Chapter Six : Band-Aid

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     Megumi keeps watch while Sukuna rests, the two in their car. Megumi is a bit drained himself but Sukuna kept watch last time without complaint.

    Tonight, Megumi has a lot on his mind. Instead of it being him fretting over his sister, Sukuna is the one he's thinking about. Sukuna has been through a lot, perhaps more than the little bit of information he trusted Megumi with.

He wonders if he'll ever get used to the way the world is. He wants to go for a stroll down the street, feel the cool air against his skin and not smell the stench of death. He wants to hit on someone older than him, bat his eyelashes and get whatever he wants from that person for a long night of pleasure between strangers. He misses his version of normalcy, of going to school and answering his sister's pestering calls during his lunch breaks to make sure he's still behaving and not beating some kid up for whatever reasons he deems appropriate.

At least now, he isn't alone. He prefers to be on his own but this hasn't been so bad. He did fine on his own, didn't have so many close calls when it was just him but having someone watching his back isn't a bad thing. And, the thing between Sukuna's legs is perfect. Sukuna is exactly Megumi's type. If they met out in the world, they would've fucked once and never spoke again. That's what Megumi believes, anyway. Sukuna probably would've been colder, crueler even but Megumi would be turned on by it nonetheless and get the life fucked out of him before stumbling back into his foster home for more lectures on how uncouth omegas are and he is the stereotype of a slutty omega with a troubled past.

It's not like Megumi chose to be born into the life he did. It's not like he told his father to be a criminal and be stupid enough to not be careful and get his kids taken by the government.

Well, it's all in the past, there's no use getting stressed over it.

Megumi sighs, leaning back in his seat as he watches the street only lit from the moonlight. A newspaper blows in the wind, Megumi's eyes following it as it moves. He jolts in his seat as he sees what looks to be a child in the distance. It's hard to tell from the shadows, but it's certainly the size of one. It moves slowly, almost uncertain and Megumi hears it. The little girl is crying, he can faintly hear it.

"What the..." Megumi reaches for his backpack, taking out his hunting knife. He gently shakes Sukuna's shoulder, waking the Alpha who grunts in response. Sukuna isn't exactly a pleasant person when he first wakes up but Megumi doesn't have time to let him adjust.

"There's a little girl crying over there." Megumi explains, pointing in the distance. Sukuna sits up, squinting his eyes to try to see her better, his vision slightly blurred from just waking.

"Why is she there?" Sukuna looks to Megumi, unsure about the situation. Megumi shrugs, the both of them looking back at her.

"Do you think her parents went out and didn't return?" Megumi whispers despite being aware she most likely won't be able to hear them. The child's weeping is sorrowful but his biggest concern... "She'll attract the dead with her noise."

     "Dangerous..." Sukuna sighs, looking at Megumi knowingly. "You want to go."

      "Ah... I don't know. I'm not a hero, I selectively do things but I–"

      "Already decided." Sukuna taps Megumi's wrist that still holds the blade. "I'll stay, watch from here."

Megumi nods, thankful that Sukuna isn't going to fight him about it. He gets out of the car, deliberately leaving the door slightly ajar but it isn't very noticeable. The little girl is still weeping, across the street and appearing lost. Megumi jogs across the street, his light steps barely making noise. A skill acquired from sneaking out so often.

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