Chapter 14

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Laila and I landed at Lucifer's office we were greeted by two of his best enforcers who grabbed Laila and put some kinda collar on her before shoving her forwards, I caught her before she fell over as she regained her balance and got a look at the collar "Really? A control collar?" I say "Bosses orders" they say "Yeah could have been more gentle with it, I'd prefer my maid in working condition" I say "An Angel maid? Shit what do you do for Lucifer?" The other one asked "Advisor, I make sure all the details are there when he makes a decision to get the best outcome for him, so and I convinced him that keeping her around was a good idea incase he needed a sin dealt with, so I'd advise next time be more gentle as he won't be too happy if she's harmed while needing to go intimidate a sin" I say making both of them ease up some. We got inside the office and Lucifer dismissed the pair before Laila screamed out in pain as her collar burned into her neck and I got a slight sting on my wrist "There you go, you have full control over her now" he says spinning around in his chair "Yeah, warning next time. My heart nearly jumped out my chest" I say holding my wrist, Lucifer only waved his hand and some magic flew over to Laila who again roared out in pain as some wings ripped out of her back "There, go" he says I helped Laila up much to his disgust and helped her back out the door and to the bird having to help her up. We left for Greed the only ring I truly hated to be in given how everyone was there but soon we arrived at Mammons place and was immediately greeted with hostility but no soon did they drop it once they saw Laila behind me "Your boss now!" I say. They nodded and led us inside and to Mammons office where I let myself in along with Laila, Mammon saw the symbol on my hand and Laila and chose to remain silent "Lucifer's getting real tired of your shit, give back what you stole from Bee and don't do it again" I say "W what do I get out of it?" He asked "This isn't some kinda deal, give it back or lose your position as sin" I say "But" he goes to say so I grab his jacket and pull him over his desk "Another word and I tell Lucifer you were uncooperative when I bring him your head" I say. He nodded so I pushed him back and he stumbled falling over "You have till tomorrow to give it all back" I say and with that Laila and I left, once we were out of Greed I decided to go to the palace and pay Paimon a visit to ask how the remodeling was coming along, we landed there and weren't stopped by the guards who usually would ask some questions about a new person, we made our way to the throne room and people stepped aside for Laila and I "It's different, people moving aside for me for a change" she says "Well your able to kill them, so they won't do anything to draw ire from you" I say "But" she begins to say "Shh we will talk more after, we are here" I say and she surprisingly does keep quiet as we entered the throne room which almost immediately went dead quiet aside from Paimon who was talking to someone using some magic portal, as we got closer I recognized the voice as Lilith's and she wasn't happy about something so we waited patiently for them to finish and once they did and the portal disappeared he locked eyes on Laila and got tense making me smile "Paimon" I say "Y yes?" He asked "I've come by to see how the remodeling is going and a possible date for when we can move in" I say "Ahh it's actually nearly complete, things are going better then expected sir" he says "Good to hear, oh and where are my manners, Paimon this is Laila my new maid and assistant, Laila this is King Paimon of the Goetians" I say "Your highness" Laila says bowing "A pleasure" he says shakily "Well I just came by to see how things were coming along" I say "I'd expect by mid day tomorrow you'll be able to move in" he says "Good to hear, we'd best be leaving to pack the last of our things then" I say "Enjoy the new place" he says as we left.

We landed back at my place and got inside and found Octavia sleeping on the couch with Eli curled up with her making me laugh slightly, I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture of the two sending it to Stolas. Laila walked over and pulled the blanket over them before heading to our room, I decided to follow her and continue that conversation from before "So what's bothering you now?" I asked "Your lying to people about me, I can't kill anyone down here!" She says sitting on the bed "And they don't need to know that, it's in everyone's best interests to be afraid of you" I say "Why?" She asked "Because it means I can persuade them without violence" I say "It's still not right" she says "We have to pick between the two evils, either a lie to prevent violence or tell the truth and put them in harms way, because if Lucifer has to get involved personally heads will roll" I say "Is this what it's going to be all the time? Picking the lesser evil?" She asked "Yes, it's the only way to live down here while still somewhat being a good person" I say, she let out a deep sigh looking down "I know it's not how you want to live but it's better then the alternative" I say "Death is almost preferable" she says "Death won't come to you, Lucifer takes too much joy in your suffering" I say making her sink into even more sorrow "But as long as you do as I tell you and allow things to slide you'll be here with me living mostly comfortably" I say putting an arm around her "Better then torture for eternity" she says "Thanks for getting me my wings back, but why were they necessary for your meeting today?" She asked "If I'm going to have you act as a full on Angel then it's best you look the part" I say "It's not a fetish?" She asked "No? I'm not a freak if that's what your worried about" I say "A little especially with this collar now I have to listen to you, it doesn't give me a choice" she says "Oh, don't worry Laila, never in all of eternity would I ever ask such a thing of you. I'm not desperate or depraved nor do I have such a desire to" I say "That's little reassurance, a word means nothing" she says "Well you slept next to me last night and I didn't even turn to look at you" I say "It was our first night even knowing each other" she says, I put my hand on her shoulder "Laila, I promise on the good in my soul I will never force myself onto you or ask you to allow such a thing be done to you" I say "Again the truly means very little, but thank you" she says "It'll take time for you to trust me, just like it will me with you" I say just then we heard a noise and Eli jumped on Laila's back, while who I assumed was Octavia wrapped her arms around me "When did you two get home?" She asked "A few minutes ago" I say "And you didn't wake us?" She asked "No, look at this picture and tell me you'd have woken you two up" I say showing her the picture "Aww I didn't know he had cuddled up!" She says "Well we're back now so if you want to head out you can or you can stay here" I say "Actually Dad wants to have a chat with you" she says "Let me guess, he's worried about Laila living under my roof?" I asked "Yes!" She says "Fuck me, fine I'll go calm the old man's nerves" I say getting up "Laila keep an eye on Eli till I get back" I say, she nodded as Octavia and I left the room and once in the living room a portal opened and we walked through it.

We came out at there place and found Stolas pacing around the room "Y/n! Via! Oh thank goodness your safe! Where's Eli?" He asked "At home with my maid" I say "That Angel!?" He asked "Yes, she's nice" I say "Y/n you can't trust an Angel!" He says "Oh and I can lying, backstabbing, selfish demons? She has her own personal moral values, Duty being among them she won't do anything" I say "Y/n" he begins to say "Enough dad! I'm not arguing on this, she's living with me and is taking care of Eli end of story, if you can't trust her and don't want to be around her then that's your issue not mine or hers" I say "I just" he says "End of story, either accept it or stay away" I say "Just be careful" he says "Stolas, I threw up an offer to Octavia when she came by earlier that you and her could come over for dinner, try getting to know her you'll find that if your friendly she is as well" I say "I don't know..." he says "Why are you so distrusting of her? If someone's a lier or anything of the sort they can't get to heaven and she worked along side an archangel as there advisor so she's clearly been there a long time so she has positive traits. Unlike the exterminators your so accustomed to" I say "I suppose" he says "Stolas remember the people that get to heaven are good people, there not the same people who exterminators are" I say, he let out a sigh "I suppose your right, perhaps I should give her a chance" he says "Also Lucifer put a control collar on her so she is forced to listen to me" I say making him blink a few times "You could have began with that" he says "Details, now can I please get back to my house and relax a little?" I asked, he opened another portal back and once we passed through we saw Laila sitting on the couch with Eli on her lap watching cartoons on the TV "You two seem to be getting along nicely" I say walking over "He's quite the nice kid" she says "Well Laila this is my father Stolas, Dad this is Laila my house maid and assistant" I say "A pleasure sir, you've raised quite the interesting young man" she says "Thank you, so Y/n tells me you were an advisor like him" he says "Yes I was before I fell to temptations" she says "What did you do exactly?" He asked Laila got rather upset at the question as it was clear she didn't want to answer it "That's something for another time" I say "She won't tell you? It can't be anything good then" he says "Dad it's hers to keep for as long as she wants" I say "I'd press her on the matter" he says "Well I'm her master and I'm not so it won't be shared" I say "Very well" he says in a rather annoyed tone "Change your tone or you won't be welcome here for much longer" I snap, he looked at me for a moment before he walked into the kitchen without another word "Sorry about him, he has some prejudice about your kind" I say "I expect as much, I'm not exactly the good guys in demons eyes" she says "No, but I realize the good in you and that compared to most down here your a saint" I say "I'm no saint" she says "I did say compared to those down here" I say "A human is better then most down here" she says "My point stands and that is far from the truth" I say, she smiled a little before going back to watching Eli so I went to talk with Stolas about changing his tone.

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