Danny- 🚘Drives🚘

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I had just finished filming for the camboy's video I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Danny Hey babe how was that fun or funny -I said laughing a bit So not funny -He said Sure sure -I said You ready to head home -He said Yeh what time is it -I said 6pm -He said Ok yeh let me just pack my bag you can meet me by the car -I said Alright love ya -I said Love ya to -He said walking away.

Finishing packing my bag I felt a body behind me I turned around and saw Jc Hey Jc what's up -I said putting my bag over my shoulder Hey I put your pay in your bank account thank you for filming if you wanna take it up as a job -He said Oh my god thank you Jc uhm yeh as I'm jobless sure I'll take it as a job and if you want I can send it off to Andy and do the Thumbnail's I love editing -I said Of course just ask Andy if you can do that as he edit's it but once he get's back to you then just tell me and me and kian will love to have you as part of the team -He said.

Ok but who am I editing for Knj or Camboy's or both -I ask You can do both if you want -He said Ok perfect thank you Jc -I said No problem -He said Bye -I said to him Bye y/n -He said. I walked outside Bye Crawford and Savaggee -I said waving at them Bye Y/n -They said. I hopped in Danny's car and set up my station I got my laptop out.

Grabbing my phone I clicked on Andy's contact and let it ring. Hey Y/n how r u -He said I'm great Andy you -I said Great what's up -He said So Jc asked me to be his filmer for Camboy's and Knj as well as Mando and I'm going to send you the footage but would you mind me editing the thumbnail's you can still do the video's I just like editing so it's upto you -I said Of course you can it give's me more time -He said Alright I'll send you the footage and start working on a Thumbnail -I said.

Alright Thank you -He said No thank you -I said Haha alright bye Y/n -He said Bye Ando -I said hanging up What you got a job -Danny yelled Haha yeh -I said smiling at him I'm proud babe -He said Thank you -I said turning my laptop on I logged in and loaded the footage from the Sd card onto the laptop I took the Sd card out and sended the footage off to Andy and got started on the Thumbnail.

Feeling shaking on my shoulder I realised I fell asleep Baby wake up -Danny said I opened my eye's and saw Danny Morning -He said Goodnight -I said No -He said Come on let's head inside I got your stuff -He said Ok -I said getting out of the car Danny locked the car and we walked inside saying Hi to his parent's we headed to our room.

I climbed into bed after changing into my Pj's Danny was streaming I got to working on the Thumbnail, I finished the Thumbnail and saved it I put my laptop away and texted Jc.

Jc Y/N

Hey Jc Andy said it was ok for me to do the Thumbnail's I've just finished the thumbnail who do I send it to.

Hey Y/n that's great new's Welcome to the team and Send it to Andy

Ok all good Thank you for the job and the money by the way

No problem

I put my phone on charge Night Danny -I said Night babe -He said turning around smiling seeing me cuddled upto the pillow's Love you -He said Love you to Night chat -I said waving They say Night babe -He said Night -I said wrapping myself up in the blanket's.

The End.

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