Article 9- MenOpause

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It's a myth that a woman lose everything after her menopause,And by the way, WHO named it MenOpause?

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It's a myth that a woman lose everything after her menopause,
And by the way, WHO named it MenOpause?

I know the response would be 'Mensuration Pause', but it reflects as "MEN to Pause', hahaha!!! really very funny ...
In fact, this stage of a woman's life could be termed as 'NOclause'.

As Women are free from clauses of being pregnant by chance, and free from the fluctuating mood of mensurations.

So...throw the the Party..enjoy the Party ..Celebrating 'NOclause'!!!

I must mention, it's the most happening phase of a Woman's life, where you don't need to bother about sanitary napkins, no extra expenses, no extra care, no extra pad to be carried on purse, no more ache here and there and not checking your back for if stained.

Then, why does such issue arises on "Women into depression after the Menopause"
Well, Women need NOT to be depressed on Menopause.

Menopause is a beautiful phase of Woman's life, and every stage of life is to be welcomed with pleasure.

It's our so-called society which underlines the phrase of 'losing youthfulness after the Menopause'.

Not at All ...Menopause is the phase in a Woman's life, when she radiates the best, as once hormones settle down, life is much more even and Women feel more in control of their lives.

Women should stop having those mood fluctuations, it's all in your mind. Just cheer as you conquered the youthfulness and keep enhancing as you have plenty of time for yourself now...

One Must:
Prioritize Physical Activity: Engaging in regular exercise, walking, yoga, and swimming can be especially beneficial.
Balanced Diet: A well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is crucial.
Beauty Care: A good beauty care routine not only enhances your physical appearance but also boosts your confidence and overall well-being.
Manage Stress: Practice meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health.
Embrace Self-Care: Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation, whether it's reading, gardening, crafting, or any hobby that helps you unwind and take your mind off any discomfort.
Open Communication: Have open and honest discussions with loved ones, including partners and family members, about your experience with menopause. This foster's relationship.
Sleep Hygiene: Establishing a bedtime routine and creating a comfortable sleep environment.
Consulting with a healthcare professional is always advisable to ensure you're making the best choices for your individual health and well-being.

Life have been created beautifully with every stage and for better did the Menopause.

Now the question arises... Is Menopause dry or fresh??
Answer your question, as you know best.

It all depends on how positively and sportingly one approaches this phase of life.

Menopause doesn't mean charmless.

MENOPAUSE is always a fresh beginning in a Woman's life.
Women must embrace the gift of 'MENOPAUSE' gracefully.

It's Our Life.
Cherish and Celebrate every moment!!!

(This article was first published on my medium@pikugyun)

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