Chapter 11

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The first place I stopped was the royal palace to have a small chat with Paimon about some plans I had. I got inside and when straight to the throne room where he resided most days and as per usual he was sitting on his throne until he saw me and stood up "Y/n! What can I assist you with today?" He asked "Stella and Andrealphus, both will be dead soon, Andrealphus has something I want from him once he's gone" I say "Ahhh I'll see what I can arrange but your boss will want his cut of the money" he says "I don't care about the money at least after it's said and done, I care more about the estate, I live in an apartment and while it does it's job well. I have more then a few people who enjoy coming by and staying for a night or two which it's not big enough for. Are you seeing where I'm going with this?" I asked "Yes" he says "Good, use whatever money Lucifer doesn't take to remodel the place, less icy and more warm" I say "Alright, consider it done" he says "I'll be in contact once the two are dealt with until then I'll need to borrow some money to pay the assassin" I say "Why pay? Your Lucifer's second" he says "Because I'm his second, I want people to think the exact same as you just did. It draws less attention to me" I say "Explain if you would" he says "I want people to think "Well he's the second so why would he hire someone? He has all the power to just get rid of them so why pay?" I explained "Ahh I see keeping an image up" he says "For as little as it means to me yes" I say "I'll provide all you need" he says "Now to get ahold of the assassin" I say "I'll be waiting" he says as I left. I got outside and called Stolas "Hello Y/n" he says "Hey, where was that assassin that worked for Stella located? I'm in need of his skills" I say "Your not planning what I think you are, are you?" He asked "Yes, the pair is a danger to you, Octavia, and Eli" I say "There are better ways to go about it" he says "Either tell me where he was or hang up" I say, after a few seconds of silence he had hung up, I thought for a moment before I remembered him mentioning awhile back that two imps that worked for Blitzo had saved him that day so they had to know where he was so I flew to I.M.P to pay to imps a visit.

Once I arrived there I got up to the office and walked in immediately being greeted by Loona "There not here, oh hey Y/n" she says "Hi Loona, how's the head?" I asked "Fine, and thanks for this morning. I took your advice things feel better" she says "Good to hear, are those two other imps here?" I asked "No, there out right now but should be back soon. Why do you need them?" She asked "Yes I do, I need the location of that assassin the saved Stolas from" I say "Your going to ask assassins for another assassin?" She asked "Well last time I checked they didn't go after Goetians" I say "Uhh who's the target?" She asked "Stolas's ex wife and her brother, they may be going after Eli" I say "Oh shit" she says "Yeah, see why I'm after him?" I asked "Yeah... where is Eli now?" She asked "With Bee and Vortex" I say "At least he's safe, oh hey there on there way back" she says before opening a portal. The three came crashing through "Oh hey your here, what do you need?" Blitzo asked "Those two there for a simple question" I say, "Uhh what do you need from us?" The male asked "You had saved my father from an assassin, where was he located?" I asked "Why do you want him?" Blitzo asked uneasy "I need two Goetians gone, he is the only assassin I've heard willing to take sure hits" I say "With all due respect sir I wouldn't get involved with him, he's dangerous" the male says again "I'm more then aware he is, but as I said he's my only option that won't draw attention to myself" I say "Why not get us?" The girl asked "Are you willing to kill two Goetians?" I asked "Depends will we get heat for it?" Loona asked "I've already told the king they'll be dead so no you won't, and if need be I can get a weapon to do the job" I say "I don't know, we usually don't do work down here" Blitzo says "I'm willing to pay a more generous amount to you then that other assassin" I say "How much?" He asked "Quarter million per dead bird" I say "So half a million!?" He asked "Yes"  I say "If you get us the gun, we'll kill them" he says "Good to hear, I can rest a bit easier knowing Eli will be safe" I say "Wait this is about the kid?" He asked "Yes, I fear Stella may have some ill intentions given my argument with her" I say "Sir we still have that rifle we stole from Striker, we don't necessarily need a weapon" the male says "Perfect just kill them, I don't care how just make sure there dead" I say "Alright we'll we need payment!" He says "You go kill them and I'll have the money here when you get back" I say, he nodded and the three left and I followed not far behind to head to the palace to collect some money.

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