Chapter 15

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It had been a few months now since we had moved into our new home and I found Laila had been slowly easing into life in hell and had begun to indulge herself more into sinning having drinks every so often or speaking less politely to people she had to intimidate with me, I had managed to convince Lucifer to grant her slightly more power to cause harm to sins but she still couldn't actually kill them, Stolas was still as distrusting of her as ever and very rarely came by the new place much to my disappointment given I had tried so hard to make him at least tolerate her but he wouldn't have it. Octavia had warmed up to her some realizing that she was a good person and wasn't planning anything behind our backs, Eli was very fond of her often spending his time with her when I had to work without her and often drew pictures of her or played games with her. Her and I had become closer to one another as she slowly realized I wasn't a horrible person and actually cared quite a bit about her having thrown Stolas out of my place after he had taken a horrible tone to her over something one night. But today was a new and dark day for me Bee had done something wrong and Lucifer was getting me and Laila to sort it out, I had dropped Eli off with Loona as she babysat him when the pair of us needed to work enjoying his company given she lived alone. We had arrived at Bees place and found Vortex organizing the cleaners cleaning the mess from the party the night before, we walked up the stairs and walked in the open door "Vortex" I say getting his attention "Y/n shit man it's been.... months..." he says now noticing Laila behind me this being the first time him or Bee would be meeting her "Bee has caused some issues for my boss that need to be sorted out, were is she?" I asked "aye man you ain't gotta do this" he says "She'll be fine as long as she cooperates, don't do anything either. I was order to kill anyone who gives us a problem" I say "Up in her room" he says. I nodded and went up the stairs arriving at Bees room "Wait here, I'll call for you if I need you" I say to Laila she nodded as I pounded on the door. I heard some noise coming from inside before the door opened "What Y/n?" She asked clearly having just woke up "Lucifer wants me to talk to you" I say "Ahhh" she says as I walked forwards making her take a few steps back "You've been causing some problems for him, knock it off"I say "Ugh come on! It's making more honey!" She whines "And it's causing him a headache" I say "Can you try and convince him?" She asked "Laila!" I say, Bee looked past me as she appeared in the doorway making Bees heart drop as she stumbled backwards tripping on her own legs "No but I can convince you, so knock it off or your head will be on his wall. This is your only warning" I say "Y/n please" she begged "This is business Beezlebub, not a friend's occasion. If you continue to try and negotiate she'll kill you and you'll be replaced, not another word or your head rolls" I say when she didn't answer I turned and left with Laila and left Gluttony without another word being said till we arrived at home.

Once we did I let out a groan and walked over to the couch flopping down on it "What's got you so down in the dumps?" She asked "Bee and Vortex are close friends of mine, during some tougher times they were there for me" I say "Oh, and you just went and intimidated them" she says "Yeah, I'm not exactly feeling so proud" I say. She walked past me and I ended up staring at her before getting lost in thought, I wasn't aware of how long I had been staring at her till she broke me from my though "Is there something wrong?" She asked "Huh?" I say blinking a few times "You were staring at me" she says "Sorry I got lost in my thoughts and spaced out" I say "Ahh, thought you were planning something" she says "Like what? We've already had these conversations" I say "Not sure, but given your infatuation with me as of lately" she says "What? can't a man be curious of what heaven was like? Especially when I was denied entry for simply being in hell" I asked "I meant with me personally, I've noticed you looking a lot more" she says "Sorry I haven't been trying to make you uncomfortable" I say "Oh I don't feel uncomfortable, just something I've noticed" she says "I've been noticing details about you I didn't before, like your white feathers have a tinge of grey at there base, or the black tips on your wings along with the odd tattoo on your arm" I say "You never noticed those?" She asked "No, I was more focused on the whole injured thing and given you covered yourself head to toe for the longest time I can only really notice them now" I say "That's fair, I have been more relaxed about my clothing since then" she says "You've been more relax about a lot of things, you've taken a liking to some drinks" I say "Don't think for a second I'll ever get drunk" she says "Never say never, eternity is a long time and I'm the best bartender and drink maker in hell" I say "You? A bartender? Don't make me laugh!" She says "I was I worked for Lilith at her restaurant, I was quite popular among the higher class demons" I say "No way! Your Lucifer's second!" She says "I am now, I worked there when I got my promotion after I worked one of the meetings between the sins, and changed Lucifer's mind on a decision he made" I say "I still don't believe that" she says so I got up and walked to the kitchen with her not far behind grabbing a few things and making a difficult drink before setting it in front of her "There's your proof" I say, she hesitates to pick it up but does and after taking a sip she grumbles a little "Fine you win" she says before walking out of the room and to the couch with the drink in hand. I smiled and grabbed a bag of chips walking over and plopping down beside her setting the bag between us "Another not date night?" I asked "Will Loona be able to look after him all night?" She asked "I mean we can have our little relax time then pick him up" I say "Sounds like a good plan to me" she says. Laila and I had these days or nights every so often where we just relaxed together, either with Eli put to bed or at the babysitters. We enjoyed each other's company given we had what the other wanted in us in a way, I could trust Laila to be honest,polite, respectful, and kind while she could trust me to keep her safe and out of Lucifer's crosshairs while also respecting her privacy and want to stay on the right moral ground. We weren't together given Laila wasn't that far gone as she put it to date a demon but it was a good relationship between us that had flourish as the months went by.

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