Article 17- Breathing In GREEN...

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Listening to the whisper of alive and shaken green

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Listening to the whisper of alive and shaken green.
Walks my soul wondering where have I been,
Into the woods and breathing in Green.....

The earthy furnished with dirt and dew,
The heaven above filled with fresh soft blue,
Smell of tainted raw and sprouting new,
Blowing breeze seemed a sip of brew.
Walks my soul wondering where have I been,
Into the woods and breathing in Green.....

Far away from concrete sight,
I gathered myself and felt the right.
Oh, Welcoming Woods! I enjoyed your light,
Now deliver dusk and unveil your night.

Then sparkling drives in with glowing Knight,
World at its mood where else are in dream flights.
Darker the dense, deeper the night,
Offering space for stepping twilight.
Walks my soul wondering where have I been,
Into the woods and breathing in Green.....

Night slipped, Dawn faded away,
Rolls in Morning in hopes of tray,
With flaring of beams, splashes on streams,
Crowning of glory warming with steam,
Chirping and flapping of feathers in theme,
Chanting serene and delighting extreme.
Walks my soul wondering where have I been,
Into the woods and breathing in Green.....

Fallen in love with such charm and grace,
Nothing to want as none can replace.
Stronger you crave longer the chase,
Be with nature and slow down the pace.
Walks my soul wondering where have I been,
Into the woods and breathing in Green......

Enjoy Breathing In GREEN before we STOP breathing.

Nature, with its charm and grace, isn't merely a backdrop to our lives but a purposeful creation designed for us to breathe and flourish.

The verses unfold into a profound reflection on the significance of our connection with the natural world, and with it's lush green surroundings.

The deliberate choice of words in this poem, paints a stark contrast between the tranquility of the woods and the bustling concrete world we've constructed.

Amid the pursuit of material desires and the clamor of the concrete jungle, the verses convey a subtle critique of our tendency to overlook the intrinsic beauty of the present moment. It suggests that the rapid pace of our lives, fueled by greed and ambition, often blinds us to the serene allure of nature.

The message is clear:
In our quest for more, we risk missing the simple, yet invaluable, joys that the green surroundings offer.

It's a gentle call to action, urging to decelerate the tempo of your lives. By slowing down and immersing in the beauty of nature, appreciating the gifts that the earth generously provides.

The act of "breathing in green" is more than a metaphor; it symbolizes a conscious effort to absorb the rejuvenating energy of nature, allowing one's spirit to stay ever fresh and evergreen.

Let's rediscover the enchantment of the woods, to rekindle a connection with the natural world, and to find solace in the simplicity and purity of our green. 

In the midst of our bustling days, amidst daily routines, let's pause for a moment. Whether it's a solitary stroll, a family outing, or with our beloved pets, immerse ourselves in nature's wonders. Inhale the therapeutic air it generously offers.

Remember, we're not merely surviving; we're alive.

Harmonize our existence with the rhythm of nature, ensuring that, in our pursuit of progress, we do not lose sight of the timeless grace bestowed upon us by the very environment we call home.
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(This article was first published on my medium@pikugyun
and the poem was first published on my book- Chirping beads: Festoon Of Poems on Wattpad)

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