Chapter 2

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It had been a few days since Bee's party and I was walking around the town when I ran into Bee and Tex again "Hey Y/n, you in a better mood?" Bee asked "I guess" I say "So your actually an innocent person?" Tex asked "Yeah, yet I'm trapped down here" I say "Dam that blows" he says "Yeah, but I guess being free to travel the rings has its perks" I say "Yeah, so any plans to ever make up with the royal family?" He asked "Why do you care? Because no and if I have it my way I'll let them think I'm in heaven and will never see them again" I say "Oh... I figured you'd at least let them know you were okay" he says "Nah fuck em, they were perfectly happy letting me live my entire life locked in a room. I'm happy to be away from them" I say "So got a job?" Bee asked "No" I say "Do you want one? I could use an extra set of hands around after parties" Bee says "Cleaning?" I asked knowing it was the answer "Yep, there usually a big mess after words" she says "I'm okay, there's still other places I want to see before I decide to live a more normal life here" I say "Oh, like where?" She asked "Wrath, I never really spent much time there and with a festival coming up I'm going to see it" I say "Oh yeah, the harvest moon festival. I was there once, it's pretty fun" Tex says "Good I'm looking forwards to it" I say "Well we'd best be going. Take care Y/n" Bee says "Yeah you too" I say. I made my way through the town before I came to a clothing store I went inside and looked around before an imp walked up to me "What do you want?" She asked "Something for Wrath weather" I say "Attending the festival there?" She asked "Yeah, first time I'll be there" I say "Ah I was there last year" she say "Well guess you have a good idea what attire will be good for the weather then" I say looking over some clothes "Yes, these won't help much there heavier than they look. These are more fitting" she says leading me over to another shelf "Thank you" I say she smiled and walked away, I looked over and grab some that I liked before taking them to the counter "And your total is $80" she says, I pulled my glove off showing her the symbol which terrified her "Free of charge!" She says with slight panic "No need to get all worked up, I'm friendlier then most who have this" I say "How can anyone who works for him be friendly" she says "I'm not in hell because I deserve to be here, I got screwed over by someone in power who corrupted my soul. I never did anything wrong in my life, apparently we get free reign down here when we arrive" I say "What?" She asked confused "In my human life, I never did anything to earn my spot down here, a demon killed my parents and whether they felt pity or something for me took me with them down here, I still lived a life that should have led me to heaven but being down here for so long corrupted my soul so despite being a good person when I died I'm trapped down here" I say "So you got screwed over" she says "Yes, and given my innocence I was gifted this symbol so I wouldn't be "punished" for things I didn't do, I have the freedom to travel rings and this symbol to get me by" I say "Huh, lucky you" she says "Yeah, my luck finally turned around" I say "Well either way enjoy the festival and your new clothes" she says "Will you be attending it this year?" I asked "Why?" She asked me confused "Well it's my first time and given you've been there before, a friendly face would be welcome to show me around. So I'm not walking around like a chicken with my head cut off" I say making her giggle some "No unfortunately I have to work otherwise I'd be happy to" she says "Ah shame, oh well I'll bring you something back" I say grabbing my things "Thank you, enjoy the festival" she says smiling as I left.

The day of the festival was here and I had caught a "cab" in Wrath that took us to the festival which was actually a horse and carriage. Once we arrived at the festival I got to stretch my legs some and walk around some before I decided to check out some games they had going on but decided not to play them, I walked around some more before I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see Vortex there "Oh hey Tex what's up?" I asked "Uhh kinda here to give you a small tiny warning about something" he says "Okay?" I say "So.... Loona may have mentioned you to her dad.... Who said something to Stolas and now he might be here looking for you" he says. I became visibly agitated and let out a sigh "Fuck!" I say "Hey I'm just giving you the heads up" he says "Yeah... thanks" I say before walking away "Great... now I have to keep my head low and basically not enjoy this festival, maybe I should just leave now" I thought but I was broken from my thoughts when someones hand went through me and I realized who it was "Oh great your here too" I thought seeing Octavia was the one "Y/n your alive!" She says. I rolled my eyes and continued on not even looking at her "Y/n wait!" She says coming after me and got beside me "What are you doing here!" She asked but I ignored her "Why aren't you talking? Can you not hear me?" She asked trying to put her hand on me only for it to go through me again "Are you not actually here?" She asked before pulling out her phone. I sat down on a bench and she sat down next to me "Y/n?" She says but I ignored her, after a few minutes Stolas came into view "Fucking perfect" I thought. He came over rather rushing and tried to pull me into a hug but he went through me as well "What's going on?" He asked "I don't know, he isn't responding and we're not able to touch him. Is he trapped in some kinda half way or something?" She asked "For the second time you screwed me out of heaven" I say "What?" They both say "When I died that night I woke up in Lucifer's office and he explained that I SHOULD have been in heaven but because of my years down here my soul was corrupted and now I'm trapped down here for all eternity. So now that I have my freedom I'll happily spend eternity never seeing either of you again" I say getting up and walking through Stolas "Y/n I didn't know!" He says chasing after me "Fuck off, you've screwed up my past life and now my after life enough. I don't want anything to do with either of you anymore!" I snapped "Please just we can talk this out!" He pleads "I am talking it out, I don't want to see you or your little brat again. There it's all set in stone now fuck off and let me enjoy the festival" I say "Y/n!" He says "I don't care! You were perfectly happy locking me in a room to never see the outside world or even have a friend, and don't try to say her. She doesn't want anything to do with me and never did! She only interacts with me because you make her, that bitch you called your wife would have rather killed me then even be in the same ring as me. So fuck all three of you! Screw your whole family and I hope it all burns to the ground in front of your eyes!" I shout making him stop in his tracks, I turned and walked away while he stood there looking at me saddened. I ended up grabbing some food and left for Gluttony not wanting to be at the festival anymore.

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