Article 10- LOST playground

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SILENT Screams of HomeWork hours!!!

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SILENT Screams of HomeWork hours!!!

Oh God, I pray, let childhood be,
A time of play, of joy, carefree.
Why burden us with, locked knees,
In books and tasks, and endless zee?

We go to school, we learn each day,
But why, oh why, must homework stay?
Why to tackle homework every day?
Why not home my den to play?

Completely exhausted and not at all keen,
We have to portray on academic scenes.
When to enjoy with your mud and green.
When my day is busy in strict routine.

Oh God, send us not as infants small,
But as adults, standing tall.
To compete, to fulfill, and listen to all,
And cry not after any fall.

For as babies, we are small and weak,
Yearning for a voice, a chance to speak.
We can't climb those illusion peaks,
built by parents for such tender cheeks.

Oh God, hear our plea to explore,
The world outside, let childhood soar.
Don't put us into trials anymore,
Universe has lot for us in store.

Childhood's magic, fleeting, fast,
Let us savor, make it last.
Such pressures enforce us to blast,
Please understand before our childhood past.

Oh God help our parents to know,
Let our childhood be free from blows.
For in this time, we play and grow,
And memories bloom, like seeds we sow.

Grant us, God, this humble plea,
To let us be, to let us see,
The world through eyes of glee,
Gift our childhood homework free.

In the busy world of school and learning, kids feel like they have too much to do. This makes it hard for them to enjoy just being kids. The poem "SILENT Screams of Homework hours!!!" talks about this feeling.

In a world where sometimes it feels like grown-ups don't always listen, a child believes that God will hear their prayers. They hope that God will help their parents understand them better. With this belief the child prays to God and pleads to save the childhood.

WHY the joy of learning experienced in the classroom must be followed by the additional burden of homework?
The child is questioning the need for homework.

The children believe that it's the duty of teachers to provide thorough and effective education in the classroom. If teachers do their job well, children wouldn't need to do extra work at home. This way, they can absorb and remember what they've learned without the added stress of homework. It's a call for better teaching practices and a plea for a more balanced approach to learning.

The poem serves as an earnest entreaty to reconsider the prevailing practice of drowning children with excessive homework. It underscores the importance of valuing and safeguarding the right of every child to a childhood filled with exploration, play, and self-discovery.

The once-vibrant PlayGround that should be filled with laughter and play is now empty and silent. The playground, once a symbol of carefree joy, now mirrors the void in the lives of these overburdened children. The loss of spontaneous play represents the forfeiture of an essential part of childhood, replaced by the quiet despair of being shackled to the desk with a pile of homework.

Just as the swings stand still in the LOST playground, the children's playtime is halted by the weight of endless assignments.

As parents, we believe that dedicating long hours to studying will inevitably lead to academic success and excellence. This belief stems from a desire to provide our children with the best possible opportunities for their future.

However, it's important to understand that the quantity of study hours does not always directly correlate with academic achievement. Quality of learning and a balanced approach to education are equally, if not more, significant.

Studying for prolonged periods can lead to burnout and mental fatigue. It's essential for children to have time for fun and play, exploration, and creative activities. These experiences contribute to their holistic development, fostering skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and social interaction.

<We as Parents must value the precious hours of childhood.
<We as Parents must wholeheartedly empathize with the plight of children who strive to balance academic responsibilities with the simple joys of childhood.
<We as Parents and Educators are to recognize the need for children to breathe, explore, and revel in the world beyond textbooks.

By providing space of well-rounded and nurturing environment:
. We preserve the essence of youth.
. We empower young minds to become inquisitive learners and confident explorers of their surroundings.
. We empower our children to become lifelong learners and scholars in the truest sense.

As a mother of a fourth-grader, I then found myself in a dilemma when my son's homework became a source of exhaustion rather than a tool for learning. Juggling the responsibilities of being a single mom and a working professional, I recognized the importance of my son's freedom and time for activities beyond academics. I decided to take a stand and approached the school principal, explaining the challenges my child faced. Respectfully, I requested the elimination of homework for my son. Surprisingly, the principal understood and accepted my plea. Witnessing the positive impact on my son, other parents and children also voiced their concerns, leading to the school's decision to abolish homework. This change didn't disrupt discipline; instead, it fostered a more engaged learning environment.

As a columnist, I share this experience to emphasize the need for understanding our children's needs and advocating for their well-being. It's a testament to the power of listening to our kids and creating spaces that allow them to flourish.

"SILENT Screams of Homework hours!!!" stands as a heartfelt plea to action, imploring us all to reevaluate the weight of academic demands placed on young shoulders. It urges us to create an environment where children can thrive, unburdened by unnecessary academic pressures. By heeding this plea, we affirm our commitment to cherishing and safeguarding the precious moments of childhood, allowing every child to grow and flourish in an environment that celebrates their unique potential and inherent right to a joyful education.

"Childhood is a garden of wonder, let it bloom without the weight of excessive homework."

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