Article 11- HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT...

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Are You Still in Doubt and Navigating the Landscape of Love ?

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Are You Still in Doubt and Navigating the Landscape of Love ?

HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT...
HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT...
Have I been caught in such thoughts,
or I'm in need to clear these doubts.
Its paining my heart
And knocking me out.

Why such question arises?
Why convincing and compromises?
Why in awe full guises?

If you need an answer, then it isn't Love.
Such interrogations, turn life tough.

HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT...
HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT...

Love, with terrain of emotions, often leaves us entangled in the delicate petals of uncertainty. The poem "HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT..." paints a vivid picture of the internal struggle and questioning that accompanies matters of the heart.

Love, though beautiful, isn't always a straightforward journey. The repetitive refrain echoes the rhythm of contemplation, as the narrator grapples with the enigma of affection. The constant oscillation between "HE LOVES ME" and "HE loves me NOT..." symbolizes the emotional pendulum that swings between assurance and doubt.

In the quest for love, we often find ourselves caught in the intricate web of questions. The poem captures the essence of those moments when we seek reassurance, yet uncertainty lingers. The repetitive plucking of petals metaphorically mirrors the desire to unravel the truth about one's feelings.

In acknowledging the question of "HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT..." within our thoughts, we come to understand that love evolves, adapts, and responds to the various stages and challenges life presents.

The timeless phrase "HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT..." takes on various hues. When whispered with anticipation before a confession, it carries the sweet uncertainty of budding affection.

However, if this question lingers after the vows have been exchanged, it unveils a different story—a story where doubt creeps in, casting shadows on the completeness of love.

True love is eternal; it thrives on trust, understanding, and the unwavering certainty that two hearts beat as one.

When such questions of reassurance arise post-confession, they reveal a void that needs attention. It's a signal to reflect on the relationship's foundation—whether it stands on the pillars of genuine connection or teeters on the fragile grounds of uncertainty.

In the realm of enduring love, doubt should find no foothold. The echo of "HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT..." after love has been declared might signify an unexplored aspect or a missing piece yearning to be discovered. Rather than dwelling in perpetual uncertainty, it becomes crucial to nurture open communication, understanding, and shared experiences to complete the love story.

And still if you feel 'He loves me NOT...Stop yourself then and there in such doubtful relationship, and start loving yourself more, for YOU are the most important person in your life.

Love, at its core, is a profound connection that withstands the test of time. So, let us cherish a love that is not marked by hesitations and doubts but one that evolves into a beautiful saga, where the question of
"HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT..." is replaced by the unwavering certainty that "HE LOVES ME, forevermore."

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(This article was first published on my medium@pikugyun and the poem 'HE LOVES ME...HE loves me NOT...' was first published on my book- Chirping beads: Festoon Of Poems on Wattpad)

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