Article 3- STOP sleeping with your Boss

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Yesss....We all know this signal 'STOP sleeping with your Boss' but either we fail to understand or we sail in silence.

A Chronic DISEASE which:
Swallows the Work environment
Swallows the Decorum of the Work place
Swallows almost every Colleague
Swallows the Boss himself
Swallows the Entire Empire
AND It Also Swallows YOU (The Viruses)

In the office play, sometimes the less hardworking steal the spotlight, armed with secret handshakes and knowing nods. It's like a sitcom where effort plays second fiddle to backstage buddies, leaving the whole team caught in this quirky comedy.

1. Have you ever witnessed the workplace spectacle where covert gestures and winks steal the spotlight from genuine effort, leaving the true contributors feeling like mere spectators?
2. Who hasn't watched as the less dedicated somehow snag the lead, while the rest of us wonder if we missed the memo?
3. What happens when behind-the-scenes alliances overshadow the main performance, and effort becomes the subplot?
4. Ever felt like you're waiting in the wings for a part you've already earned, only to see someone else waltz in with a VIP pass?
5. Is there a more common story than one where office politics takes center stage, leaving true talent waiting for their turn in the limelight?

Skilled individuals are struggling in a sea of pretense and deception, caught in a whirlpool of drama just to make ends meet.

It's disheartening to witness those lacking in proficiency rise to influential positions, while those with grander visions and a sharper sense of direction face obstacles.

How can an environment that disregards merit and competence be allowed to continue?
It shouldn't

In this tumultuous landscape, the contrast between capability and authority is glaring. Yet, often, it's the less skilled who find themselves in charge. This leaves us grappling with questions of fairness and integrity.

The prevalence of this troubling dynamic is deeply concerning. It paints a picture of an ecosystem where talent is overshadowed by favoritism, and where genuine innovation takes a backseat. It's a place where potential is stifled, and where those with audacity to dream big face resistance. This narrative needs to change, for the sake of individuals caught in its currents and for the vitality of the organizations.

To those who engage in such practices, I implore you to consider a different path. Why resort to deceit and manipulation to attain a coveted position?
If you believe in your potential, then channel your energy into acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to excel.
Strive to be the best version of yourself, rather than undermining the hopes, efforts, and rightful rewards of those who have worked tirelessly and are undeniably more deserving.
Understand that true success is not measured by the heights one reaches through dubious means, but by the genuine impact and contributions one makes through dedication, integrity, and genuine skill. By choosing the latter path, you not only uplift yourself, but also inspire and elevate those around you, creating a workplace that thrives on authenticity and mutual respect. This is the legacy that truly endures, leaving a lasting imprint on the professional landscape and setting a standard of excellence for generations to come.

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