Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning by Eli shaking me "Dad, who's on our couch?" He asked "Morning bud, that's Loona she's a friend of Aunties, but don't bother her she'll be really cranky if you wake her up" I say "Oh..." he says "How about you go play in your room till she wakes up Hmm?" I say "Okay" he says climbing off the bed given I was already up I decided to get up and start making breakfast for everyone, but once I left my room a I heard a phone buzzing before it went silent only for it to start again then stop then start, I realized Loona was declining calls from who I had to assume was Blitzo trying to get ahold of her "He's worried about you" I say "Fuck off" she says "Oh yes very polite to the person who took care of you last night" I say "You wanna fight!?" She says jumping up only to stumble some "We've seen where that goes, and I've only gained more power since then, so I'd suggest sitting down and behaving yourself till whatever drug you took wears off" I say "How did you know I was drugged?" She asked "It was blatantly obvious when Vortex dropped you off here last night, it's why I turned you on your side incase you had overdosed you wouldn't choke on your own vomit" I say "Oh ahhh thanks I guess" she says, I walked over and set a cup of coffee on the little table "This should help" I say as I went back to the kitchen, "You should really let your dad know your okay, even just a I'm fine message" I say "He can choke on a dick" she says "Loona he's your father, he only wants what's best for you" I say "He is not my dad!" She snaps "That's not what you said last night, want to talk about it?" I asked "Talk about what?" She asked "How your worried he'll replace you? That you think your a horrible daughter?" I say, she realized she must have said something at some point as she seemed to get embarrassed "I.... don't know what your talking about" she says "Yes you do Loona, sit down and talk it out even if it's just a little" I say before her phone started ringing again "Ugh fuck off!" She says about to decline it before I grabbed it "Hey!" She says "Watch" I say answering it and putting it on speak "Loony I'm sorry! Please come home!" He says "Uhhh Hi Blitzo it's Y/n" I say "Why the fuck do you have her phone! Where the fucks my daughter!?" He yells "She's here with me, she went out drinking and got a little to drunk and not wanting to head home Octavia and her stayed at my place for the night" I explained "So she's safe?" He asked "Yes Blitzo she's safe, she still sleeping on the couch right now" I say "Explains why she didn't pick up" he says "Yeah, but either way she's here safe and sound, figured I'd answer the phone and explain so you knew she was okay" I say "Thanks, as long as she's safe" he says "No worry's" I say "When she wakes up can you ask her to call me?" He asked "I can try, but no promises she'll call" I say he let out a sigh "I know" he says "I'll see you around" I say "Yeah, thanks for looking after her" he says before he hung up "See? He's worried" I say she turned her head away and sighed "I really am a horrible daughter" she says "No your not Loona, sure you might not be the easiest person to deal with but there are far worse out there, I almost ended up in a relationship with one. You want some advise to be a bit better?" I asked "Not like it'll save me from being replaced" she says "He won't replace you Loona, he loves you wholeheartedly and yes you and him will butt heads given your personality and his approach to you but at the end of the day there is very little you could do to make him even consider getting rid of you" I say "How do you know?" She asked "I'm sure you've seen my blow up at my dad at that festival a few months ago" I say "Yeah and?" She says "He still adopted me, even after saying all that and basically shoving his daughter to the side he still wanted me to be part of his family, the love a parent has for there kid can't be put into words" I say "How do I be a better daughter?" She asked sounding defeated "For you it's fairly simple, do little things. Given you don't really do much the smallest things mean the world to him, stopping to get a coffee before work? Grab him one, ask him how his days going and actually listen to him speak, let him know where you are and what your doing. You don't have to bend over backwards for him but just small things. If your going out to party let him know who your going with or your plan to get home" I say "And if things happen like they did last night?" She asked "Let him know when you can, I get your image is everything to you right?" I asked "Yeah" she says "If it's just you and him give him a hug or something, he's the only one who will know so why does it matter. It makes him happier then you'd think" I say "Alright, I'll give it a shot" she says "Good, still feeling woozy?" I asked "Yes, my head is spinning" she says "Alright, you can stay here till your heads on right, but just as a warning my son is going to have questions just try and be patient with him, if he gets to much let me know and I'll get him away from you" I say "Alright" she says "By the way did you intentionally take drugs or?" I asked "No, I'm not a druggy" she says "Alright you got lucky then, be more careful" I say "Y yeah" she says "Don't leave your drink unattended, if you have to order a new one" I say "I don't need a lecture" she says "I just want you to get home safe, I don't want to think of the alternative" I say "Yeah I know, I just... I don't know how else to deal with it" she says "Talk to me or Octavia, its not easy but it's safer. And if you ever need a place to stay or crash at then your always welcome here" I say "Seriously? This is our third meeting and our last one was you threatening me" she says "I know, and I'm sorry I did that. It's a regret of mine" I say "Huh no bullshit excuse?" She asked "No, I don't make excuses" I say "So why let me stay here?" She asked "Because I'd rather you be drunk yet safe here, then out there wondering the streets with no sweet clue where you are" I say, she gave me an odd look confused as to why I care so much "Can I come out?" I hear Eli ask "Yes buddy you can come out" I say "Yay!" He cheers "Was he grounded or something?" She asked "I told him to play in his room till you got up, so you won't be cranky" I say "Uhh thanks" she says as Eli ran over and immediately jumped up on the couch next to her and stared at her "Uhh hi?" She says "Hello!" He says cheery as can be "What's you name?" He asked "Loona" she says "Ooooh pretty" he says, I continued on making Breakfast and soon it was done so I took a plate over to Loona "Here this should help, where you suppose to work today?" I asked "Yeah, I'm already going to be late" she says "Alright, give him a call. Let him know what's going on" I say "fine" she says grabbing her phone and calling him. I picked up Eli and walked over to the kitchen "Hey... dad I'm going to be late getting to work. Y/n cooked me some breakfast to help with my hangover. I might grab some coffee before I come to work, do you want anything?" She asked there was a few seconds of silence "Okay, I'll be there in two hours or so" she says before hanging up. I saw a smile creeping across her face. I looked at Eli "Want to go wake up Aunty?" I asked "Okay!" He says as I set him down and he ran to my room, "So how'd you even get him?" She asked "His parents were killed and his cunt of a sister would rather him dead then look after him so I took him in" I say "Aren't you only like 19?" She asked "18 actually" I say "That doesn't make it sound better, how old is he?" She asked "Uhhh I'm not sure actually he never really told me" I say before I heard some laughter and Octavia say something before she came out carrying him "Sick em!" She says setting him down. He ran over and jumped up grabbing onto me trying to shake me, I laughed and grabbed him lifting him up "It'll take more then that" I say getting his plate ready, I walked over to the table setting the plate down and him "Now eat up before it gets cold" I say, Octavia sat down with a plate of food next to him, I walked back to the kitchen and cleaned up what was left which wasn't very much but it was enough for me.

After half an hour or so Loona set her plate on the counter and said her thanks before she left, Octavia had finished as well while Eli was still eating and I was doing the dishes, "So Y/n, you and Loona seem to be getting along despite what had happened before" she says "Mmm we had a little sit down and talked about somethings" I say "Like what?" She asked "Not mine to share, but hopefully she'll be doing better" I say as Eli walked over with his plate mostly cleaned off aside from a few bites "I'm full" he says "Alright, go get dressed, we'll be leaving here soon" I say taking his plate, he ran off as I finished washing up the last few things "Where are you two off to?" She asked "Bee's place" I say "No doubt Eli likes her" she says "Of course he does, she gives him candy" I say "Well Id best be getting home" she says "Wait around a little we'll drop you off, better then walking" I say "Are we flying?" She asked "Yeah" I say "Yes!" She says cheerfully, I sent Vortex a message saying we'd be on our way soon just so he had a heads up. Once Eli came back out dressed we left for Stolas's place to drop Octavia off but was greeted by none other then Stella and Andrealphus who were yelling at him about something "Eli stay here" I say hoping off the bird catching Octavia when she got off, she marched passed the two without a word while Andrealphus noticed me "Y/n how wonderful to see you!" He says "Yeah sure, what's going on?" I asked "Stolas isn't filling his end of the divorce" he says "I have filled my end of it your ungrateful twits!" He says "Perhaps you can... persuade him otherwise" he says "Better idea, you two leave and I'll deal with this" I say "But" he says "Do you want it solved or not?" I asked "Very well, sister come, he's going to have a word with him" he says "You'd better get me my fucking money!" She swears "And you'd better straighten your attitude out before I do it for you" I snapped back "What!?" She yelled but I raised my hand showing her the symbol "Shut your fucking mouth and leave before you need an artificial beak" I say threatening her, she and her brother left without another word but I noticed Stella glaring up at Eli which gave me some worry's. "Thanks for getting rid of them" Stolas says "Yeah" I said rather coldly which got his attention "What are you thinking?" He asked "Protect my family" I say before walking back to the bird climbing up and taking off. We flew to Bee's place and found her and Vortex on the roof laying in some chairs, we landed got hopped off and I set Eli on the ground who immediately ran over to Bee who happily picked him up in a hug. As I walked over Vortex took notice to my rather serious look "What's up?" He asked "Just thinking about how to get rid of some people" I say "What!? You planning an assassination!?" He asked "Now I am, thanks for the idea" I say "Dude what's gotten into you?" He asked "Stolas's ex wife and her brother, they already planned an attempt on Stolas's life and now I think she may be planning at getting at Eli" I say "Oh shit, you for real?" He asked "Yes, I got into an argument with them while dropping Octavia off and she glared at Eli as she left" I say "Oh... I mean you do what you think is best" he says "I intend to but I don't want Eli to even catch wind of me doing something like this, could you look after him while I get it all set up?" I asked "I'll have to ask Bee" he says "I'll ask he's mine after all" I say, we got over to the two and I got Bees attention "A word real quick" I say my phrasing got her attention given it wasn't my usual casual tone "Y yeah" she says setting Eli down, she came over away from him "What's going on?" She asked "I intend to assassinate a few people but don't want Eli catching any wind of it and I want him somewheres safe, could you look after him till I get it all sorted?" I asked "First off why!?" She asked "The two I have my sights set on have already planned one against Stolas and I believe they may go after Eli as I've drawn some ire from one of them" I say "Oh?" She says "Yes his ex wife and her brother, I got into an argument with her and after when she left she glared up at Eli, it has me worried for his safety" I say. Bee was stunned to say the least "Yeah I can look after him" she says "Thank you. This mean a lot and I won't forget it" I say "Yeah" she says we walked back over and I picked Eli up "Alright bud, you get to spend the day with Candy lady while dad looks after some surprise work" I say "Yay!" He says "Now you be good for her, I'll be back to pick you up tonight" I say "Okay!" He says giving me a hug I set him down and left.

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