Chapter 3

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My life had again do a little 180 as I was happy as could be again given Lux and I had started dating a few days after our last meeting at the store, and were currently happy as could be together. We were on our way to another one of Bee's parties and I was kinda nervous give it was our first real date but I couldn't be happier "So you've never been to one of these parties?" I asked "No, I always thought because the ring leader was the host that it was invitation only" she says "Nah she gets her power from these parties the more people here having a good time the better" I say "I'll take your word for it" she says as we arrived there and I was immediately greeted by Vortex "Hey Y/n, I was hoping you'd be here tonight" he says "Yeah, I'm here and brought someone with me this time, Vortex meet Lux" I say introducing them to each other, it wasn't long before Bee came over to "Oh my god Y/n! Your happier then a motherfucker!" She says smiling "Yeah, got my life back on track just like I said I would" I say "I had my doubts but you've proved me wrong! And who's your little friend?" She asked looking at Lux "Bee meet Lux, we're here on a date" I say "Uhh hi" Lux says a little shyly "You two are sooo cute together!" Bee says "heh well you know where to find us in there" I say "Yeah enjoy your date you two!" She says as we went over to my usual spot and sat down "So what do you think of Bee and Vortex?" I asked "A little intimidating" she says "Seriously? I get she's a Sin and all but she really chill, fuck the other day when I had my meltdown at Stolas she came and talked to me afterwards. She's a good friend, the both of them are" I say "It'll take some getting use to" she says as some drinks arrived "Woah these are... big" she says "Gluttony remember, overindulgence" I say "Oh right, is this alcohol?" She asked as her and I were the same age and she actually didn't drink "Ever so slightly yes, I've had them plenty of times" I say taking a drink of mine "Mmm is there a nonalcoholic option?" She asked "Uhh I think" I say but before we could even check to ask another drink popped up in front of her "Alright Bee don't be eaves dropping" I say "Well then, guess that answers that" she says "So any luck on finding a new job?" I asked "Nothing in Gluttony worth while, I did see something in Pride but it's an assassin job so I have some hesitations about it. Aside from that there was a good sounding one in Greed but fuck going there. Other then that I'm out of luck" she says "Mmm I'd go to an interview for the assassin job and see what it's about and if it's not your cup of tea turn it down, it's better then scrapping by at the clothing store" I say "Yeah, your right I should tomorrow I'll head there" she says "I'll tag along, I need a job as well and could use the money instead of just gliding by on this symbols weight" I say "Don't suddenly become my competition" she says "Nah I'm not an assassin type, but I think Pride has the best chance of landing me a job that's worth while" I say "Yeah, sometimes there pride works against them paying there employees more then the next guy" she says. We continued to chat about different topics while we drank and ate some food, and before we knew it it was way later then we planned on being out "Fuck! I got work in the four hours!" She says as we got up in a rush to leave "My place is in Wrath that's an hours drive let alone walk!" She says in a panic "Why not stay at my place? It's all of ten minutes away and it's better then nothing" I say "Really? Thanks" she says. We got back to my place and I let her sleep in my room while I slept on the couch.

I woke up the next morning and stretched I got up pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking the time "Best sleep I've had in awhile" I say walking over to my room to get changed as Lux would be at work only to find my room a mess and some things missing and I realized she robbed me. I cleaned up to see what she stole and it wasn't anything of real value to me but would fetch a little money, I sighed before just letting go of my anger as it was just life screwing me over again I got cleaned up myself before I left my apartment and headed down to Bee's. Once I got there I found Vortex helping some people clean up from the party the night before "Hey need a hand?" I asked walking up "Oh hey Y/n, uhhh sure won't turn down an extra hand" he says, I began gathering cups and glasses before taking them to the crew in the kitchen who were doing the dishes, when I came back it I walked over to a few tables and picked up some plates in piles before returning them to the kitchen. After awhile of silently working Vortex came over "So how's things go last night?" He asked "She robbed me" I say casually "What!?" He says surprised "I don't own anything a value so all she really got was an old laptop charger, some change, and I think a keyboard. But I could be wrong on that" I say "Are you alright?" He asked "Yeah, lesson learned. Don't trust people" I say continuing my work "So what are you going to do now?" He asked "Move on with life, no point on crying over spilled milk. Fate will always find a way to screw me over, it's just my life I guess" I say "Y/n man life ain't all bad, just some tough ways to teach you some stuff. It'll get better" he says "Mmm before plummeting to the deep worst corner of hell to fuck me over... again" I say "Life is full of tough times" he says "well when do the good times start? Because the past seventeen years have been miserable" I asked "Well the first seventeen years of my life were bad too, but once I turned eighteen and got out of the adoption center it turned out great, it won't be bad forever just hang in there and it'll come around" he says "Mmm, I'll be moving to Pride and finding a job there. It's time I changed something in my life" I say "You seriously ain't going to take Bee's job offer?" He asked "No, I've been handed enough stuff. I want to start getting by on my own merits if I can" I say "Alright man, take care I guess" he says "Yeah, I'll finish up here but then I'm leaving for Pride" I say, he nodded before walking off and I continued on with my work and shortly thereafter it was done and I left to go pack my few things and leave to try once again to start anew.

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