Chapter Seven : To Covet, To Die

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Sukuna pets Megumi's sleeping face, calm and stoic. Seeing that little girl and her missing eyes must've really spooked Megumi, her ability to mimic a crying child is beyond disturbing. Sukuna hadn't wanted Megumi to go to the child, believing in an us versus everything else type of situation with him and Megumi. However, he didn't want an argument to break out over it.

If he had told Megumi to stay, that it was odd to want to help a complete stranger who would be of no use to them... he has come to understand that that would've bothered Megumi. Sukuna choosing to save and keep Megumi was far more unexpected. He didn't know things would turn out this way, that he'd begin to... feel things.

     Megumi shifts, scooting closer. He wraps his slender arms around Sukuna's waist and nuzzles comfortably against him. The redness around his eyes makes Sukuna's chest ache in a way he cannot decipher. He keeps his arm around Megumi, keeping him secure.

Why is it that he can't bear the thought of anything bad happening to this boy that has become precious to him?


        The little pink haired child bawls loudly, his arm bent in a way it shouldn't be. Broken. The door to the house opens, their grandparents rushing over. Sukuna stands there, emotionless as he watches his little brother in agony.

     "Oh, Yuji! It's okay, grandma's here." The elder woman tries to console the younger of the two children, panicked. She is cautious not to touch the wailing boy as to not worsen his pain. His arm is surely broken and his leg... perhaps fractured?

    She fumbles to grab her phone out of her apron pocket, dialing the ambulance. Yuji's grandfather looks at Sukuna, eyes narrowed venomously. Sukuna knew he wasn't happily welcomed by Yuji's grandparents. They only wanted Yuji, the cute one, the always smiling child who received praises just by existing.

    Sukuna thinks he is nothing but an idiot. Why does everyone love him? What is so special about a useless brat like that?

     "What happened?" The grandpa demands coldly. He's already certain that Sukuna had done something, their mother isn't wrong with her concerns. Sukuna truly is unlovable. His face is always impassive and he lacks compassion. He also lacks the benevolence that's expected of a young boy his age. He never smiles, never laughs or tells anyone he loves them.

     He's like a robot. A freak. He doesn't want that boy around Yuji.

     "He fell." Sukuna says simply, without a single care that his little brother got injured. In fact, he looks almost as if he's detached with the entire situation.

      "How?!" The grandfather raises his voice, becoming angrier. His wife, while still on the phone, grabs his hand. She gives him a pleading look, urging him to not verbally attack a child. No matter how odd he may be.

     It doesn't take long for the ambulance to come. The grandmother and Sukuna get in the car while the grandfather rides in the ambulance with Yuji who eventually passed out from the pain.

     "Sukuna, your grandfather didn't meant to raise his voice. He's just... worried about Yuji. We all are, I know you are too, it's okay honey." She tries to help the child feel better but if she were being honest, she's uncomfortable herself being around such a lacking boy.

     Sukuna looks out the window, watching the trees pass by in a blur. "I'm not worried and he's not my grandpa. We aren't family. You're only related to that kid."

     She glances at Sukuna, her face scrunching in distaste. She focuses back on the road, "I only wanted to help you feel better but if you're not worried, then that's good. He'll just need a cast–"

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