Chapter Twenty-Two : Survivor

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     "Megumi..." Sukuna holds Megumi's wrists, bringing his hand up with a frown on his face. He licks the bleeding wound on Megumi's palm, causing the younger to yelp in surprise. He hadn't realized he had gotten injured when the hunter threw him, but of course Sukuna is the one to notice first. "My fault, I failed you." Sukuna's jaw clenches, his muscles visibly tensing. Megumi shakes his head, raising his other hand to cup the side of Sukuna's face.

     "All that matters to me is that you aren't hurt. Come on, it's just a small scrape." Megumi interlaces his fingers with Sukuna's, urging him to continue moving forward. Reluctantly, he allows Megumi to pull him along to continue with the rest of the group.

     "This is the main shopping district. We'll split into two groups. Megumi, you're with us, group A." Nanami gestures for him and Sukuna to follow along as the soldiers automatically split into their groups, already aware of where they're meant to be.

    Sukuna's hold on Megumi's hand is gentle yet firm, making Megumi think of him as a puppy. Obediently following along but ready to protect Megumi whenever needed. Megumi wants to join the training courses, he wants to be stronger but Shoko wouldn't give permission for it. For understandable reasons, reasons he isn't ready to bring up to the others yet. He just hopes he can get enough pheromones from Sukuna to make up for his loss.

     "We're on the lookout for specific items but you can collect whatever you want, Shoko's orders." Nanami hands Megumi a backpack before he heads down an aisle.

     "Megumi... does it hurt?" Sukuna brings his injured hand up, eyebrows furrowed in concern. Megumi rolls his eyes at Sukuna's fussing, removing his hand from his hold. He walks away from Sukuna, the little wolves following devotedly along. Sukuna brings his hand up, Megumi's blood smeared from Megumi's wounds. He goes off to find some bandages so he can wrap it around Megumi's hand to help with the bleeding.

    "Good boys." Megumi murmurs, petting the wolves affectionately. He's sure they must've been terrified when they were attacked by those infected and the hunters. Shiro nuzzles into Megumi's side while Kon whines, trying to get Megumi's full attention. Kuro is still frazzled, looking around cautiously.

     There isn't much worth taking in the aisles and it seems anything that is semi-valuable has been taken. Megumi sits on the floor, taking a breather. His body feels a bit strange, causing him to become distressed that he might have an episode. "Please no... no..." Megumi murmurs under his breath, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. "Come on, pull yourself together... just a little longer..." He mumbles to himself.

    Shiro brings his paw up, tapping Megumi's arm. Megumi opens his eyes, clenching his jaw. He'll need more of Sukuna's pheromones tonight, if he has an episode out here then Shoko will become difficult about him wanting to leave again.

     Kuro comes closer, jumping onto Megumi's lap. He sits down, still on guard. Megumi wraps his arms around him, nuzzling into his pitch-black fur. He's like a little heater, warm and soft. He should cuddle them more before they get too big and are capable of suffocating him. He chuckles, kissing the top of Kuro's head. He turns, licking Megumi's cheek before barking. Megumi manages to pull himself together despite the growing pain in his body, getting back onto his feet.

    He heads down another aisle, coming across some items he least expected. He collects some, putting them into his backpack before continuing to wander around with his three followers patting behind him.

     He moves over to the clothing section, looking around for anything he likes. Despite the facility providing their strange, futuristic looking attire, he much prefers regular clothing. He's always preferred loose clothes, breathable despite usually wearing tighter. But there's no need for it, no need to seduce anyone for a place to stay for the night. So he can wear what he wants as well. He holds up a pair of pants against himself, nibbling his bottom lip as he thinks about whether he wants them or not.

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