Chapter 5

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As the night at the bar began to die down and the last of the Goetian's left I had settled my dates down with everyone including Andrealphus and Lily, as I cleaned the last of the glasses I was approached by Lilith and Lucifer "Well done tonight, not a single complaint about the drinks" Lilith says "Thanks, I take pride in my job" I say "But your work isn't quite finished yet, we are having a small meeting with the Sin's about some changes and want you here to serve drinks" He says "Of course, with you giving me next week off I'm happy to work later then usual" I say "Yes! That's right your taking next week off, let me know when your birthday is next year. I'd have given you more then this" she says "I'm grateful for the week, I don't need more then that" I say "Humble but I do have a few questions about tonight, your not in trouble or anything" she says "Alright, what would you like to know?" I asked "Your conversations with a few of the guests, firstly Stolas" she says "He was surprised to see that I worked here and tried to explain himself, but I shut it down told him this wasn't the time or place to have it. So we set up a meeting at a later date next week" I explain "Ahh worked his way back into your life has he?" He asked "Not yet he hasn't, he said if I heard him out and still didn't want to see him he'd leave me alone" I say "Hmm now that young man who stirred up a commotion" she asked "He thought I was hitting on the princess, I didn't care for his tone with me so I dialed him in a little, nothing I haven't done before" I say making them both laugh slightly "When I gave you that symbol I fully expected you to use it for far more personal gain yet you only use it for the minimum and to keep people from pushing around" he says "No, I thought the same given how much I was denied over the years but everything I wanted was just to see the world" I say "And now you've tied yourself down with a job?" He says confused "I've seen what I wanted to and I'm ready to start a more regular life" I say "I see, you could just do whatever you wanted and yet here you are working day in and day out" he says "Yes working at the highest class restaurant in all of hell, and serving the richest and highest members of hells social classes, and have become quite popular with them at that, I'd say I'm living a better life then most" I say "Yes and that brings me to the next question, you and the Duchess" she says "Lily has taken a liking to me, finds me charming" I say "Oh look at you, even dating in the higher class" she says "Mmm she's peaked my interest but I'm still a little uneasy about dating after the the last one" I say "What happened last time?" She asked "An imp I had shared some pleasant words with, she was kind and friendly but first night at my place she robbed me" I say "What!" He shouts "Nothing of value was stolen as I didn't own anything of value" I say "Who was it!" He demands "Just leave her be, she needed the money but is probably already dead given the friend I told is dating Beelzebub and she probably killed her already" I say "I will find out" he says "Anything else?" I asked "No that was all" she says.

We continued to talk for awhile till the Sin's began to show up and the first was none other then Bee herself "Uhh hi..." she says nervously before noticing me at the bar "Good evening Beelzebub, I have a question for you before the others get here" he says putting his hand on her shoulder making her visibly uncomfortable "Y yeah?" She asked "So Y/n tells me someone robbed him in your ring, have you done anything about it?" He asked "I didn't... I didn't know he got robbed!" She says "Really?" He says tightening his grip on her shoulder, she was about to say something when I walked over "Lucifer there's no need for this, Bee remember Lux?" I asked "Y yeah" she says "She robbed me that night after the party, if you see her deal with her" I say "Alright" she says "There issue solved, come on Bee try one of my drinks instead of just your honey" I say pulling her over to the bar, I got behind the counter and she sat down looking way out of her comfort zone "You good?" I asked "No... these meetings are never good, and Lucifer has been in a bad mood lately" she says "Have you done anything wrong?" I asked "No" she says "Then why worry?" I asked "Because I just have a bad feeling about this" she says, I made her a fruity drink since she liked sweeter things and set it down for her "So this is where you've been?" She asked "Yep, been working here for a few months now and I'm enjoying it, Lilith is quite the friendly person to me at least" I say "Good to hear.... She doesn't like me too much" she says "Well I wouldn't worry, the pair seem to be in good spirits tonight. They gave me a week off to celebrate my birthday from a month ago" I say. Bee gave me a concerned look and I quickly realized why as she had forgotten it and if Lucifer and Lilith found out they'd have her head or worse "Oh right I never told you when my birthday was! I had forgotten it until tonight" I say covering for her "Heh, alright I'll get you something" she says, she remained at the bar until the others arrived but she was the only one who wanted a drink but everyone was on edge and for good reason I suppose. They sat across the room away from me so I couldn't hear there conversation but after an hour they disbanded and two in particular looked upset that being Asmodeus and Bee both walked over to the bar and ordered drinks "So I'm guessing it didn't go well" I say to Bee but Asmodues was the one to answer "What business is it to you?" He asked "Keeping tabs on a friend Asmodeus, as she's done for me" I say "No it didn't go well...." She says "Are you allowed to share or is it to be kept quiet?" I asked "I forbid any low level intimacy with them" Lucifer says, I got annoyed at his decision "Well I don't have any weight in this but that seems a little counter productive especially with Asmodeus" I say "Tread lightly but explain" Lucifer says "Well he embodies lust, and some people crave intimacy with those they see as lower then them, to forbid that to the very person who is suppose to embody their desire and pleasures is hypocritical" I say which shocked the two Sins sitting at the bar "Are saying I'm a hypocrite?" He asked "No, your prideful which is why I understand your stance on the topic. You strive to have pride in every aspect of your life including those you share intimate relationships with, which is why you believe in all having such a high standard correct?" I asked "Well yes" he says "They are not you, your a ruler of hell and have the best at your finger tips, they are lesser then you so your ordering them the lessers to the same standards as the best in hell?" I asked "No, they are beneath me they couldn't hold a candle to me" he says "Exactly! So why would you want to pull the embodiment of lust up to the same standards you hold yourself to if he is less then you?" I asked he pondered on it "Let him please himself with his lesser relationship, he'd only fail anyways" I say making Lucifer laugh "Your right, forget what I said Asmodeus your free to be with whoever you like, but your still being held to a better standard" he says looking at Bee who nodded before he left. Once he was gone Asmodeus looked at me "I owe you, whatever need or ever want just ask and I'll get it for ya" he says "I'll keep that in mind, now anything else tonight or will you be leaving as well?" I asked "I gotta go, I have ah business to attended to" he says setting his glass down and getting up, once he left I looked at be who was upset and rightfully so "I don't want to break up with Tex!" She says on the verge of tears "I know Bee he's a great guy and you and him are happy together, but for his safety and yours you have to do it" I say "I know... I just don't want to!" She says a tear rolling down her cheek "Is this in immediate effect?" I asked "End of the week" she says "So why the hell are you still sitting here!? You have a day! Go spend it with him and have the time of your life don't waste it here sulking to me!" I say "But he's working" she says "Your a fucking sin! I'm sure if you tell him what's going on he'll pick you over his job every time! Now go!" I say "Your right! Thanks I'll see you around" she says getting up and almost sprinting out the door. I smiled some but it faded as I went back to work and it wasn't long before Lilith came out and looked directly at me "You played a dangerous game" she says "I know, but it paid off" I say "Mmm he's aware as well what you did, even if you managed to convince him otherwise" she says "So I'm fired then?" I asked "Oh no! Your not getting fired for convincing him on a bad decision! Even if you had to manipulate his ego to get there you were correct with it being bad for Asmodues" she says, Lucifer then came back out as I finished up my cleaning "You walked a fine line just then" he says "I know, and I'm fully expecting you to be less then impressed by my work" I say "Oh no I'm overly impressed" he says "Well, now Asmodues owes me so all's well that ends well" I say "Yes, well enjoy your week off" he says seeing me put on my jacket "Yeah and thanks again for giving me it" I say before I left the restaurant.

I made my way to my place but when I got to the hallway to my door I noticed something in front of it, I walked and and realized it wasn't something but someone "You stupid fucking child!" I screamed in my head as Octavia was sleeping in the hallway, I picked her up in my arms and opened the door. I got inside and closed it behind me before I walked over to the couch and set her down on it resting her head on the pillow, I walked into my room and grabbed a spare blanket I had and put it over her "You stupid child" I say seeing her sleeping soundly I went to my room and went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I stretched getting up and walked out to see her still sleeping but a buzzing sound was coming from her I walked over and grabbed her phone from her pocket and saw Stolas was calling so I answered it "Via Via where are you!?" He asked panicked "Stolas relax she's fine" I say "Y/n!? Where is she!?" He asked "She's at my place, I found her sleeping outside my door when I got home from work" I say "Did she not realize how dangerous that was of her!?" He asked "No I don't think she did, but she will I'll have some words for her about it" I say "Don't be to harsh" he says "Oh no I'm blasting her, it was incredibly stupid" I say "Y/n" he says "Stolas you know exactly how bad this could have gone, especially when I was working later then I thought I would have been" I say making him sigh "I know, but she really misses you and wants to make up with you, I do too if this doesn't show you how much she's willing to risk to try then your blinder then I was" he says "We will talk about it later, just for now know she's safe" I say "That's all I can ask" he says before we hung up the call, I set her phone on the counter. I decided to get cleaned up and went to the shower, once I came back out dressed in some more casual clothing I found Octavia up and sitting on the couch just looking at me, she went to say something when I cut her off "Your stupider then I thought" I say making her retract some "Do you even think? What would have happened if someone else had found you sleeping in the hallway!?" I shout "We have the money to pay for whatever they ask..." she says "And what if they weren't after money? What if they took you for something else? No one knew where you were or would have had anyway to find you, you'd never be found!" I shout "I didn't think about that" she says "Of course you didn't! Cause you don't fucking think! You stupid fucking girl!" I shout now basically in her face "I'm sorry! I just, I just want to see you...." She says as tears fell down her cheeks, I sighed and pulled her into a hug "I know but... do it safely for as much as I don't like you and Stolas, I'd never want something to happen to you" I say as I felt her arms slip up around me. We stayed like that for a minute or so before I stood up but she didn't let go so I pulled her up with me "I'm not letting go, I'm not ignoring you again" she says head still sunk into my shoulder "Don't think this means all is forgiven" I say but in reality I was letting it go, Stolas was right she risked a lot to see me even if she didn't think it through, she was trying to make it right and would get to me one way or another.

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