her set up on the couch and went to check on Eli and Octavia but she was just leaving his room "He's asleep" she says "I heard you singing" I say as her cheeks light up "Thanks" she says embarrassed "So I guess I'm sleeping with you tonight" she says "You stay on your side of the bed and I'll stay on mine" I say, we climbed into bed but she immediately curled up with me "Octavia" I say when I felt her shaking "Your scared aren't you?" I asked "Yes, her drink was right next to mine. I couldn't have been drugged" she says "Well you here safe, I'll give the pair of you advice in the morning" I say "Okay" she says curling up tighter soon we were sound asleep.

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