Chapter 8

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As we ate our lunch and continued to talk someone unexpected came to the table "Stolas who is plebeian you have conversing with the heir" someone asked "Father it's Y/n, the human I wanted to adopt for so many years, he's now in his after life" Stolas says "Hmf I don't see why he bothers with you" Paimon says "Well Paimon, he has more heart then you" I say "Arrogant little" he begins to say "I'd pick your next words very carefully, your talking to Lucifer's advisor. Be careful what you say I may advise him to tighten your leash" I say while taking a bite of food, he didn't respond and just looked at me "That's more like it, now if you have nothing else to say please leave us be, we are trying to reunite after some more bitter days" I say "Stolas a word" he says "Excuse me for a moment" Stolas says getting up. Once they were out of sight Octavia looked at me "So your in the big leagues now?" She asked "Yes I am, from a stowaway son to the forth most powerful demon, I've certainly climbed the ladder" I say "And on top of that in the Goetian ring of wealth given grandfather will give you just about anything to be on your good side" she says "I'm full!" Eli says "Alright, but if your full then no candy till after dinner tonight" I say, he grabbed his fork and continued to eat "Just what I thought" I say smiling "Still can't believe they actually found him, or even know where she is for that matter" she says "I called Asmodeus to help find her, if she's in his ring as he told them then he'll find her rather soon" I say "How did you get him to help in the search?" She asked "He owed me a favor after saving his relationship" I say "Oh, well then I'm glad you used it for something good and not personal" she says "Mmm I've never really been a selfish person" I say as Stolas came back to the table grinning ear to ear "What's put you in such a good mood?" I asked "He's finally allowing your adoption! If you want that, given your age we do need your consent to do it" he says "Eh what the hell why not, not like any of my anger at you is justified anymore" I say "Wonderful!" He says "So your actually going to be my brother!?" Octavia asked "Yes, I'll finally be your brother" I say "Shall we go and do it now?" He asked, I glanced at Eli who had finished eating and smiled "Yeah, he's done eating so we can go" I say. We got up and went to a large throne where Paimon used some magic and changed my soul which in turn changed me a little, my feather became more prominent and I grew vastly taller then I was before nearly matching Stolas in height, I had kept my robotics much my surprise as well as my ability to not be touch by those I didn't wish to as Paimon had tried to put a hand on my shoulder only for it to go through me "Ahhh" he says confused "Give us a moment" I say looking at Stolas, he picked up Eli and left the room with Octavia leaving me, Paimon and a few of his guards "Don't think for a second I don't see what your trying to do, this doesn't mean your in my good graces" I say "Why do you have such anger to me?" He asked "Because of you and your unwillingness to let Stolas adopt me all those years ago, I was locked in a room and hidden away from the world I so desperately wanted to see. For years I blamed Stolas for it but once he told me it was because you wouldn't let him adopt me and make me one of you that I had to be hidden away, I hold nothing but resentment towards you" I say "What will it take to make things right" he asked knowing being on my bad side wasn't going to go well for him "I'll need some favors in the coming days once the Duchess is back safe, you'll be a good lap dog and assist without complaint" I say "Of course, her noble status hasn't wavered" he says "And her wealth is to be returned and home given back" I say "Yes of course" he says "Good, I'll be in touch with the rest" I say turning away "Oh yes one last thing, don't think for a second of messing with Stolas, Octavia, Eli, or Lily. Try to and I'll get you replaced with Stolas" I say "It would never cross my mind" he says "Good keep it that way" I say before I left.

Once we got outside the palace, I decided to give my new powers Bee gave me a shot to see what it was all about, "Uhh Y/n, why is your chest glowing red?" Octavia asked but she quickly got her answer as a large robotic bird landed in front of us "Huh Thanks Bee" I say walking up to it, it knelt down letting me pet it "Uhh how did you do that?" Stolas asked "Bee gave me some powers for convincing Lucifer to allow her and Vortex to stay together, she's a rather close friend of mine" I say "Candy lady!" Eli says "Uhhh you mean Beelzebub?" Octavia asked "Yes, given I was the first and only sinner to attend her parties I quickly gained her attention and we kinda connected from there" I say climbing up on the bird "Let's avoid traffic eh?" I say offering them a hand up, Octavia took it without hesitation but Stolas wasn't sure "Y/n are you sure, with Eli and all?" He asked "It'll be fine Stolas, we'll fly slow" I say as Eli climbed up, I held onto him as Stolas got up despite his worry's "Alright let's go" I say and it slowly took off seeming to have some sort of thrusters under its wings to help it take off. As we flew Eli and Octavia were both amazed the entire time "This is incredible!" Octavia says "Pretty" Eli says looking up "Glad you like it, I'll have to pay Bee a visit" I say "Well any time you need someone to look after him I'm more then happy to" Stolas says. We landed at there place and I sent the bird off back to where it resides we got inside and almost immediately I got pulled to my old room "We left everything exactly how you left it" she says, once we got there and got into the room it was just as I had remembered "Hmm still feels as trapping as it always did" I say feeling uneasy in the room, Octavia grabbed me and snapped a picture of us before she messaged someone on her phone. I left to go find Stolas and Eli as I didn't want to stay in my room and found them in the living room with Eli watching cartoons as Stolas was reading something "You didn't spend much time there" he says "No still feels like a prison cell to me" I say "Well that's a shame, I was hoping you'd move back here with us" he says "No I'd rather live out and about, I enjoy the freedom" I say "I suppose that's understandable given you were trapped in this place for so many years" he says. Just then my phone rang and it was Asmodeus "Hello, did you find her?" I asked "Yes, she's fine and down here at my restaurant. A few of your colleagues are here" he says "Alright I'll be down in a little bit" I say "We'll be here" he says as we hung up the call "I'm assuming they found the Duchess?" He asked "Yes, can you keep an eye on him while go get her?" I asked "Of course!" He says "Great! Thanks" I say before I left.

I flew to the restaurant and once I got inside I was greeted by Asmodeus "Hi darling, your lady is right over here" he says leading me to the bar where I saw Lily having a drink and talking with people? "You certainly wouldn't tell she was just kidnapped" I say "Yes, she was rather unusual for just being rescued, and might I say quite an ungrateful person" he says "Hmm well either way thanks for the help" I say "Anytime" he says, I made my way over to Lily "Duchess" I say getting her attention "Oh Y/n, couldn't be bothered to rescue me yourself?" She asked "I'm sorry?" I say confused "Ugh whatever come on let's go" she says walking past me "What happened to her?" I thought "Your brother is safe" I say "Ugh, I would have hoped to be rid of him" she says "Octavia was right, your selfish" I say "And I thought you were a man" she says "I am, I just have standards that I hold myself to unlike you" I say as we left the restaurant "Ugh you sound like my parents, use your manner, keep an eye on your brother, watch your spending" she says in a mocking tone "They sounded like reasonable people, shame your turned out wrong" I say she spun around and tried to slap me but went right through me as I no longer wanted anything to do with her. I grabbed her arm "We are going to the palace and I'm taking your brother, you can't be trusted to look after him" I say "Pff good, I don't want the little shit" she spits, I summoned the bird but it grabbed her in its talons while I climbed on its back "Guess it inherits my feelings" I say, we flew to the palace and once we got inside I took her to the throne room where Paimon was "Ahh Y/n Duchess, good to see you in good health" he says kissing ass to me "Yeah yeah, look she's not going to look after her brother so I'm adopting him from her" I say "Oh... well ahh I see, just sign this and he's yours" he says as a piece of paper appeared, I read it over to make sure nothing was wrong or screwing me over before I sighed it and she did as well "Can I go now?" She asked "Yes, don't come by" I say as she walked out "That didn't sound to pleasant" he says "Yeah no shit, she's more of a selfish cunt then I thought" I say "You know I can still withhold her wealth" he says "Give her a quarter of it the rest to me, I'll stow it away and only spend what I need. On his eighteenth birthday I'll give him all of it" I say "Alright" he says "Well this night has certainly been interesting, I'll be on my way" I say, he simply nodded and I left without another word.

I arrived back at Stolas's place but before I went inside decided to call off my meeting tomorrow with Andrealphus given my new parent roll, "Hello~" he says in his usual tone "Hi Andrealphus, it's Y/n I unfortunately had something come up and can't come by tomorrow" I say "Oh alright, I'll catch you at the bar again sometime" he says "Thank you for understanding" I say "These things happen, can't win them all" he says "No we can't" I say "Well I'll leave you to it" he says before abruptly hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and walked into the house and into the living room where Octavia was playing games with Eli "Y/n! Where's Lily?" She asked "You were right about her, she wasn't even fazed my this all and was more happy her parents were gone. She had no intention of taking care of him" I say "Oh so you've decided to avoid her?" She asked "Yes" I say walking over and sitting down next to Eli "Hey bud" I say smiling to him "Hi!" He says cheerfully "Are you having fun with your aunty?" I asked "Yeah!" He says "Aunty?" She asked, I looked over at her and put my arm around Eli giving him a hug which got the message across to her "You?" She asked "Yes, Eli you get to live me with me from now on" I say "Yay!" He cheered "Are you going to tell him!?" She whispered "At some point I will" I say as he went back to his game "I'll go talk to Stolas, I have some learning to do" I say getting up, I found him in the next room over on the phone with someone who I quickly realized was Blitzo "Hey Stolas can we talk real quick?" I asked "I'm in the middle of something" he says "I know, just I have some questions about being a dad" I say which got his attention "Being a dad?" He asked "Eli is mine now, his sister wasn't going to look after him so I did" I say "About that meeting Blitzy, slight change of plans there'll be a third person now" he says, a few words could be heard before they hung up, he swiftly turned to face me "You adopted him!?" He says with some panic "Yes, if I had left him in her care he'd be dead by weeks end. He likes living with me as is and I'm happy to have him, I know it's a lot of work but I'm going to give it everything I've got" I say "Y/n I was your age when I had Via, it's not easy" he says "I know it's not and I'm not expecting it to be, but someone has to look after him and I can give him that so I'm going to" I say "I never had any help raising Via, I won't let you go through that as well" he says "Thanks... dad" I say, a smile slowly crept across his face as he walked over and gave me a hug "My boys all grown up"

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