Article 6- STOP turning EARTH into MARS!!!

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STOP turning Earth into Mars STOP painting Green into Red WHO will LIVE, if HUMANS are DeadSTOP STOP STOP the Blood Shed

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STOP turning Earth into Mars
STOP painting Green into Red
WHO will LIVE, if HUMANS are Dead
STOP STOP STOP the Blood Shed

To Putin
To Netanyahu
To Khamenei
To Me and You

Who are We killing ?
For Whom are We killing ?
STOP killing for living !!!
You are ruining, NOT fulfilling

DON'T Repeat the years of dinosaurs
DON'T Repeat the days of monsters
DON'T Repeat the time of lucifer
DON'T Repeat the rein of evil dictators

WE are BORN to LIVE !
WE are BORN to LOVE !
WE are BORN to SERVE !

NO more WAR!!!

It's NOT just a poem
It's a CRY !!!
DON'T let your SOULS DIE !!!

In a world often marred by conflicts and strife, a heartfelt plea emerges, calling for an end to the devastation that war leaves in its wake. The poem "STOP turning EARTH into MARS!!!" serves as a poignant reminder of the toll that violence takes on our planet, urging humanity to choose a different path.

The verses resonate with a plea to halt the transformation of our vibrant Earth into a desolate Mars. It paints a vivid picture of the green landscapes turning red, a stark metaphor for the bloodshed that war begets. The missiles and bombs not only shatter cities but also pollute the very air we breathe, leaving behind a toxic haze that chokes the skies. The cacophony of war, with its sirens and explosions, drowns out the natural symphony of life, leaving behind an eerie silence. Moreover, the deliberate disruption of essential services - water, electricity, and even the internet - severs the lifelines that sustain us. This relentless assault on our living planet is, in essence, a step towards turning our vibrant Earth into a barren, lifeless realm, mirroring the desolation of Mars.

In the face of this grim reality, one must pause and ask - why? Why do we persist in this destructive path when the alternative, to coexist and thrive together, is within our grasp?
Who will truly live if humans continue down this destructive path?

The principle of "live and let live" has guided humanity towards progress and prosperity throughout history. It is an alarm of hope that illuminates the way forward. Yet, amidst the chaos of conflict, this principle often fades into obscurity. It's time to rekindle that fire, to remember that our shared existence on this blue planet is a gift, not a battleground.

We have the capacity to nurture life, to build, and to create, rather than to destroy. It is within our collective power to choose a path of harmony, to let go of the shackles of violence, and to forge a future where humanity thrives in unity.

Addressed to world leaders and individuals alike, it's a call upon each of us to reflect on our role in perpetuating conflict. It implores leaders and all of humanity to consider the cost of their actions. It challenges us to ponder who we are truly fighting for, and what legacy we leave behind.

The refrain, "DON'T Repeat," echoes through the verses, a plea to break the cycle of violence. It references dark periods in history, from the time of dinosaurs to the days of monsters and the reign of evil dictators. It's a call to learn from the past, to forge a different future.

At its core, this poem is a call to remember our purpose. We are born not to destroy, but to live, love, and serve. It is a powerful reminder that we have the capacity to choose compassion over conflict, empathy over enmity.

In the closing lines, the message shifts from a plea to a resounding cry. It emphasizes that this poem isn't merely words on a page; it's a heartfelt cry for a better world. It implores brothers and sisters across the globe to safeguard their souls by choosing peace.

In this turbulent world, "NO more WAR!!!" stands as a flare of hope, reminding us that the power to change lies within each of us.

"It's a call to action, a plea for unity, and a vision for a future where peace reigns supreme".


(This poem was first published on my medium@pikugyun)

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