Chapter 17

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We sat around the house as a portal opened and Stolas and Blitzo came through "Y/n" Stolas said walking over and sitting down next to me "Hey kid what's going on?" Blitzo asked "It's not my fault" I say "What's not your fault?" Stolas asked "Dad I'll explain" Octavia says leading him and Blitzo out of the room. Eli was quiet and seemed to be uncomfortable given he didn't understand what was going on entirely and started wiggling trying to get free "Eli please, dad needs you" I say "What's wrong?" He asked "I'm upset, I've made a hard choice" I say "Why?" He asked "To protect Laila" I say "Mom?" He asked making me freeze "Is mom in trouble?" He asked "No, not anymore" I say "Then why are you upset?" He asked "Do you remember Candy lady's friend?" I asked "Yeah? Is he in trouble?" He asked "Yes, and I had to choose between Laila being in trouble or him. And I chose him" I say "Why did you have to choose?" He asked "So Laila and I could be together" I say, it was clear he didn't understand what was going on entirely and soon Octavia came back in with Stolas and Blitzo, she came over and took Eli from me leaving the room "Y/n, you did what you had to to protect her, and this isn't your fault. Beezlebub had her warning and chose not to listen this is her fault" Stolas says, I went to speak but couldn't "Kid don't think about it so closely, it's black and white here, you warned her, she didn't listen, you did your job nothing more. This wasn't done out of hatred or anger" Blitzo says "Laila will make it quick and painless, he won't suffer" Stolas says "But Bee will and Gluttony will never recover, and I have to see her tomorrow at a meeting" I say "And? It's not your fault, Lucifer would have them both killed if you didn't" Blitzo says "She'll be mad at me, I've ruined my longest friendship" he says "No you haven't, if she blames you for this then she's trying to hurt you, yes you had to chose but it wasn't really a choice, either choose your maid and friend, and they all end up dead, or kill him and two of them continue to live. Even if she hates your guts after today then at least you know you've saved her life and Laila. You've saved two people" Stolas says. I pondered on his words for a moment before realizing he was right, it's didn't entirely make me feel better about the whole dead friend thing but he was right, either two friend and my girlfriend die or just one "Yeah, I'm still upset about the whole thing but I'm not blaming myself" I say "And that's all we can do, he's your friend so it's fine to feel this way" he says "Why did you even go to Lucifer about your relationship in the first place?" Blitzo asked "Because I knew he didn't like her and has his opinions on his closest people and there relationships, so decided I'd go to him now instead of waiting and risking him thinking I was trying to hide it on him and her getting hurt" I say "He really holds that much power?" He asked "It was me getting him to go back on his decision to forbid the Sins from having relationships with lesser demons that landed me the job as his advisor" I say "You convinced him of that? Do you mind if I give your number to a friend ish person, he's Asmodues's partner and he wanted to thank you personally" he asked "Yeah, go ahead" I say "Y/n, I understand we haven't exactly been on the best terms lately, but I'm here" Stolas says "I know dad, just like I've told Loona, no matter how much we scream and fight your still my dad, you'll still love me no matter what" I say, he smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug which I returned once he let me go I look at Blitzo "What? Something on my face?" He asked "Come here dad" I say giving him a hug as well which surprised him "Ahh" he says "Not use to it yet?" I asked "Not even a little" he says.

We sat around talking some until we heard the door open and Laila walked in "He's dead" she says, I got up and walked over but she stopped me "Save it, I don't need excuses" she says and was about to walk away but Octavia was the one who stopped her "No no no, you sit the hell down, he isn't making excuses" she says basically shoving Laila back into the room "Octavia let her go, I understand her anger" I say "No! This is just as hard on you as it is to her if not more" she says "Couldn't have been that hard, he ordered it" Laila says "Listen here you bitch take your holy attitude and shove it, he is destroyed over this and it's taken us talking to him since you left to get him here. He picked the lesser of two evils" she says "I would have rather it been me" she says "It would have been you, Vortex, and Bee dead not just you. He picked him to save you and her, either way Vortex would have ended up dead" Blitzo says, she was silent "Lucifer would have gotten his way regardless, and would have hurt him either way, but your still around so help him" he says. She stood there awkwardly for a moment before she walked over and sat down next to me "She wants to talk, I think I can manage from here, thanks you three" I say "Don't give me a reason to dislike you" Blitzo says looking at Laila before the three disappeared through a portal. Once it closed she looked at me "Would that really happen?" She asked "Yes, it would" I say "So you really picked the lesser option" she says "Yeah, I never said you'd be the only one picking the lesser evils" I say "So what happens now?" She asked "Nothing, we continue with life, she'll be mad and hate my guts but at the end of the day she had her warning from me and she chose not to listen, this is the consequence" I say "You seem to have gotten over it" she says "No, I just... I've accepted he's gone, I know you and you didn't let him suffer" I say "Your right I didn't, I made it quick enough he didn't even realize that it had happened before he was gone, she on the other hand. I had to make a hasty escape" she says, I blinked a few times and got up heading to Eli's room where I heard him watching cartoons I walked in and sat down next to him "Dad!" He says snuggling up next to me "Hey bud" I say putting an arm around him "What was with the sudden departure?" She asked coming in behind us "We took someone important from her, she might do the same" I say "Oh!" She says realizing the risk now "Hey bud, your going to be spending the night with Laila and I for the next few days" I say his eyes light up "Sleepover!" He says "Yeah sleepover" I say, I pulled out my phone and called Lucifer who instantly picked up "Yes?" He asked "It's done, and Bee might be after me or my family" I say "Im well aware she here with me now actually asking for permission to go after you" he says "Am I on speaker?" I asked "You are now" he says I was about to speak up when Bee spoke "I'll kill you, I'll destroy everything you love!" She snapped "Why are you mad at me?" I asked "You fucking bastard!" She yelled "We gave you your warning yesterday and you chose to ignore it even after I said I wouldn't try and convince him otherwise, Vortex's death is the consequence of not listening. I had nothing to do with the decision" I say "You could have chose the slut Angel you like!" She snaps "And you think Lucifer wouldn't do anything to you for ignoring him? Even if I chose Laila you and her would be dead along with Vortex" I say there was silence for a few seconds before Lucifer broke the silence "He's not wrong" he says, some sounds could be heard before a door closed "Well she's gone" he says "Well then now I'm on edge, she might come after Eli" I say "Did you forget he has angelic protection? She can't hurt him, you have my protection so your safe, she's in my ring so she weaker than normal, and your family is Goetian so she can't hurt them either" he says "Right" I say "Is that all?" He asked "Yeah that's all" I say "Well enjoy your day, I'll see you tomorrow at the meeting" he says before hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and look down at Eli who was so focused on his cartoons he didn't even realize I had been talking in the phone, suddenly there was a banging on the door and not a friendly one either "Laila you take Eli and slip out the back, head to Loonas place she won't think to look there, I'll see if I can de escalate the situation" I say "Be careful!" She says "She can't hurt me, I'm have Lucifer's protection" I say getting up to answer the door.

I waited a moment till I knew Laila and Eli were gone and opened the door to an obviously hostile Bee who shoved me back into my house, she didn't say anything but it was clear she had malicious intent "Bee it was nothing but a case of bad timing on my end, even if I hadn't shown up Lucifer would have sent people after him without me even knowing" I say "Shut it!" She snapped "You can't be mad at me for this, you didn't listen when I explicitly told you I wasn't going to convince him. This is on you" I say "I said shut it!" She yelled trying to slap me but I caught her hand "Let me go!" She yelled trying to break free of my grip when I pulled her into a hug "Bee he was one of my closest friends and had done so much for me, if I could have done things differently I would have, but he's fate was sealed and it was only a matter of how he died" I say "Get off of me!" She yells "Bee I know your hurting and angry, but if Lucifer was the one to do it, it's wouldn't have been over so quickly. For either of you" I say, I felt her shaking with anger and sadness but she didn't say anything "If blaming me eases your pain then so be it, but I never wanted this outcome either and I'm sorry it went this way" I say, she stopped trying to break free but didn't hug back either "This was never something I thought I'd have to do, it's something I never wanted to do, you and him both mean a lot to me I didn't want to lose everyone" I say "Stop talking" she says, I let my arms drop to my side as she slipped away from me, she looked at the ground as a tear fell down her cheek "I'll pay for the funeral" I say "Don't, stay out of my ring" she says before promptly disappearing from my place. I let out an upset sigh and closed the door before walking to the living room and sitting down pulling out my phone, I went through my contacts and found Loona giving her a call and once she picked up I could hear the worry in her voice "Y/n?" She asked "Yeah, yeah it's me. I'm okay Bee and I settled things" I say "I... I was worried" she says "I know, but it's alright. I'm not hurt" I say I heard her sniffle a few times "I'll be down in a few minutes" I say hanging up. I got myself straightened up and left taking Skye and flying to her place.

Once I landed I went and knocked on her door which immediately flew open and she nearly tackled me in a hug "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here" I say having to hold her up. I carried her back into her apartment where I found Eli and Laila sitting on the couch, Laila immediately jumped up and marched over grabbing my head a kissing my cheek "That was stupid of you!" She says "No it was, she couldn't hurt me even if she wanted to" I say "You didn't hurt her did you?" She asked "No, I talked her down. But she doesn't want me in Gluttony anymore, so I'm steering clear" I say "Is she coming after him?" She asked "Not to my knowledge she isn't" I say as Loona finally lets me go "So what happens now?" She asked "Now we continue on with life there isn't anything else we can do" I say "What about you? Will you be alright?" She asked "Yeah I'll be fine" I say

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