Chapter 13

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I got into Eli's room and heard him crying so I walked over to his bedside and sat down next to him "I just wanted to help" he says, I pulled him up and out of the covers and into a hug "I know you did Eli, I'm sorry for yelling at you" I say holding him "Why can't I help?" He asked "It's complicated, there are things you just can't do yet, and dealing with Loona while she's upset is just one of them" I say "But why?" He asked "Like I said it's complicated, you'll understand when your older" I say "What about Sissy? When's she coming back?" He asked "She's not coming back Eli" I say "What?" He says "Eli sissy didn't want you back" I say pushing through my words and own feelings "But..." he says "It's why I took you in, she didn't want to so I did" I say "But sissy" he says as tears welled up in his eyes "Shhh it's okay, Dads here for you" I say as he cried. It hurt me to tell him the truth but he asked so out of the blue that it surprised me into telling him, not much else was said as I didn't know what else to say to him. So I sat there with him and held him in my arms, eventually I didn't hear crying anymore and looked down to see him sleeping in my arms, I tucked him back into bed and kissed the top of his head. I turned to leave only to find Loona peaking in the door her and I locked eyes for a moment before she disappeared and I went to the closet to grab somethings for her, I got back out into living room and found her sitting on the couch looking at the floor "So that's what it would have been like..." she says "Excuse me?" I say "To have a dad growing up" she says "Didn't Blitzo raise you?" I asked "He adopted me when I was seventeen and only a month later I was eighteen. I never had a dad or mom as a pup" she says "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that" I say "And now I don't even have a dad" she says "Loona stop" I say "Stop what?" She asked "This stupid narrative you've made up in your head. You still have a dad, just because you fight and he kicked you out doesn't mean he doesn't love you" I say "How do you know!" She snapped "Because I was the same way with my dad! I hated his guts! I threatened people to avoid seeing him! Yet here I am his adopted son and a happy family" I say "Just because you have these arguments and fights doesn't mean he loves you any less. There is nothing you could do to make him ever stop loving you" I say "Then why did he toss me out!?" She says "Because you didn't appreciate what he did for you!" I say making her take a step back "He put a roof over your head, food in your stomach, a job to keep yourself afloat, let you party. And all he ever wanted was your love and acceptance and you spit in his face time and time again" I say, I could see Loona visibly get mad and jumped up before looking behind me at something making her jump out of her body as she fell over. I turned to see Laila standing in the door way eyeing Loona "Laila go lay down!" I say getting up "Pretty hard with this one making noise" she says "Get back in bed" I say "Need me to get rid of her first?" She asked "Laila I'm ordering you get back in bed and stay there till I tell you otherwise" I say. She let out a breathing sigh before she disappeared back into the room I turned to Loona who was terrified "Loona relax, it's just my new house maid" I say "H h house maid? That's a fucking Angel!" She says clearly scared "Former Angel, she did something wrong and was cast out, now after some chatting with Lucifer I got her as a maid and Eli has her powers to keep himself safe" I say walking over to her, I could hear Loona breathing heavily so I picked her up in my arms which surprised her, I carried her back to the couch and set her down "Go to bed Loona, you've had a long day" I say "No way am I sleeping alone with that.... Thing! Here" she says "Loona Laila won't hurt you, she's powerless to do so, Lucifer stripped her of her angelic powers she's now weaker then imps and hellhounds" I say "Wow nice of you to call me weak" she says "You know what I mean, she can't even use demon magic" I say "I don't care, I'm not sleeping with her here" she says "Where else are you going to sleep?" I asked making her pause for a moment "That's what I thought" I say handing her the blanket "How do I know she won't kill me?" She asked "She has a sense of duty regardless of who it's for, she was willing to work for Lucifer even after he tortured her, now she's working for me and has kinda accepted she won't get out of hell" I say "So where are you going to sleep?" She asked "My bed, I guess it's big enough for me and her" I say "So I'm stuck on the couch while she gets a bed?" She asked "You dropped by without warning, she's recovering from Lucifer's sense of entertainment" I say "Right...." She says "Now get some sleep you have work in the morning" I say "Fine, don't get yourself killed" she says, I disappeared into my room closing the door behind me.

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